Endpoints - Stop
Stops an existing running CDN endpoint.
POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/{profileName}/endpoints/{endpointName}/stop?api-version=2024-02-01
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Name of the endpoint under the profile which is unique globally. |
path | True |
string |
Name of the CDN profile which is unique within the resource group. |
path | True |
string minLength: 1maxLength: 90 pattern: ^[-\w\._\(\)]+$ |
Name of the Resource group within the Azure subscription. |
path | True |
string |
Azure Subscription ID. |
query | True |
string |
Version of the API to be used with the client request. Current version is 2024-02-01. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK. The request has succeeded. |
202 Accepted |
Accepted and the operation will complete asynchronously. Headers location: string |
Other Status Codes |
CDN error response describing why the operation failed. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow.
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Sample request
Sample response
"name": "endpoint4899",
"id": "/subscriptions/subid/resourcegroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/profile1/endpoints/endpoint1",
"type": "Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/endpoints",
"tags": {
"kay1": "value1"
"location": "WestUs",
"properties": {
"hostName": "endpoint1.azureedge.net",
"originHostHeader": "www.bing.com",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"resourceState": "Stopping",
"isHttpAllowed": true,
"isHttpsAllowed": true,
"queryStringCachingBehavior": "NotSet",
"originPath": null,
"origins": [
"name": "www-bing-com",
"properties": {
"hostName": "www.bing.com",
"httpPort": 80,
"httpsPort": 443
"contentTypesToCompress": [],
"isCompressionEnabled": false,
"optimizationType": "DynamicSiteAcceleration",
"probePath": "/image",
"geoFilters": []
azure-asyncoperation: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/subid/resourcegroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/operationresults/operationId?api-version=2024-02-01
"name": "endpoint4899",
"id": "/subscriptions/subid/resourcegroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/profile1/endpoints/endpoint1",
"type": "Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/endpoints",
"tags": {
"kay1": "value1"
"location": "WestUs",
"properties": {
"hostName": "endpoint1.azureedge.net",
"originHostHeader": "www.bing.com",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"resourceState": "Stopping",
"isHttpAllowed": true,
"isHttpsAllowed": true,
"queryStringCachingBehavior": "NotSet",
"originPath": null,
"origins": [
"name": "www-bing-com",
"properties": {
"hostName": "www.bing.com",
"httpPort": 80,
"httpsPort": 443
"contentTypesToCompress": [],
"isCompressionEnabled": false,
"optimizationType": "DynamicSiteAcceleration",
"probePath": "/image",
"geoFilters": []
Name | Description |
algorithm |
Algorithm to use for URL signing |
cache |
Caching behavior for the requests |
Cache |
Caching settings for a caching-type route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. |
Cache |
Defines the parameters for the cache expiration action. |
Cache |
Defines the parameters for the cache-key query string action. |
Cache |
The level at which the content needs to be cached. |
Client |
Defines the parameters for ClientPort match conditions |
Client |
Describes operator to be matched |
Cookies |
Defines the parameters for Cookies match conditions |
Cookies |
Describes operator to be matched |
Deep |
Custom domains created on the CDN endpoint. |
Deep |
The main origin of CDN content which is added when creating a CDN endpoint. |
Deep |
The origin group for CDN content which is added when creating a CDN endpoint. Traffic is sent to the origins within the origin group based on origin health. |
Delivery |
A policy that specifies the delivery rules to be used for an endpoint. |
Delivery |
A rule that specifies a set of actions and conditions |
Delivery |
Defines the cache expiration action for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the cache-key query string action for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the ClientPort condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the Cookies condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the HostName condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the HttpVersion condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the IsDevice condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the PostArgs condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the QueryString condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the RemoteAddress condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the RequestBody condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the request header action for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the RequestHeader condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the RequestMethod condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the RequestScheme condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the RequestUri condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the response header action for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the route configuration override action for the delivery rule. Only applicable to Frontdoor Standard/Premium Profiles. |
Delivery |
Defines the ServerPort condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the SocketAddress condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the SslProtocol condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the UrlFileExtension condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the UrlFileName condition for the delivery rule. |
Delivery |
Defines the UrlPath condition for the delivery rule. |
