clusapi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
clusapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
AddClusterGroupDependency Adds a dependency between two cluster groups. |
AddClusterGroupSetDependency Adds a dependency between two cluster groupsets. |
AddClusterGroupToGroupSetDependency Adds a dependency between a cluster group and a cluster groupset. |
AddClusterNode Adds a node to an existing cluster. |
AddClusterResourceDependency Creates a dependency relationship between two resources. |
AddClusterResourceNode Adds a node to the list of possible nodes that a resource can run on. |
AddResourceToClusterSharedVolumes Adds storage to Cluster Shared Volumes. |
ALIGN_CLUSPROP Aligns structures properly within value lists. |
BackupClusterDatabase Creates a backup of the cluster database and all registry checkpoints. |
CancelClusterGroupOperation Enables a client to cancel a MoveClusterGroup or MoveClusterGroupEx operation that is pending for a group. The group is then returned to its persistent state. |
CanResourceBeDependent Determines if one resource can be dependent upon another resource. |
ChangeClusterResourceGroup Moves a resource from one group to another. |
CloseCluster Closes a cluster handle. |
CloseClusterGroup Closes a group handle. |
CloseClusterGroupSet Closes a groupset handle returned from OpenClusterGroupSet. |
CloseClusterNetInterface Closes a network interface handle. |
CloseClusterNetwork Closes a network handle. |
CloseClusterNode Closes a node handle. |
CloseClusterNotifyPort Closes a notification port established through CreateClusterNotifyPort. |
CloseClusterResource Closes a resource handle. |
CLUSCTL_GET_ACCESS_MODE Extracts the access code from a control code. For more information on the various codes that comprise a control code, see Control Code Architecture. |
CLUSCTL_GET_CONTROL_FUNCTION Extracts the operation code from a control code. For more information on the various codes that comprise a control code, see Control Code Architecture. |
CLUSCTL_GET_CONTROL_OBJECT Extracts the object code from a control code. For more information on the various codes that comprise a control code, see Control Code Architecture. |
CLUSCTL_GET_USER Retrieves the user bit from a control code. For more information, see Control Code Architecture. |
CLUSCTL_USER_CODE Generates a correctly formatted user-defined control code. For more information on the bit layout of control codes, see Control Code Architecture. |
CLUSPROP_BINARY_DECLARE Creates a CLUSPROP_BINARY structure with the rgb member set to a size determined by the caller. |
CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME_DECLARE Creates a CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME structure with the sz member set to a size determined by the caller. |
CLUSPROP_SZ_DECLARE Creates a CLUSPROP_SZ structure with the sz member set to a size determined by the caller. |
CLUSTER_GET_MAJOR_VERSION Extracts the major version portion of a Cluster service version number. |
CLUSTER_GET_MINOR_VERSION Extracts the minor version portion of a Cluster service version number. |
CLUSTER_GET_UPGRADE_VERSION Extracts the upgrade version portion of a Cluster service version number. |
CLUSTER_MAKE_VERSION Creates a Cluster service version number. |
ClusterAddGroupToGroupSet Adds the specified group to a groupset in the cluster. |
ClusterCloseEnum Closes a cluster enumeration handle originally opened by ClusterOpenEnum. |
ClusterCloseEnumEx Closes a handle to an enumeration that was opened by the ClusterOpenEnumEx function. |
ClusterControl Initiates an operation that affects a cluster. |
ClusterEnum Enumerates the cluster objects in a cluster, returning the name of one object with each call. |
ClusterEnumEx Enumerates the objects in a cluster, and then gets the name and properties of the cluster object. |
ClusterGetEnumCount Returns the number of cluster objects associated with a cluster enumeration handle. |
ClusterGetEnumCountEx Returns the number of cluster objects that are associated with a cluster enumeration handle. |
ClusterGroupCloseEnum Closes a group enumeration handle. |
ClusterGroupCloseEnumEx Closes the enumeration and frees any memory held by the hGroupEnumEx handle. |
ClusterGroupControl Initiates an operation that affects a group. The operation performed depends on the control code passed to the dwControlCode parameter. |
ClusterGroupEnum Enumerates the resources in a group or the nodes that are the preferred owners of a group, returning the name of the resource or node with each call. |
ClusterGroupEnumEx Retrieves an item in the enumeration. |
ClusterGroupGetEnumCount Returns the number of cluster objects associated with a group enumeration handle. |
ClusterGroupGetEnumCountEx Returns the number of elements in the enumeration. |
ClusterGroupOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through a group's resources and/or the nodes that are included in its list of preferred owners. |
