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PlayFab Release Notes 2016


Date: 2016-11-20

API changes

  • Each Client API can now be individually enabled or disabled.
  • See our blog post for details.
  • We are releasing a new feature called Scheduled Tasks.
  • See our blog post for details: (Coming soon).

New APIs

New PlayStream event

WindowsSDK specific changes


Date: 2016-11-07


Version 1.0 of the overhauled CSharpSDK increased the .Net version requirement from 4.0 to 4.6. This was not intended. This hotfix removes the 4.6 only features, so that it will once again build on .Net 4.0 or higher.


Date: 2016-11-06

API changes


  • CatalogItem
  • InitialLimitedEditionCount ( out of beta ) If IsLImitedEdition is true, then this determines amount of the item initially available. Note that this field is ignored if the catalog item already existed in this catalog, or the field is less than 1.
  • Player display name uniqueness is now optional.
  • Player display name returned as Photon "Nickname" when players connect to Photon Cloud.

Server API

  • RedeemCouponRequest
    • Added: CharacterId
    • Optional identifier for the Character that should receive the item. If null, item is added to the player.
  • UpdatePlayerStatisticsRequest
    • Added: ForceUpdate
      • Indicates whether the statistics provided should be set, regardless of the aggregation method set on the statistic. Default is false.

New PlayStream events

  • Player_photon_session_authenticated
  • Title_secret_key_changed
  • Title_api_settings_changed

SDK changes


Date: 2016-10-30

Unreal Blueprints hotfix release (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • UnrealBlueprintSDK upgrade warning: There was a naming conflict between Android and the PlayFab "SourceType" enum. As a result, we've had to rename this blueprint-enum. This breaks any Client/GetStoreItems or Admin/GetStoreItems PlayFab-api-nodes. The upgrade process in-editor is to delete and re-create each affected blueprint node.

  • UnrealBlueprintSDK Specific Changes:

    • Fixed a minor bug where certain errors would not report correctly
    • Fixed a name conflict that prevented making Android builds (ESourceType)


Date: 2016-10-16

Deprecation changes

  • Client/GetUserCombinedInfo has transitioned from Proposed to Deprecated, which means most SDKs using this will now throw an error. Please transition to Client/GetPlayerCombinedInfo.
  • Deprecated APIs from this patch note: 160822 have transitioned from deprecated to obsolete, according to this blog: Deprecation Visibility and thus, those APIs have been removed from the newest version of the SDKs. If you update your SDK, you must now transition to the new replacement APIs.
  • Password in the Admin UserCredentials object has been deprecated. You no longer need to know your user's password to call the Admin/ResetUsers method.

UnitySdk breaking changes

  • UnitySdk
    • If you are using reflection on PlayFab API-model types, you will have to convert your reflection logic from properties to fields (See UnitySdk Specific Changes below).

API changes

  • New PlayStream events:
    • gamelobby_started (UPDATED: This is deprecated. See Lobby-Matchmaking-Notifications)
    • gamelobby_ended(UPDATED: This is deprecated. See Lobby-Matchmaking-Notifications)
    • Client/AttributeInstall request has deprecated Android_Id and converted to Adid. All SDKs have had some internal login hooks updated to account for this. This is not a breaking change, because it was always intended to use Google-AdvertisingId (Adid), and using the Android DeviceId here would not have worked properly. This change is merely for clarity and consistency
    • For the GitHub add-on, revisions to CloudScript will no longer immediately go live. Instead a new revision will be made, and you make it live via Game Manager
    • The default helloWorld CloudScript function described in this doc: CloudScript quickstart was out of date. Updated the document to more closely match the current version (This is only relevant to new title creation)

API Server bug fixes

  • Fixed a 500 error in Server/ExecuteCloudScript: PlayFabId is now a mandatory parameter (Formerly it would error if it wasn't provided)
  • Fixed a 500 error in Server/GetSharedGroupData: SharedGroupId is now a mandatory parameter (Formerly it would error if it wasn't provided)
  • Fixed a 500 error in Server/AddSharedGroupMembers: PlayFabIds is now a mandatory parameter (Formerly it would error if it wasn't provided)
  • Fixed a 500 error in Server/RemoveSharedGroupMembers: PlayFabIds is now a mandatory parameter (Formerly it would error if it wasn't provided)
  • Fixed a 500 error in Server/DeleteSharedGroup: SharedGroupId is now a mandatory parameter (Formerly it would error if it wasn't provided)

