1000 XP

Combine multiple tables with JOINs in T-SQL

Data Analyst
Data Engineer
Data Scientist
Database Administrator
Solution Architect
Technology Manager
Azure SQL Database
SQL Server
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure SQL Server on Virtual Machines
SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines

Explore T-SQL queries accessing data from multiple tables with various kinds of JOIN operations.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe join concepts and syntax
  • Write queries that use inner and outer joins
  • Write queries that use cross joins
  • Write queries that use self joins


Before starting this module, you should have experience of using Transact-SQL SELECT queries to retrieve and filter data from a table in a database.

This module is part of these learning paths

Module assessment

Assess your understanding of this module. Sign in and answer all questions correctly to earn a pass designation on your profile.

Take the module assessment