Destination |
Protocol to use for the redirect. The default value is MatchRequest |
Endpoint |
CDN endpoint is the entity within a CDN profile containing configuration information such as origin, protocol, content caching and delivery behavior. The CDN endpoint uses the URL format .azureedge.net. |
Endpoint |
Provisioning status of the endpoint. |
Endpoint |
Resource status of the endpoint. |
Error |
The resource management error additional info. |
Error |
The error detail. |
Error |
Error response |
Forwarding |
Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. |
Geo |
Rules defining user's geo access within a CDN endpoint. |
Geo |
Action of the geo filter, i.e. allow or block access. |
Header |
Action to perform |
Header |
Defines the parameters for the request header action. |
Health |
The JSON object that contains the properties to send health probes to origin. |
Health |
The type of health probe request that is made. |
Host |
Defines the parameters for HostName match conditions |
Host |
Describes operator to be matched |
Http |
The JSON object that represents the range for http status codes |
Http |
Defines the parameters for HttpVersion match conditions |
Http |
Describes operator to be matched |
Identity |
The type of identity that creates/modifies resources |
Is |
Defines the parameters for IsDevice match conditions |
Is |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
Is |
Describes operator to be matched |
Key |
Describes the parameters for using a user's KeyVault for URL Signing Key. |
Key |
Optimization |
Specifies what scenario the customer wants this CDN endpoint to optimize, e.g. Download, Media services. With this information we can apply scenario driven optimization. |
Origin |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override configuration. |
Origin |
Defines the origin group override action for the delivery rule. |
Origin |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override action. |
param |
Indicates the purpose of the parameter |
Post |
Defines the parameters for PostArgs match conditions |
Post |
Describes operator to be matched |
Private |
The approval status for the connection to the Private Link |
Probe |
Protocol to use for health probe. |
query |
Caching behavior for the requests |
Query |
Defines how CDN caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, bypass caching to prevent requests that contain query strings from being cached, or cache every request with a unique URL. |
Query |
Defines the parameters for QueryString match conditions |
Query |
Describes operator to be matched |
Redirect |
The redirect type the rule will use when redirecting traffic. |
Remote |
Defines the parameters for RemoteAddress match conditions |
Remote |
Describes operator to be matched |
Request |
Defines the parameters for RequestBody match conditions |
Request |
Describes operator to be matched |
Request |
Defines the parameters for RequestHeader match conditions |
Request |
Describes operator to be matched |
Request |
Defines the parameters for RequestMethod match conditions |
Request |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
Request |
Describes operator to be matched |
Request |
Defines the parameters for RequestScheme match conditions |
Request |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
Request |
Defines the parameters for RequestUri match conditions |
Request |
Describes operator to be matched |
Resource |
Reference to another resource. |
Response |
Type of response errors for real user requests for which origin will be deemed unhealthy |
Response |
The JSON object that contains the properties to determine origin health using real requests/responses. |
Route |
Defines the parameters for the route configuration override action. |
rule |
Caching behavior for the requests |
rule |
Indicates whether content compression is enabled. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won't be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB. |
rule |
Defines how Frontdoor caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, ignore specific query strings, cache every request with a unique URL, or cache specific query strings. |
Server |
Defines the parameters for ServerPort match conditions |
Server |
Describes operator to be matched |
Socket |
Defines the parameters for SocketAddress match conditions |
Socket |
Describes operator to be matched |
Ssl |
The protocol of an established TLS connection. |
Ssl |
Defines the parameters for SslProtocol match conditions |
Ssl |
Describes operator to be matched |
System |
Read only system data |
transform |
Describes what transforms are applied before matching |
Url |
Defines the parameters for UrlFileExtension match conditions |
Url |
Describes operator to be matched |
Url |
Defines the parameters for UrlFilename match conditions |
Url |
Describes operator to be matched |
Url |
Defines the parameters for UrlPath match conditions |
Url |
Describes operator to be matched |
Url |
Defines the url redirect action for the delivery rule. |
Url |
Defines the parameters for the url redirect action. |
Url |
Defines the url rewrite action for the delivery rule. |
Url |
Defines the parameters for the url rewrite action. |
Url |
Defines the url signing action for the delivery rule. |
Url |
Defines the parameters for the Url Signing action. |
Url |
Url signing key |
Url |
Defines how to identify a parameter for a specific purpose e.g. expires |
Web |
Defines the Web Application Firewall policy for the endpoint (if applicable) |
Algorithm to use for URL signing
Value | Description |
SHA256 |
Caching behavior for the requests
Value | Description |
BypassCache | |
Override | |
SetIfMissing |
Caching settings for a caching-type route. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object.