LuaSDK specific changes

  • LuaSDK
    • Better identification headers for Corona vs Defold.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Model properties have been converted to fields so they display better in the Unity Inspector (where relevant).
    • Fixed a bug where if a CloudScript function returns a primitive, it will now be properly deserialized and returned as FunctionResult (Formerly it would have been null).
    • The PaperTrail package has been fixed: UnityPlayFabPaperTrail.unitypackage

SDKGenerator specific changes

  • SDKGenerator
    • SDKGenerator can additionally read Api-Specs from Api-Server or GitHub, allowing customers to build their custom SDKs in-sync with PlayFab api-server, and with fewer steps and dependencies.


Date: 2016-10-02

API changes

  • New APIs
    • Client/GetTime
    • Server/GetTime
    • Google OAuth upgraded to v3
    • Improved search results on our documentation site: PlayFab Documentation.

SDK global changes

LuaSdk specific changes

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • UnitySDK V0 repository is being retired. Everybody should please update to UnitySDK V2 available on our download page.
    • IDFA and AdvertisingId will work properly on Unity 5.5 beta versions.
    • CloudScript functions that return a primitive, such as an integer, will now deserialize correctly
    • Minor improvements to Unity Compression, it should now be safe to enable compression in the PlayFabSharedSettings scriptable object.

WindowsSDK specific problems

  • The .lib files published with this repo are now bigger than the GitHub max file-size limit.
  • The latest version does not have updated lib files, and we've begun looking at alternatives.


Date: 2016-09-18

New APIs for payments

Small improvements to the Matchmaking ability of our Server API

  • [Server/RegisterGame]
  • [Server/DeregisterGame]
  • [Server/SetGameServerInstanceTags]
  • [Server/RefreshGameServerInstanceHeartbeat] (UPDATED: This is deprecated. See Servers)

Cocos2d-xSDK specific changes

  • Cocos2d-xSDK
    • Cocos sample updated triggering a rebuild of the example project. This should still work as previously designed, as only cosmetic changes were applied.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Minor fixes in unity game server, to reflect API changes.

JavaScriptSDK specific changes


Date: 2016-09-11

Unity and CSharp upgrade warning

  • The deprecation warnings described below have gone into effect. Deprecated APIs will now throw compiler errors when possible. Likewise, the documentation for those APIs have been filtered from the main documentation.

API changes

  • New APIs
    • Admin/GetAllActionGroups
    • Server/GetAllActionGroups

LuaSDK specific changes

  • LuaSDK
    • Incremental Corona Support: There are new/interim zip-files which can be included in a Corona project. Proper Corona plugins are coming soon.


Date: 2016-08-28

API changes

We have introduced segment tags, which provide a way of directly putting players into particular segments. You can now add one or more segment tags to each player. And then, when creating a segment, you can define the segment based on the segment tag.

One intended use for Segment Tags is for integration with external analytics providers, like Appuri. The external analytics provider can perform its own advanced segmentation, such as "Likely to Churn", and then set a tag on players that match that segment. All current deprecation changes have been released. Please see our blog post for details: https://playfab.com/deprecation-visibility/

Cocos2d-xSDK specific changes

  • Cocos2d-xSDK
    • Special thanks to Max Muthig from Forest Ring Games for the following update:
      • Added support for lambda callback functions (formerly only static functions were allowed).

PostmanCollection specific changes

  • PostmanCollection
    • Added a header to all API methods which will help our servers track SDK usage. (This header already exists on all other SDKs).

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK

    • We are pleased to announce the initial public beta release of our latest tool: Unity Editor Extensions. This plugin provides an easy-to-use interface for configuring and managing the PlayFab SDK. All Unity developers are encouraged to check out EdEx; There has never been an easier time to sign up and get started developing.
    • Added an alternate implementation of ExecuteCloudScript which automatically parses FunctionResult into a target type, using a generic parameter.
    • Failure cases in API methods are improved: Some cases that threw exceptions now properly report back to the error-callback (such as Web-Requests with no internet connection), and other cases report better information to the error-callback.

