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After you deploy Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) 2.1 SP1, you must be able to perform various ongoing administrative tasks, such as managing the configuration of the UE-V agent and recovering lost settings. These post-installation tasks are described in the following sections.
Managing UE-V 2.1 SP1 configurations
In the course of the UE-V lifecycle, you have to manage the configuration of the UE-V agent and also manage storage locations for resources such as settings package files.
Back up and restore application and Windows settings that are synchronized with UE-V 2.1 SP1
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Windows PowerShell features of UE-V can restore settings packages. By using WMI and Windows PowerShell commands, you can restore application and Windows settings to their original state and restore other settings when a user adopts a new device.
Changing the frequency of UE-V 2.1 SP1 scheduled tasks
You can configure the scheduled tasks that manage when UE-V checks for new or updated settings or for updated custom settings location templates in the settings template catalog.
Using UE-V 2.1 SP1 with Application Virtualization applications
You can use UE-V with Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) to share settings between virtual applications and installed applications across multiple computers.
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.