Name | Type | Description |
cacheBehavior |
Caching behavior for the requests |
cacheDuration |
string |
The duration for which the content needs to be cached. Allowed format is [d.]hh:mm:ss |
isCompressionEnabled |
Indicates whether content compression is enabled. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won't be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB. |
queryParameters |
string |
query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). |
queryStringCachingBehavior |
Defines how Frontdoor caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, ignore specific query strings, cache every request with a unique URL, or cache specific query strings. |
Defines the parameters for the cache expiration action.
Name | Type | Description |
cacheBehavior |
Caching behavior for the requests |
cacheDuration |
string |
The duration for which the content needs to be cached. Allowed format is [d.]hh:mm:ss |
cacheType |
The level at which the content needs to be cached. |
typeName |
Delivery |
Defines the parameters for the cache-key query string action.
Name | Type | Description |
queryParameters |
string |
query parameters to include or exclude (comma separated). |
queryStringBehavior |
Caching behavior for the requests |
typeName |
Delivery |
The level at which the content needs to be cached.
Value | Description |
All |
Defines the parameters for ClientPort match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Defines the parameters for Cookies match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
selector |
string |
Name of Cookies to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Custom domains created on the CDN endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Custom domain name. |
properties.hostName |
string |
The host name of the custom domain. Must be a domain name. |
properties.validationData |
string |
Special validation or data may be required when delivering CDN to some regions due to local compliance reasons. E.g. ICP license number of a custom domain is required to deliver content in China. |
The main origin of CDN content which is added when creating a CDN endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Origin name which must be unique within the endpoint. |
properties.enabled |
boolean |
Origin is enabled for load balancing or not. By default, origin is always enabled. |
properties.hostName |
string |
The address of the origin. It can be a domain name, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address. This should be unique across all origins in an endpoint. |
properties.httpPort |
integer (int32) minimum: 1maximum: 65535 exclusiveMinimum: False exclusiveMaximum: False |
The value of the HTTP port. Must be between 1 and 65535. |
properties.httpsPort |
integer (int32) minimum: 1maximum: 65535 exclusiveMinimum: False exclusiveMaximum: False |
The value of the HTTPS port. Must be between 1 and 65535. |
properties.originHostHeader |
string |
The host header value sent to the origin with each request. If you leave this blank, the request hostname determines this value. Azure CDN origins, such as Web Apps, Blob Storage, and Cloud Services require this host header value to match the origin hostname by default. |
properties.priority |
integer (int32) minimum: 1maximum: 5 |
Priority of origin in given origin group for load balancing. Higher priorities will not be used for load balancing if any lower priority origin is healthy.Must be between 1 and 5. |
properties.privateEndpointStatus |
The approval status for the connection to the Private Link |
properties.privateLinkAlias |
string |
The Alias of the Private Link resource. Populating this optional field indicates that this origin is 'Private' |
properties.privateLinkApprovalMessage |
string |
A custom message to be included in the approval request to connect to the Private Link. |
properties.privateLinkLocation |
string |
The location of the Private Link resource. Required only if 'privateLinkResourceId' is populated |
properties.privateLinkResourceId |
string |
The Resource Id of the Private Link resource. Populating this optional field indicates that this backend is 'Private' |
properties.weight |
integer (int32) minimum: 1maximum: 1000 |
Weight of the origin in given origin group for load balancing. Must be between 1 and 1000 |
The origin group for CDN content which is added when creating a CDN endpoint. Traffic is sent to the origins within the origin group based on origin health.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Origin group name which must be unique within the endpoint. |
properties.healthProbeSettings |
Health probe settings to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. |
properties.origins |
The source of the content being delivered via CDN within given origin group. |
properties.responseBasedOriginErrorDetectionSettings |
The JSON object that contains the properties to determine origin health using real requests/responses.This property is currently not supported. |
properties.trafficRestorationTimeToHealedOrNewEndpointsInMinutes |
integer (int32) minimum: 0maximum: 50 |
Time in minutes to shift the traffic to the endpoint gradually when an unhealthy endpoint comes healthy or a new endpoint is added. Default is 10 mins. This property is currently not supported. |
A policy that specifies the delivery rules to be used for an endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
description |
string |
User-friendly description of the policy. |
rules |
A list of the delivery rules. |