UnrealBlueprintSdk specific changes: (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • Fixed an issue where APIs containing an optional list field in the request would not post the request properly to the server. (Such as GetPlayerStatistics)

SDKGenerator specific changes

  • SDKGenerator
    • Updated documentation, and an example project to better document for PlayFab users how to create their own SDKs for our API.


Date: 2016-08-21

Global upgrade warning

Some SDKs have gained warnings for APIs that have become deprecated. If you see these warnings, please resolve them ASAP, and migrate to the indicated replacement APIs. Many of these APIs will be removed from the SDK within the next couple of months. There is a blog post about this here.

Deprecation notices

  • Admin Fields

    • UpdateCloudScriptRequest.Version
  • Client Fields

    • GetPlayFabIDsFromSteamIDsRequest.SteamIDs
    • SendAccountRecoveryEmailRequest.PublisherId
    • SteamPlayFabIdPair.SteamId
  • Client DataTypes

    • GetCloudScriptUrlRequest
    • GetCloudScriptUrlResult
    • GetFriendLeaderboardAroundCurrentUserRequest
    • GetFriendLeaderboardAroundCurrentUserResult
    • GetLeaderboardAroundCurrentUserRequest
    • GetLeaderboardAroundCurrentUserResult
    • GetUserCombinedInfoRequest
    • GetUserCombinedInfoResult
    • GetUserStatisticsRequest
    • GetUserStatisticsResult
    • LogEventRequest
    • LogEventResult
    • UpdateUserStatisticsRequest
    • UpdateUserStatisticsResult
  • Client APIs

    • GetUserCombinedInfo
    • GetFriendLeaderboardAroundCurrentUser
    • GetLeaderboardAroundCurrentUser
    • GetUserStatistics
    • UpdateUserStatistics
    • LogEvent
    • GetCloudScriptUrl
    • RunCloudScript
  • Server Fields

    • GetPlayFabIDsFromSteamIDsRequest.SteamIDs
    • SteamPlayFabIdPair.SteamId
  • Server DataTypes

    • GetUserStatisticsRequest
    • GetUserStatisticsResult
    • LogEventRequest
    • LogEventResult
    • UpdateUserStatisticsRequest
    • UpdateUserStatisticsResult
  • Server APIs

    • GetUserStatistics
    • UpdateUserStatistics
    • LogEvent

API changes

Global SDK changes

  • The example projects provided with the SDKs have all been updated, and no longer use deprecated APIs.
  • Several SDKs have compiler warnings and/or comments that describe deprecated elements of the API.
  • The PostmanCollection internal format changed slightly. It will be less convenient to have multiple future versions of our PostmanCollection loaded at the same time (You'll get a warning about duplicate IDs).

ActionScriptSDK specific changes

  • ActionScriptSDK
    • Updated Adobe AirSdk in the example project from version 18 to 22.


Date: 2016-08-14

Unreal upgrade warning

Required syntax changes for upgrading Unreal 4.12 Best described by ZKShao in the pull request which helped resolve the problems: <https://github.com/PlayFab/UnrealCppSdk/pull/32>

API changes

UnrealCppSdk & UnrealBlueprintSdk specific changes: (UPDATED : These SDKs have been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • Updated to support Unreal 4.12
  • Sadly, this requires dropping support for Unreal 4.11.x, due to conflicting requirements
  • Support for Unreal 4.9 is maintained

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Pre-Alpha release of a live-connection: Subscribe your custom game servers to live PlayStream events using SignalR
    • Game-servers can begin testing with registering callbacks to PlayStream events, and react in real-time
    • PlayFabSDK no longer requires permissions on Android. (WP8 and iOS still requires internet in build settings)
    • Phasing in deprecation warnings for APIs are out of date.
    • These will later become deprecation errors, and will eventually be removed from the sdk.
    • Some bug fixes for compression
    • PlayFabSdk now works in Unity 5.0
    • Fixed specific devices on specific older unity versions, and expanded internal testing
    • Updated UUnit test framework to display correctly when an async test times out
    • Our asset bundles are built with Unity 5.4


Date: 2016-07-31

API changes


Date: 2016-07-25

UnitySDK hotfix changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Fixes for specific Devices on older Unity versions.
    • Fix for specific AdminApi model classes which were being labeled as PlayFabResultCommon instead of PlayFabRequestCommon.
    • Known Issue: When using PlayFab UnitySdk, Google advertisingID and iOS IDFA no longer attribute correctly for Unity versions before 5.3.
    • The easiest fix is to upgrade your Unity3D version, but we will try to restore this in a later release of our SDK.


