Create a device identity for your device to connect to Azure IoT Hub. This article introduces key tasks for managing a device identity including registering the device, collecting its connection information, and then deleting or disabling a device at the end of its lifecycle.
An IoT hub in your Azure subscription. If you don't have a hub yet, you can follow the steps in Create an IoT hub.
If your IoT hub is managed with role-based access control (RBAC), then you need Read/Write/Delete Device/Module permissions for the steps in this article. Those permissions are included in IoT Hub Registry Contributor role.
Prepare certificates
Devices use two different types of certificates to connect to IoT Hub. When preparing your device, make sure you have all the proper certificates created and added to the device before connecting.
Public root certificates: All devices need a copy of the public root certificates that IoT Hub, IoT Central, and Device Provisioning Service use to authorize connections.
Authentication certificates: X.509 certificates are the recommended method for authenticating a device identity.
Required public root certificates
Azure IoT devices use TLS to verify the authenticity of the IoT hub or DPS endpoint they're connecting to. Each device needs a copy of the root certificate that IoT Hub and DPS use. We recommend that all devices include the following root CAs in their trusted certificate store:
DigiCert Global G2 root CA
Microsoft RSA root CA 2017
For more information about IoT Hub's recommended certificate practices, see TLS support.
Authentication certificates
If you use X.509 certificate authentication for your devices, make sure your certificates are ready before registering a device:
For CA-signed certificates, the tutorial Create and upload certificates for testing provides a good introduction for how to create CA-signed certificates and upload them to IoT Hub. After completing that tutorial, you're ready to register a device with X.509 CA signed authentication.
For self-signed certificates, you need two device certificates (a primary and a secondary certificate) on the device and thumbprints for both to upload to IoT Hub. One way to retrieve the thumbprint from a certificate is with the following OpenSSL command:
In this section, you create a device identity in the identity registry in your IoT hub. A device can't connect to a hub unless it has a device identity.
The IoT Hub identity registry only stores device identities to enable secure access to the IoT hub. It stores device IDs and keys to use as security credentials, and an enabled/disabled flag that you can use to disable access for an individual device.
When you register a device, you choose its authentication method. IoT Hub supports three methods for device authentication:
Symmetric key - This option is easiest for quickstart scenarios.
When you register a device, you can provide keys or IoT Hub will generate keys for you. Both the device and the IoT hub have a copy of the symmetric key that can be compared when the device connects.
X.509 self-signed
If your device has a self-signed X.509 certificate, then you need to give IoT Hub a version of the certificate for authentication. When you register a device, you upload a certificate thumbprint, which is a hash of the device's X.509 certificate. When the device connects, it presents its certificate and the IoT hub can validate it against the hash it knows. For more information, see Authenticate identities with X.509 certificates.
X.509 CA signed - This option is recommended for production scenarios.
If your device has a CA-signed X.509 certificate, then you upload a root or intermediate certificate authority (CA) certificate in the signing chain to IoT Hub before you register the device. The device has an X.509 certificate with the verified X.509 CA in its certificate chain of trust. When the device connects, it presents its full certificate chain and the IoT hub can validate it because it knows the X.509 CA. Multiple devices can authenticate against the same verified X.509 CA. For more information, see Authenticate identities with X.509 certificates.
Select Add Device to add a device in your IoT hub.
In Create a device, provide the information for your new device identity:
Dependent parameter
Device ID
Provide a name for your new device.
Authentication type
Select either Symmetric key, X.509 self-signed, or X.509 CA signed.
Auto-generate keys
For Symmetric key authentication, check this box to have IoT Hub generate keys for your device. Or, uncheck this box and provide primary and secondary keys for your device.
Primary thumbprint and Secondary thumbprint
For X.509 self-signed authentication, provide the thumbprint hash from the device's primary and secondary certificates.
The device ID may be visible in the logs collected for customer support and troubleshooting, so make sure to avoid any sensitive information while naming it.
The following table describes common parameters used with this command.
Dependent parameter
--device-id, -d
Provide a name for your new device.
--hub-name, -h
IoT hub name or hostname.
--auth-method, --am
Either shared_private_key, x509_ca, or x509_thumbprint
--primary-key, --pk and --secondary-key, --sk
Use with shared_private_key authentication if you want to provide the primary and secondary keys for your device. Omit if you want IoT Hub to generate the keys.
--primary-thumbprint, --ptp and --secondary-thumbprint, --stp
Use with x509_thumbprint authentication to provide the primary and secondary certificate thumbprints for your device. Omit if you want IoT Hub to generate a self-signed certificate and use its thumbprint.
The device ID may be visible in the logs collected for customer support and troubleshooting, so make sure to avoid any sensitive information while naming it.
Retrieve device connection string
For samples and test scenarios, the most common connection method is to use symmetric key authentication and connect with a device connection string. A device connection string contains the name of the IoT hub, the name of the device, and the device's authentication information.
For information about other methods for connecting devices, particularly for X.509 authentication, refer to the Azure IoT Hub device SDKs.
Use the following steps to retrieve a device connection string.
Select your device from the list in the Devices pane.
Copy the value of Primary connection string.
By default, the keys and connection strings are masked because they're sensitive information. If you click the eye icon, they're revealed. It's not necessary to reveal them to copy them with the copy button.
Devices with X.509 authentication, either self-signed or CA-signed, usually don't use device connection strings for authentication. When they do, their connection strings take the following pattern:
How to create, manage, and delete Azure IoT hubs through the Azure portal, CLI, and PowerShell. Includes information about retrieving the service connection string.
This article provides a description of the IoT Hub identity registry and how to use it to manage your devices. Includes information about the import and export of device identities in bulk.
This tutorial shows device developers how to connect a device securely to Azure IoT Hub. You use an Azure IoT device SDK for C, C#, Python, Node.js, or Java, to build a device client for Windows, Linux, or Raspberry Pi (Raspbian). Then you connect and send telemetry.