ClusterGroupOpenEnumEx Opens a handle to the group enumeration. |
ClusterGroupSetCloseEnum Closes an open enumeration for a groupset. |
ClusterGroupSetControl Initiates an operation affecting a groupset. |
ClusterGroupSetEnum Returns the next enumerable object. |
ClusterGroupSetGetEnumCount Gets the number of items contained the enumerator's collection. |
ClusterGroupSetOpenEnum Starts the enumeration of groupset for a cluster. |
ClusterNetInterfaceCloseEnum Closes a network interface enumeration handle. |
ClusterNetInterfaceControl Initiates an operation that affects a network interface. The operation performed depends on the control code passed to the dwControlCode parameter. |
ClusterNetInterfaceEnum Enumerates the network interfaces installed on a cluster, returning one name with each call. |
ClusterNetInterfaceOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through the installed network interfaces. |
ClusterNetworkCloseEnum Closes a network enumeration handle. |
ClusterNetworkControl Initiates an operation on a network. The operation performed depends on the control code passed to the dwControlCode parameter. |
ClusterNetworkEnum Enumerates cluster objects on a network, returning the name of one object with each call. |
ClusterNetworkGetEnumCount Returns the number of cluster objects associated with a network enumeration handle. |
ClusterNetworkOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through objects on a network. |
ClusterNodeCloseEnum Closes a node enumeration handle. (ClusterNodeCloseEnum) |
ClusterNodeCloseEnumEx Closes a node enumeration handle. (ClusterNodeCloseEnumEx) |
ClusterNodeControl Initiates an operation that affects a node. The operation performed depends on the control code passed to the dwControlCode parameter. |
ClusterNodeEnum Enumerates the network interfaces or groups installed on a node, returning the name of each with each call. |
ClusterNodeEnumEx Retrieves the specified cluster node from a CLUSTER_ENUM_ITEM enumeration. |
ClusterNodeGetEnumCount Returns the number of cluster objects associated with a node enumeration handle. |
ClusterNodeGetEnumCountEx Returns the number of cluster objects that are associated with a node enumeration handle. |
ClusterNodeOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through the network interfaces or groups installed on a node. |
ClusterNodeOpenEnumEx Opens an enumerator that can iterate through the network interfaces or groups that are installed on a node. |
ClusterOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through cluster objects in a cluster. |
ClusterOpenEnumEx Opens a handle to a cluster in order to iterate through its objects. |
ClusterRegBatchAddCommand Adds a command to a batch that will be executed on a cluster registry key. |
ClusterRegBatchCloseNotification Frees the memory associated with the batch notification. |
ClusterRegBatchReadCommand Reads a command from a batch notification. |
ClusterRegCloseBatch Executes or ignores the batch created by the ClusterRegCreateBatch function. (ClusterRegCloseBatch) |
ClusterRegCloseBatchEx Executes or ignores the batch created by the ClusterRegCreateBatch function. (ClusterRegCloseBatchEx) |
ClusterRegCloseBatchNotifyPort Closes a subscription to a batch notification port created by the ClusterRegCreateBatchNotifyPort function. |
ClusterRegCloseKey Releases the handle of a cluster database key. |
ClusterRegCloseReadBatch Executes a read batch and returns results from the read batch executions. (ClusterRegCloseReadBatch) |
ClusterRegCloseReadBatchEx Executes a read batch and returns results from the read batch executions. (ClusterRegCloseReadBatchEx) |
ClusterRegCloseReadBatchReply Closes a read batch result handle and frees the memory associated with it. |
ClusterRegCreateBatch Creates a batch that will execute commands on a cluster registry key. |
ClusterRegCreateBatchNotifyPort Creates a subscription to a batch notification port. |
ClusterRegCreateKey Creates a specified cluster database key. If the key already exists in the database, ClusterRegCreateKey opens it without making changes. |
ClusterRegCreateReadBatch Creates a handle to the read batch that executes read commands on the cluster registry key. |
ClusterRegDeleteKey Deletes a cluster database key. |
ClusterRegDeleteValue Removes a named value from a cluster database key. |
ClusterRegEnumKey Enumerates the subkeys of an open cluster database key. |
ClusterRegEnumValue Enumerates the values of an open cluster database key. |
ClusterRegGetBatchNotification Fetches the batch notification. |
ClusterRegGetKeySecurity Returns a copy of the security descriptor protecting the specified cluster database key. |
ClusterRegOpenKey Opens an existing cluster database key. |
ClusterRegQueryInfoKey Returns information about a cluster database key. |
ClusterRegQueryValue Returns the name, type, and data components associated with a value for an open cluster database key. |