A rule that specifies a set of actions and conditions
Name | Type | Description |
actions | DeliveryRuleAction[]: |
A list of actions that are executed when all the conditions of a rule are satisfied. |
conditions |
A list of conditions that must be matched for the actions to be executed |
name |
string |
Name of the rule |
order |
integer (int32) |
The order in which the rules are applied for the endpoint. Possible values {0,1,2,3,………}. A rule with a lesser order will be applied before a rule with a greater order. Rule with order 0 is a special rule. It does not require any condition and actions listed in it will always be applied. |
Defines the cache expiration action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Cache |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the cache-key query string action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Cache |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the ClientPort condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Client |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the Cookies condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Cookies |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the HostName condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Host |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the HttpVersion condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Http |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the IsDevice condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Is |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the PostArgs condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Post |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the QueryString condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Query |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the RemoteAddress condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Remote |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the RequestBody condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Request |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the request header action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Modify |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the RequestHeader condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Request |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the RequestMethod condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Request |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the RequestScheme condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Request |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the RequestUri condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Request |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the response header action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Modify |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the route configuration override action for the delivery rule. Only applicable to Frontdoor Standard/Premium Profiles.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Route |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the ServerPort condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Server |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the SocketAddress condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Socket |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the SslProtocol condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string: |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the UrlFileExtension condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Url |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the UrlFileName condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Url |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Defines the UrlPath condition for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Url |
The name of the condition for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the condition. |
Protocol to use for the redirect. The default value is MatchRequest
Value | Description |
Http | |
Https | |
MatchRequest |
CDN endpoint is the entity within a CDN profile containing configuration information such as origin, protocol, content caching and delivery behavior. The CDN endpoint uses the URL format .azureedge.net.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |
location |
string |
Resource location. |
name |
string |
Resource name. |
properties.contentTypesToCompress |
string[] |
List of content types on which compression applies. The value should be a valid MIME type. |
properties.customDomains |
The custom domains under the endpoint. |
properties.defaultOriginGroup |
A reference to the origin group. |
properties.deliveryPolicy |
A policy that specifies the delivery rules to be used for an endpoint. |
properties.geoFilters |
List of rules defining the user's geo access within a CDN endpoint. Each geo filter defines an access rule to a specified path or content, e.g. block APAC for path /pictures/ |
properties.hostName |
string |
The host name of the endpoint structured as {endpointName}.{DNSZone}, e.g. contoso.azureedge.net |
properties.isCompressionEnabled |
boolean |
Indicates whether content compression is enabled on CDN. Default value is false. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won't be compressed on CDN when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB. |
properties.isHttpAllowed |
boolean |
True |
