com5:Class (in InProcessServer)
Defines an in-process server class registration.
<com5:Class ThreadingModel = "Both" | "STA" | "MTA" | "MainSTA" | "Neutral"
Virtualization = "enabled" | "disabled"
ProgId = An alphanumeric string separated by a period between 1 and 255 characters in length, e.g. Foo.Bar or Foo.Bar.1
VersionIndependentProgId = An alphanumeric string separated by a period between 1 and 255 characters in length, e.g. Foo.Bar or Foo.Bar.1
AutoConvertTo = A GUID in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
InsertableObject = Boolean.
ShortDisplayName = A string between 1 and 40 characters in length.
Id = A GUID in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
DisplayName = A string between 1 and 256 characters in length. This string is localizable.
<!-- Child elements -->
specific range of occurrences
Attribute | Description | Data type | Required |
ThreadingModel | The threading model for loading DLLs. | One of the following values: "Both" , "STA" , "MTA" , "MainSTA" , "Neutral" | Yes |
Virtualization | Specifies whether virtualization is used when loading the class. | One of the following values: "enabled" , "disabled" | Yes |
ProgId | Associates a programmatic identifier (ProgID) with a CLSID. | An alphanumeric string separated by a period between 1 and 255 characters in length, e.g. Foo.Bar or Foo.Bar.1 | No |
VersionIndependentProgId | Associates a ProgID with a CLSID. This value is used to determine the latest version of an object application. | An alphanumeric string separated by a period between 1 and 255 characters in length, e.g. Foo.Bar or Foo.Bar.1 | No |
AutoConvertTo | Specifies the automatic conversion of a given class of objects to a new class of objects. | A GUID in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. | No |
InsertableObject | Indicates that this class is insertable. | Boolean. | No |
ShortDisplayName | A short version of the class display name. | A string between 1 and 40 characters in length. | No |
Id | The Id attribute corresponds to the CLSID. | A GUID in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. | Yes |
DisplayName | A localizable string corresponding to the default value of the CLSID's key. | A string between 1 and 256 characters in length. This string is localizable. | No |
Element | Description |
ImplementedCategories | Specifies categories implemented by the class. |
Conversion | Specifies the formats an application can read and write. |
DataFormats | Specifies the default and main data formats supported by an application. |
MiscStatus | Specifies how to create and display an object. |
Verbs | Specifies the verbs to be registered for an application. |
DefaultIcon | Provides default icon information for iconic presentations of objects. |
ToolboxBitmap32 | Identifies the module name and resource ID for a 16 x 16 bitmap to use for the face of a toolbar or toolbox button. |
TypeLib | A type library for a class or interface. |
The com5:Class element is identical to com4:Class except that it allows a TypeLib child element.
Item | Value |
com5 | |
Minimum OS Version | Windows 11 version 21H2 (Build 22000) |