Date: 2016-07-24

API changes

  • New PlayStream Event

    • display_name_filtered (documentation available soon).

    • Some API examples have been updated.

    • Lots of minor documentation updates.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Introduced a PlayFabRequestCommon base-class, which does compile-time type-checking for request objects passed to the API (This should not affect any users unless they're using non-standard request objects).

    • Fixed a null-reference bug in startup that some users have reported.

    • Fixed an issue with ProductionEnvironmentUrl in the PlayFabSharedSettings ScriptableObject that some users have reported.


Date: 2016-07-20

UnitySDK hotfix changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Unity 4.7 works again, within the limitations of that version

    • A bunch of small high-visibility fixes that have been noticed by many in the community have been fixed.

    • UnitySDK V2 was promised to have full Windows Phone/Universal support (as well as other platforms like consoles). We're happy to say that all known issues have finally been fixed for all known platforms, and the PlayFab UnitySdk should work everywhere.

    • Due to an unexpected side-effect in Unity, we won't be able to apply the HideAndDontSave flag to the PlayFab Http Object. Details Here.

    • We have added a set of extension functions to reflection, which make both standard C# and .NetCore C# do the same thing with the same lines of code, when possible. This extension it is not meant to be a complete solution for all possible reflection inconsistencies between those platforms.


Date: 2016-07-13

UnitySDK upgrade warning

  • UnitySDK
    • We have released a new major revision for UnitySDK. (UPDATE : The UPGRADE Guide is obsolete).

API changes

LumberyardSDK specific changes

  • Updated to Lumberyard 1.3

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • A new major revision of UnitySdk is going to be released very soon (hopefully today).
    • The original UnitySdk will be available here for a limited time [UPDATE: Old link removed].
    • Version 2 of the UnitySdk is currently available here: UnitySDKV2Beta [UPDATE: Old link removed], and will become the new UnitySdk soon [UPDATE: Done].


Date: 2016-07-04

API changes

UnitySDK specific changes

  • GZip compression mode has been restored for api-requests done with PlayFabSettings.RequestType = WebRequestType.UnityWww;

  • A JsonProperty attribute has been added to SimpleJson and supports alternate naming of fields/properties, and omitting nulls from the serialized json.

  • TimeSpans serialized with the default PlayFab SimpleJson strategy will now serialize as a float number of seconds. Formerly, they would serialize as structs which wasn't supported by the API or any cross-platform options.

  • Support for certain platforms (EG: consoles, iOS) that build using Mono2x mode will not be supported until https://github.com/PlayFab/UnitySDK/blob/master/V2UPGRADE.md goes live.

  • Support for Windows Universal will not be supported until https://github.com/PlayFab/UnitySDK/blob/master/V2UPGRADE.md goes live.

  • See this blog post for more details: https://blog.playfab.com/blog/new-and-improved-unity-sdk-beta-preview (standalone and android work correctly and are supported for all options)

  • All platforms that can utilize IL2CPP are supported in that mode.

  • This version was initially launched with an issue where compression did not always work. It was hot-fixed on July-8. Initial downloads before this date may have compression issues, which can be solved by updating, or by disabling compression: (PlayFabSettings.CompressApiData = false;)


Date: 2016-06-26

UnitySDK upgrade warning

  • UnitySDK
    • PlayFab.Internal.Util has been renamed to PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabUtil. The "Util" name is very common and exists in the root level for many projects, which causes name conflicts for those customers.

    • When updating PlayFab-UnitySdk, you may see some deprecation warnings if you are using PlayFab's implementation of SimpleJson. Please resolve these at your leisure.

API changes

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Known issues: Windows Store apps, and non-IL2CPP build options do not work yet. Stay tuned for a blog post about these issues and our new repository: UnitySDKV2Beta [UPDATE: Old link removed].
    • We discovered a name-conflict with the core UnityEngine DLL, specifically an empty namespace called SimpleJson. As such, we've had to rename and reorganize our JSON classes... again. Many apologies.