Indicates whether HTTP traffic is allowed on the endpoint. Default value is true. At least one protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) must be allowed. |
properties.isHttpsAllowed |
boolean |
True |
Indicates whether HTTPS traffic is allowed on the endpoint. Default value is true. At least one protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) must be allowed. |
properties.optimizationType |
Specifies what scenario the customer wants this CDN endpoint to optimize for, e.g. Download, Media services. With this information, CDN can apply scenario driven optimization. |
properties.originGroups |
The origin groups comprising of origins that are used for load balancing the traffic based on availability. |
properties.originHostHeader |
string |
The host header value sent to the origin with each request. This property at Endpoint is only allowed when endpoint uses single origin and can be overridden by the same property specified at origin.If you leave this blank, the request hostname determines this value. Azure CDN origins, such as Web Apps, Blob Storage, and Cloud Services require this host header value to match the origin hostname by default. |
properties.originPath |
string |
A directory path on the origin that CDN can use to retrieve content from, e.g. contoso.cloudapp.net/originpath. |
properties.origins |
The source of the content being delivered via CDN. |
properties.probePath |
string |
Path to a file hosted on the origin which helps accelerate delivery of the dynamic content and calculate the most optimal routes for the CDN. This is relative to the origin path. This property is only relevant when using a single origin. |
properties.provisioningState |
Provisioning status of the endpoint. |
properties.queryStringCachingBehavior | NotSet |
Defines how CDN caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, bypass caching to prevent requests that contain query strings from being cached, or cache every request with a unique URL. |
properties.resourceState |
Resource status of the endpoint. |
properties.urlSigningKeys |
List of keys used to validate the signed URL hashes. |
properties.webApplicationFirewallPolicyLink |
Defines the Web Application Firewall policy for the endpoint (if applicable) |
systemData |
Read only system data |
tags |
object |
Resource tags. |
type |
string |
Resource type. |
Provisioning status of the endpoint.
Value | Description |
Creating | |
Deleting | |
Failed | |
Succeeded | |
Updating |
Resource status of the endpoint.
Value | Description |
Creating | |
Deleting | |
Running | |
Starting | |
Stopped | |
Stopping |
The resource management error additional info.
Name | Type | Description |
info |
object |
The additional info. |
type |
string |
The additional info type. |
The error detail.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalInfo |
The error additional info. |
code |
string |
The error code. |
details |
The error details. |
message |
string |
The error message. |
target |
string |
The error target. |
Error response
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error object. |
Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends.
Value | Description |
HttpOnly | |
HttpsOnly | |
MatchRequest |
Rules defining user's geo access within a CDN endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
action |
Action of the geo filter, i.e. allow or block access. |
countryCodes |
string[] |
Two letter country or region codes defining user country or region access in a geo filter, e.g. AU, MX, US. |
relativePath |
string |
Relative path applicable to geo filter. (e.g. '/mypictures', '/mypicture/kitty.jpg', and etc.) |
Action of the geo filter, i.e. allow or block access.
Value | Description |
Allow | |
Block |
Action to perform
Value | Description |
Append | |
Delete | |
Overwrite |
Defines the parameters for the request header action.
Name | Type | Description |
headerAction |
Action to perform |
headerName |
string |
Name of the header to modify |
typeName |
Delivery |
value |
string |
Value for the specified action |
The JSON object that contains the properties to send health probes to origin.
Name | Type | Description |
probeIntervalInSeconds |
integer (int32) minimum: 1maximum: 255 |
The number of seconds between health probes.Default is 240sec. |
probePath |
string |
The path relative to the origin that is used to determine the health of the origin. |
probeProtocol |
Protocol to use for health probe. |
probeRequestType |
The type of health probe request that is made. |
The type of health probe request that is made.
Value | Description |
GET | |
HEAD | |
NotSet |
Defines the parameters for HostName match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
The JSON object that represents the range for http status codes
Name | Type | Description |
begin |
integer (int32) minimum: 100maximum: 999 |
The inclusive start of the http status code range. |
end |
integer (int32) minimum: 100maximum: 999 |
The inclusive end of the http status code range. |
Defines the parameters for HttpVersion match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Equal |
The type of identity that creates/modifies resources
Value | Description |
application | |
key | |
managedIdentity | |
user |
Defines the parameters for IsDevice match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule
Value | Description |
Desktop | |
Mobile |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Equal |
Describes the parameters for using a user's KeyVault for URL Signing Key.
