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2.1.32 StretchMode Enumeration

The StretchMode enumeration is used to specify how color data is added to or removed from bitmaps that are stretched or compressed.<41>

 typedef  enum 
 } StretchMode;

STRETCH_ANDSCANS: Performs a Boolean AND operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this mode preserves black pixels at the expense of white pixels.

STRETCH_ORSCANS: Performs a Boolean OR operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this mode preserves white pixels at the expense of black pixels.

STRETCH_DELETESCANS: Deletes the pixels. This mode deletes all eliminated lines of pixels without trying to preserve their information.

STRETCH_HALFTONE: Maps pixels from the source rectangle into blocks of pixels in the destination rectangle. The average color over the destination block of pixels approximates the color of the source pixels.

After setting the STRETCH_HALFTONE stretching mode, the brush origin SHOULD be defined by an EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX record. If it fails to do so, brush misalignment can occur.