Date: 2016-06-12

Global SDK upgrade warning

  • PlayFabSettings and PlayFabVersion: These files and their contents have been merged into PlayFabSettings.
  • If you were previously referencing the PlayFabVersion variables, update to the same/very-similar variable in PlayFabSettings.

API changes

  • New API

    • [SetGameServerInstanceData](UPDATED: This is deprecated. See Servers)
  • Bug fix for APIs:

    • [Server/SetGameServerInstanceState](UPDATED: This is deprecated. See Servers)
    • [Client/GetCurrentGames](UPDATED: This is deprecated. See Servers)

SDK global changes

  • Please note that RunCloudScript has been deprecated since March 2016, and will be removed from the sdks in the near future. Please convert to ExecuteCloudScript asap.

  • Please stay tuned for a blog post about an internal testing system we call Jenkernaught. Our example projects contain some changes oriented towards deeper testing to improve sdk stability and reliability. Some specifics:

  • All testing and examples for CloudScript have been updated to ExecuteCloudScript, since RunCloudScript is deprecated.

  • All testing and examples for successful login have been updated to LoginWithCustomID, to make internal testing easier.

Cocos2d-xSDK specific changes

  • Cocos2d-xSDK
    • MultitypeVar can contain a PlayFabBaseModel for the purposes of writing request objects. It still cannot receive an arbitrary json object for results.
    • Initial versioned release.

UnrealBlueprintSdk specific changes: (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • Removed version info from a bunch of header-comments to avoid spammy check ins (So, this is the last spammy check in)
  • A missing http header is now provided.


Date: 2016-06-05

Global SDK upgrade warning

For consistency across all sdks, the sdkRevision variable was renamed to sdkVersion (ActionScriptSDK, JavaSDK, UnitySdk). If you were accessing sdkRevision, switch to sdkVersion.

API changes

  • Some documentation updates, and improved error notifications.

SDK global changes

  • More steps towards the deprecation of RunCloudScript, so customers should plan to migrate to ExecuteCloudScript for live projects.

  • Internally, we are halfway through a push to improve testing multi-platform testing for all sdks. SDKGenerator users may find references to Jenkernaught and buildIdentifier. Jenkernaught is the code-name for the tech that enables this improved platform testing. buildIdentifier is a new variable in all sdks indicating the specific PlayFab-Jenkins job which generated a particular sdk version.

  • There will be blog-post describing what the Jenkernaught does, and more detailed test-framework changes omitted from here, so stay tuned.

ActionScriptSDK specific changes

  • ActionScriptSDK
    • Jenkernaught-related ASyncUnitTest framework changes in the example/testing project.

CSharpSDK specific changes

  • CSharpSDK
    • To mirror UnitySDK, we're moving the json-specific code from PlayFabSettings to PlayFabUtil. We've also expanded PlayFabUtil to be closer to feature parity with UnitySDK.
    • Improved documentation in the remaining PlayFabSettings options, for clarity.
    • Jenkernaught related Unit framework changes in the example/testing project.

JavaScriptSDK specific changes

  • JavaScriptSDK
    • Added a utility function to the PlayFabClientSDK: IsClientLoggedIn(). Please use this to determine this condition.
    • Minor Jenkernaught related test-changes example/testing project.

NodeSDK specific changes

  • NodeSDK
    • Added a utility function to the PlayFabClientSDK: IsClientLoggedIn(). Please use this to determine this condition.
    • Minor Jenkernaught related test-changes example/testing project.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Fixed a critical bug where PlayFab API calls would stop working if you changed scenes.
    • Adjusted the defaults for timestamp formats to be consistent with other PlayFab SDKs.
    • We are still having issues with Windows-Phone and Windows-Universal for Unity versions 5.3 or higher, which we hope to fix soon.


Date: 2016-05-22

Global SDK upgrade warning

Various APIs that save versioned data (UserData, CharacterData, and others) have had a datatype change from int to uint. This will require some users to remove/alter some casting where our api was formerly inconsistent. Some developers may need to change some local variables from int to uint.

UnrealBlueprintSdk upgrade warning: There was a naming conflict between xcode and some of the playfab enums. As a result, we've had to revise the blueprint-enums again, which breaks all PlayFab-api-nodes using enums. The upgrade process in-editor is to delete and re-create each affected blueprint node (they will throw in-editor-compiler warnings if they're affected). (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

API changes

  • There were some DataVersion vars which were set to an inconsistent datatype (int and uint in various APIs). All of these have been changed to uint for consistency.