Name | Type | Description |
resourceGroupName |
string |
Resource group of the user's Key Vault containing the secret |
secretName |
string |
The name of secret in Key Vault. |
secretVersion |
string |
The version(GUID) of secret in Key Vault. |
subscriptionId |
string |
Subscription Id of the user's Key Vault containing the secret |
typeName | ||
vaultName |
string |
The name of the user's Key Vault containing the secret |
Value | Description |
KeyVaultSigningKeyParameters |
Specifies what scenario the customer wants this CDN endpoint to optimize, e.g. Download, Media services. With this information we can apply scenario driven optimization.
Value | Description |
DynamicSiteAcceleration | |
GeneralMediaStreaming | |
GeneralWebDelivery | |
LargeFileDownload | |
VideoOnDemandMediaStreaming |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override configuration.
Name | Type | Description |
forwardingProtocol |
Protocol this rule will use when forwarding traffic to backends. |
originGroup |
defines the OriginGroup that would override the DefaultOriginGroup on route. |
Defines the origin group override action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string: |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the parameters for the origin group override action.
Name | Type | Description |
originGroup |
defines the OriginGroup that would override the DefaultOriginGroup. |
typeName |
Delivery |
Indicates the purpose of the parameter
Value | Description |
Expires | |
KeyId | |
Signature |
Defines the parameters for PostArgs match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
selector |
string |
Name of PostArg to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
The approval status for the connection to the Private Link
Value | Description |
Approved | |
Disconnected | |
Pending | |
Rejected | |
Timeout |
Protocol to use for health probe.
Value | Description |
Http | |
Https | |
NotSet |
Caching behavior for the requests
Value | Description |
Exclude | |
ExcludeAll | |
Include | |
IncludeAll |
Defines how CDN caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, bypass caching to prevent requests that contain query strings from being cached, or cache every request with a unique URL.
Value | Description |
BypassCaching | |
IgnoreQueryString | |
NotSet | |
UseQueryString |
Defines the parameters for QueryString match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
The redirect type the rule will use when redirecting traffic.
Value | Description |
Found | |
Moved | |
PermanentRedirect | |
TemporaryRedirect |
Defines the parameters for RemoteAddress match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
Match values to match against. The operator will apply to each value in here with OR semantics. If any of them match the variable with the given operator this match condition is considered a match. |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
GeoMatch | |
IPMatch |
Defines the parameters for RequestBody match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Defines the parameters for RequestHeader match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
selector |
string |
Name of Header to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Defines the parameters for RequestMethod match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule
Value | Description |
GET | |
HEAD | |
POST | |
PUT | |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Equal |
Defines the parameters for RequestScheme match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Equal |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule
Value | Description |
HTTP | |
Defines the parameters for RequestUri match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Reference to another resource.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |
Type of response errors for real user requests for which origin will be deemed unhealthy
Value | Description |
None | |
TcpAndHttpErrors | |
TcpErrorsOnly |
The JSON object that contains the properties to determine origin health using real requests/responses.
Name | Type | Description |
httpErrorRanges |
The list of Http status code ranges that are considered as server errors for origin and it is marked as unhealthy. |
responseBasedDetectedErrorTypes |
Type of response errors for real user requests for which origin will be deemed unhealthy |
responseBasedFailoverThresholdPercentage |
integer (int32) minimum: 0maximum: 100 |
The percentage of failed requests in the sample where failover should trigger. |
Defines the parameters for the route configuration override action.
Name | Type | Description |
cacheConfiguration |
The caching configuration associated with this rule. To disable caching, do not provide a cacheConfiguration object. |
originGroupOverride |
A reference to the origin group override configuration. Leave empty to use the default origin group on route. |
typeName |
Delivery |
Caching behavior for the requests
Value | Description |
HonorOrigin | |
OverrideAlways | |
OverrideIfOriginMissing |
Indicates whether content compression is enabled. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won't be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB.
