Develop with Azure Cosmos DB for Table and Azure Table Storage
Azure Cosmos DB for Table and Azure Table Storage share the same table data model and expose the same create, delete, update, and query operations through their SDKs.
The serverless capacity mode is now available on Azure Cosmos DB API for Table. For more information, see Azure Cosmos DB serverless.
If you currently use Azure Table Storage, you gain the following benefits by moving to Azure Cosmos DB for Table:
Azure Table Storage
Azure Cosmos DB for Table
Fast, but no upper bounds on latency.
Single-digit millisecond latency for reads and writes, backed with <10-ms latency reads and <15-ms latency writes at the 99th percentile, at any scale, anywhere in the world.
Variable throughput model. Tables have a scalability limit of 20,000 operations per second.
Highly scalable with dedicated reserved throughput per table that's backed by SLAs. Accounts have no upper limit on throughput and support >10 million operations per second per table in provisioned throughput mode.
Global distribution
Single region with one optional readable secondary read region for high availability that supports automatic and manual account failover.
99.99% availability SLA for all single region accounts and all multi-region accounts with relaxed consistency, and 99.999% read availability on all multi-region database accounts Industry-leading comprehensive SLAs on general availability.
Azure SDKs
Current release
The following SDK packages work with both the Azure Cosmos DB for Table and Table Storage.
The following SDK packages work only with Azure Cosmos DB for Table.
.NET. Azure.Data.Tables available on NuGet. The Azure Tables client library can seamlessly target either Table Storage or Azure Cosmos DB for Table service endpoints with no code changes.
Python. azure-cosmosdb-table available from PyPi. This SDK connects with both Table Storage and Azure Cosmos DB for Table.
JavaScript/TypeScript. azure-storage package available on npm.js. This Azure Storage SDK has the ability to connect to Azure Cosmos DB accounts using the API for Table.