  • Some additional options have been added to APIs related to Matchmaking.

  • The matchmaker now takes an additional parameter (StartNewIfNoneFound), which allows titles to determine whether a new server should spin up if no results are found in the matchmaking process. By default, StartNewIfNoneFound is true, meaning that a new session will be created if one cannot be found which matches the requirements. This allows titles with skill-based matchmaking to potentially "loosen" the requirements for a match, to get players with skill levels at the far ends of the bell curve into games more quickly.

  • Updated the custom game server logic with GameInstanceState, which determines whether the game session is available for matchmaking. Games which are Closed are not available for matchmaking, allowing developers to create game sessions which are specific to a group of players, as well as to prevent post-start joins of a game session in progress. By default, game servers start in an Open state. -~~ New API: [SetGameServerInstanceState] call can be used by the server to set its state, and StartOpen has been added to the GameModeInfo used in calls to ModifyMatchmakerGameModes, to allow specifying whether sessions in a game mode start as Open (the default) or Closed.~~(UPDATED: This is deprecated. See Servers)

UnrealBlueprintSdk specific changes: (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • Internal SDK updates that make it easier to execute and handle API calls from C++.
  • Added an internal testing suite which allows thorough verification of PlayFab functionality on all target devices. (Example project only, not the core plugin)
  • A bunch of C++ code cleanup, and improvements on logging and warnings.
  • Resolved a concurrency problem with multiple synchronous api calls for Blueprints and C++ calls.


Date: 2016-05-01

Global SDK upgrade warning

If you were previously setting the ConfirmationMessage and ForceLink fields, simply remove them.

API changes

  • New Admin API:
    • SetStoreSegmentOverrides (UPDATE : This API has been removed)
    • Some deprecated and internal fields are no longer published with the SDK: ConfirmationMessage and ForceLink.

UnrealBlueprintSdk specific changes: (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • Revised the readme and the example project to use a simpler login process, and the new simpler ExecuteCloudScript method.
  • When there is an api error, the details of that error will report more accurately and display better debug information.
  • We are removing the "Beta" flagging from Unreal sdks, they are now a full member of our SDK collection, with full support and quality checks.


Date: 2016-04-24

UnrealBlueprintSdk Upgrade warning: Many blueprint-api-calls which have enum fields will have to be updated to utilize the enum dropdown. The old value will be lost, and must be re-set. This affects dozens of PlayFab blueprint nodes. (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

API changes

  • Lots of documentation updates.
  • Fixed typo in AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistrationRequest.
  • New server API:

Cocos2d-xSDK specific changes

  • Cocos2d-xSDK
    • Cocos SDK has been overhauled.
    • New testing framework, internal Http functionality has been converted.
    • Android, iOS, and Win32 platforms are all working.
    • Lots of other small fixes and improvements.

UnrealBlueprintSdk specific changes: (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • UnrealBlueprintSdk is nearing the end of its limited-support Beta period. As such, there will be some potentially breaking changes in the next few releases.
  • There are data fields in the Api-specification defined as enums. Formerly, UnrealBlueprintSdk displayed these fields as arbitrary strings, and the user was expected to input the correct option. This has been fixed. All these fields have been converted to be enum-dropdowns in the blueprints.


Date: 2016-04-13

API changes

  • PlayStream APIs are now available in the SDKs.
  • Some documentation revisions.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • More automated testing to improve stability of SDKs (and some associated bug fixes)
    • Specifically, a new PlayStream test and making tests more consistent across all sdks.


Date: 2016-03-27

API changes

  • Minor incremental improvements to the new Resettable-Leaderboards and other Player-Statistics tweaks.

  • Minor revisions in the way that CloudScript is uploaded via Admin-API.

  • Continuing to revise and define API limits and overage definitions where needed.

  • "PlayFabId" input has been removed from the documentation on a few client APIs, which never used that value.

  • Lots of minor documentation updates.

  • New ExecuteCloudScript API, which replaces the older pattern of GetCloudScriptUrl+RunCloudScript.

  • This should make it easier for novice users to call CloudScript correctly.