Value | Description |
Disabled | |
Enabled |
Defines how Frontdoor caches requests that include query strings. You can ignore any query strings when caching, ignore specific query strings, cache every request with a unique URL, or cache specific query strings.
Value | Description |
IgnoreQueryString | |
IgnoreSpecifiedQueryStrings | |
IncludeSpecifiedQueryStrings | |
UseQueryString |
Defines the parameters for ServerPort match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Defines the parameters for SocketAddress match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
IPMatch |
The protocol of an established TLS connection.
Value | Description |
TLSv1 | |
TLSv1.1 | |
TLSv1.2 |
Defines the parameters for SslProtocol match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Equal |
Read only system data
Name | Type | Description |
createdAt |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp of resource creation (UTC) |
createdBy |
string |
An identifier for the identity that created the resource |
createdByType |
The type of identity that created the resource |
lastModifiedAt |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
An identifier for the identity that last modified the resource |
lastModifiedByType |
The type of identity that last modified the resource |
Describes what transforms are applied before matching
Value | Description |
Lowercase | |
RemoveNulls | |
Trim | |
Uppercase | |
UrlDecode | |
UrlEncode |
Defines the parameters for UrlFileExtension match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Defines the parameters for UrlFilename match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx |
Defines the parameters for UrlPath match conditions
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
matchValues |
string[] |
The match value for the condition of the delivery rule |
negateCondition |
boolean |
False |
Describes if this is negate condition or not |
operator |
Describes operator to be matched |
transforms |
List of transforms |
typeName |
Delivery |
Describes operator to be matched
Value | Description |
Any | |
BeginsWith | |
Contains | |
EndsWith | |
Equal | |
GreaterThan | |
GreaterThanOrEqual | |
LessThan | |
LessThanOrEqual | |
RegEx | |
Wildcard |
Defines the url redirect action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Url |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the parameters for the url redirect action.
Name | Type | Description |
customFragment |
string |
Fragment to add to the redirect URL. Fragment is the part of the URL that comes after #. Do not include the #. |
customHostname |
string |
Host to redirect. Leave empty to use the incoming host as the destination host. |
customPath |
string |
The full path to redirect. Path cannot be empty and must start with /. Leave empty to use the incoming path as destination path. |
customQueryString |
string |
The set of query strings to be placed in the redirect URL. Setting this value would replace any existing query string; leave empty to preserve the incoming query string. Query string must be in = format. ? and & will be added automatically so do not include them. |
destinationProtocol |
Protocol to use for the redirect. The default value is MatchRequest |
redirectType |
The redirect type the rule will use when redirecting traffic. |
typeName |
Delivery |
Defines the url rewrite action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Url |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the parameters for the url rewrite action.
Name | Type | Description |
destination |
string |
Define the relative URL to which the above requests will be rewritten by. |
preserveUnmatchedPath |
boolean |
Whether to preserve unmatched path. Default value is true. |
sourcePattern |
string |
define a request URI pattern that identifies the type of requests that may be rewritten. If value is blank, all strings are matched. |
typeName |
Delivery |
Defines the url signing action for the delivery rule.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
Url |
The name of the action for the delivery rule. |
parameters |
Defines the parameters for the action. |
Defines the parameters for the Url Signing action.
Name | Type | Description |
algorithm |
Algorithm to use for URL signing |
parameterNameOverride |
Defines which query string parameters in the url to be considered for expires, key id etc. |
typeName |
Delivery |
Url signing key
Name | Type | Description |
keyId |
string |
Defines the customer defined key Id. This id will exist in the incoming request to indicate the key used to form the hash. |
keySourceParameters |
Defines the parameters for using customer key vault for Url Signing Key. |
Defines how to identify a parameter for a specific purpose e.g. expires
Name | Type | Description |
paramIndicator |
Indicates the purpose of the parameter |
paramName |
string |
Parameter name |
Defines the Web Application Firewall policy for the endpoint (if applicable)
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Resource ID. |