The topics in this section document the Azure PowerShell cmdlets for Microsoft Azure HDInsight in the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) framework. These cmdlets are used to manage HDInsight clusters and the jobs that run on them. The cmdlets exist in the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.HDInsight namespace.
We no longer maintain Az.HDInsight before version 5.0.0. It is recommended to upgrade to at least version 5.0.0.
Add-AzHDInsightClusterIdentity |
Adds a cluster identity to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightComponentVersion |
Adds a version for a service running in a cluster to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightConfigValue |
Adds a Hadoop configuration value customization and/or a Hive shared library customization to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightMetastore |
Adds a SQL Database to serve as a Hive or Oozie metastore to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightScriptAction |
Adds a script action to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile |
Adds a security profile to a cluster configuration object. |
Add-AzHDInsightStorage |
Adds an Azure Storage key to a cluster configuration object. |
Disable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitor |
Disables Azure Monitor in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Disable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent |
Disables Azure Monitor Agent in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Disable-AzHDInsightMonitoring |
Disables the Classic Azure Monitor logs integration on an HDInsight cluster and relevant logs will stop flowing to the monitoring workspace specified during enable. |
Enable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitor |
Enables Azure Monitor in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Enable-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent |
Enables Azure Monitor Agent in a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Enable-AzHDInsightMonitoring |
Enables the Classic Azure Monitor logs integration on an HDInsight cluster and relevant logs will be sent to the monitoring workspace specified during enable. |
Get-AzHDInsightAzureMonitor |
Gets the azure monitor status of a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightAzureMonitorAgent |
Gets the azure monitor agent status of a specified HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightCluster |
Gets and lists all of the Azure HDInsight clusters associated with the current subscription or a specified resource group, or retrieves a specific cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Gets the autoscale configuration of HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightHost |
Lists the hosts of the HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightJob |
Gets the list of jobs from a cluster and lists them in reverse chronological order, or retrieves a specific job. |
Get-AzHDInsightJobOutput |
Gets the log output for a job from the storage account associated with a specified cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightMonitoring |
Gets the status of the Classic Azure Monitor logs integration on an HDInsight cluster. |
Get-AzHDInsightPersistedScriptAction |
Gets the persisted script actions for a cluster and lists them in chronological order, or gets details for a specified persisted script action. |
Get-AzHDInsightProperty |
Gets properties about the HDInsight service, such as available locations and capacity. |
Get-AzHDInsightScriptActionHistory |
Gets the script action history for a cluster and lists it in reverse chronological order, or gets details of a previously executed script action. |
Invoke-AzHDInsightHiveJob |
Submits a Hive query to an HDInsight cluster and retrieves query results in one operation. |
New-AzHDInsightCluster |
Creates an Azure HDInsight cluster in the specified resource group for the current subscription. |
New-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Creates a non-persisted object that describes the autoscale configuration of an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
New-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleScheduleCondition |
Creates Schedule-based autoscale condition. |
New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig |
Creates a non-persisted cluster configuration object that describes an Azure HDInsight cluster configuration. |
New-AzHDInsightHiveJobDefinition |
Creates a Hive job object. |
New-AzHDInsightIPConfiguration |
Creates the IP configuration of private link configuration. |
New-AzHDInsightMapReduceJobDefinition |
Creates a MapReduce job object. |
New-AzHDInsightPigJobDefinition |
Creates a Pig job object. |
New-AzHDInsightPrivateLinkConfiguration |
Creates the private link configuration of the HDInsight cluster. |
New-AzHDInsightSqoopJobDefinition |
Creates a Sqoop job object. |
New-AzHDInsightStreamingMapReduceJobDefinition |
Creates a Streaming MapReduce job object. |
Remove-AzHDInsightCluster |
Removes the specified HDInsight cluster from the current subscription. |
Remove-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Removes the autoscale configuration of the HDInsight cluster. |
Remove-AzHDInsightPersistedScriptAction |
Removes an persisted script action from an HDInsight cluster. |
Restart-AzHDInsightHost |
Restarts the specific hosts of HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightClusterAutoscaleConfiguration |
Sets the autoscale configuration of an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightClusterDiskEncryptionKey |
Rotates the disk encryption key of the specified HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightClusterSize |
Sets the number of Worker nodes in a specified cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightDefaultStorage |
Sets the default Storage account setting in a cluster configuration object. |
Set-AzHDInsightGatewayCredential |
Sets the gateway HTTP credentials of an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
Set-AzHDInsightPersistedScriptAction |
Sets a previously executed script action to be a persisted script action. |
Start-AzHDInsightJob |
Starts a defined Azure HDInsight job on a specified cluster. |
Stop-AzHDInsightJob |
Stops a specified running job on a cluster. |
Submit-AzHDInsightScriptAction |
Submits a new script action to an Azure HDInsight cluster. |
Update-AzHDInsightCluster |
Update tags or managed identities for a HDInsight cluster. |
Use-AzHDInsightCluster |
Selects a cluster to be used with the Invoke-RmAzureHDInsightHiveJob cmdlet. |
Wait-AzHDInsightJob |
Waits for the completion or failure of a specified job. |
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