Cocos2d-xSDK specific changes

  • Cocos2d-xSDK
    • Project folder structure updated to be consistent across all platforms.
    • This fixes the issue where iOS build would fail to import some code files.
    • Cocos is now tested and working for Win32 and iOS.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Fixing inconsistent #define options which led to errors with ReadAllText function.
    • Known Issue (not resolved): SimpleJson does not serialize correctly when using the Player Setting Scripting Back end option: Mono2x. Until this is fixed, please use IL2CPP if possible.
    • (A similar issue may be present when building for PlayStation®.)

“PlayStation” is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.


Date: 2016-03-06

API changes

  • Added Server.GetPlayFabIDsFromSteamIDs.

  • Fixed a minor bug in Server.GetPlayerStatistics.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Minor SDK refactoring for building to multiple targets.

WindowsSDK & Cocos2d-xSDK specific changes

  • WindowsSDK & Cocos2d-xSDK
    • Minor SDK refactoring for building to multiple targets.
    • Renamed several types to be more consistent with other SDKs.

SDK additions

  • Amazon's LumberyardSdk now available!


Date: 2016-02-21

API changes

  • Added Server.GetPlayFabIDsFromSteamIDs.

  • Fixed a minor bug in Server.GetPlayerStatistics.

  • Fixed a minor bug in Server.UpdatePlayerStatistics.

CSharpSDK specific changes

  • CSharpSDK
    • Updated Helper Function Signatures in the testing harness.

    • Updated Server CloudScript Helper classes.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Updated Helper Function Signatures in the testing harness.
    • Added structural changes to switch our internal JSON serializer from JSON.net to SimpleJson (This is an effort to enable Universal Windows Builds).


Date: 2016-02-14

API changes

  • Resettable Leaderboards and Player Statistics are now live.

  • GetPlayFabIDsFromSteamIDs accepts and returns string IDs for languages that cannot handle ulong values.

  • Minor changes to support Parse migrations.

  • Minor documentation adjustments.


Date: 2016-02-07

API changes

  • SteamID types updated from Uint32 to Uint64.

  • Added APIs

    • server.UnlockContainerInstance
    • server.UnlockContainerItem
    • server.UnlockContainerItem
    • server.UnlockContainerInstance
  • Added admin.StatisticResetIntervalOption for use in resetable leaderboards.

UnitySdk specific changes

  • UnitySdk
    • Modified the project folder structure a bit, which may cause some file conflicts. Please see this forum post for details.


Date: 2016-01-31

API changes

  • New APIs
    • server.ConsumeItem
    • SteamID types updated from Uint64 to Uint32.
    • GetContentListResult ItemCounts updated from Int64 to Int32.

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Added a new event callback system for monitoring PlayFab API requests and responses.


Date: 2016-01-24

API changes

  • New APIs
    • Client.GetPlayFabIDsFromKongregateIDs
    • Client.GetCharacterStatistics
    • Client.UpdateCharacterStatistics
    • Server.RevokeInventoryItem
    • Fixed typo in PurchaseItem___ -> PurchaseItem___.
    • Updated UserAccountInfo to contain additional account details.

UnrealBlueprintSdk specific changes: (UPDATED : This SDK has been deprecated. For the new unreal SDK, please refer to UnrealMarketplaceSDK)

  • Fixed a Client issue that prevented subsequent calls after login from working.


Date: 2016-01-17

API changes

  • New leaderboard apis are available:
    • GetLeaderboardAroundPlayer
    • GetFriendLeaderboardAroundPlayer
  • Old leaderboard apis are deprecated:
    • GetFriendLeaderboardAroundCurrentUser
    • GetLeaderboardAroundCurrentUser
  • Lots of minor documentation improvements.

ActionScriptSDK specific changes

  • ActionScriptSDK
    • Fixed an issue where errorDetails where not accessible in error-callbacks.

JavaSDK specific changes

  • JavaSDK
    • AndroidStudioExample: The Android advertisingId is automatically fetched and sent to PlayFab when appropriate (and only when appropriate).

UnitySDK specific changes

  • UnitySDK
    • Deleted some internal testing systems (DemoScene folder) from the public SDK.
    • We are prototyping new samples and event systems. Some of the underlying SDK changes are visible in the diff, but none of it is accessible yet. Stay tuned as it's almost done.
    • An alternate version of the unit-tests are available on the client, with client-only api calls.

Cocos2d-xSDK & WindowsSDK/C++ specific changes