ClusterRegReadBatchAddCommand Adds a read command to a batch that executes on a cluster registry key. |
ClusterRegReadBatchReplyNextCommand Reads the next command from a read batch result. |
ClusterRegSetKeySecurity Sets the security attributes for a cluster database key. |
ClusterRegSetValue Sets a value for a cluster database key. |
ClusterRegSyncDatabase Synchronizes the Cluster Database with a cluster. |
ClusterRemoveGroupFromGroupSet Removes the specified group from the groupset to which it is currently a member. |
ClusterResourceCloseEnum Closes a resource enumeration handle. |
ClusterResourceCloseEnumEx Closes a handle to a resource enumeration. |
ClusterResourceControl Initiates an operation affecting a resource. The operation performed depends on the control code passed to the dwControlCode parameter. |
ClusterResourceControlAsUser Initiates an operation affecting a resource. |
ClusterResourceEnum Enumerates a resource's dependent resources, nodes, or both. |
ClusterResourceEnumEx Enumerates a resource and then returns a pointer to the current dependent resource or node. |
ClusterResourceGetEnumCount Returns the number of cluster objects associated with a resource enumeration handle. |
ClusterResourceGetEnumCountEx Returns the number of cluster objects that are associated with a resource enumeration handle. |
ClusterResourceOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through a resource's dependencies and nodes. |
ClusterResourceOpenEnumEx Opens a handle to a resource enumeration that enables iteration through a resource's dependencies and nodes. |
ClusterResourceTypeCloseEnum Closes a resource type enumeration handle. |
ClusterResourceTypeControl Initiates an operation affecting a resource type. The operation performed depends on the control code passed to the dwControlCode parameter. |
ClusterResourceTypeControlAsUser Initiates an operation affecting a resource type. |
ClusterResourceTypeEnum Enumerates a resource type's possible owner nodes or resources. |
ClusterResourceTypeGetEnumCount Returns the number of cluster objects associated with a resource_type enumeration handle. |
ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through a resource type's possible owner nodes or resources. |
ClusterSetAccountAccess Updates an account access list (ACL) for a cluster. |
ClusterSharedVolumeSetSnapshotState Updates the state of a snapshot of a cluster shared volume. |
ClusterUpgradeFunctionalLevel Initiates a rolling upgrade of the operating system on a cluster. PCLUSAPI_CLUSTER_UPGRADE defines a pointer to this function. |
CreateCluster Creates and starts a cluster. |
CreateClusterCNOless Creates a cluster without cluster name and IP Address resources. |
CreateClusterGroup Adds a group to a cluster and returns a handle to the newly added group. |
CreateClusterGroupEx Creates a new cluster group with the options specified in the CLUSTER_CREATE_GROUP_INFO structure in a single operation. |
CreateClusterGroupSet Adds a groupset to a cluster and returns a handle to the newly added groupset. |
CreateClusterNameAccount Creates a cluster name resource and then uses it add a cluster to a domain, even if the machines that host the cluster aren't members of the domain. |
CreateClusterNotifyPort Creates or modifies a notification port. For information on notification ports, see Receiving Cluster Events. |
CreateClusterNotifyPortV2 Creates or modifies a notification port. For information about notification ports, see Receiving Cluster Events. |
CreateClusterResource Creates a resource in a cluster. |
CreateClusterResourceType Creates a resource type in a cluster. |
DeleteClusterGroup Removes an offline and empty group from a cluster. |
DeleteClusterGroupSet Deletes the specified groupset from the cluster. |
DeleteClusterResource Removes an offline resource from a cluster. |
DeleteClusterResourceType Removes a resource type from a cluster. |
DestroyCluster Removes a cluster. |
DestroyClusterGroup Deletes the specified group from a cluster. |
EvictClusterNode Deletes a node from the cluster database. |
EvictClusterNodeEx Evicts a node from the cluster and initiates cleanup operations on the node. |
FailClusterResource Initiates a resource failure. |
GetClusterFromGroup Returns a handle to the cluster associated with a group. |
GetClusterFromGroupSet GetClusterFromGroupSet function (clusapi.h) returns a handle to the cluster associated with a group set. |
GetClusterFromNetInterface Returns a handle to the cluster associated with a network interface. |
GetClusterFromNetwork Returns a handle to the cluster associated with a network. |
GetClusterFromNode Returns a handle to the cluster associated with a node. |
GetClusterFromResource Returns a handle to the cluster associated with a resource. |
GetClusterGroupKey Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a group. |
GetClusterGroupState Returns the current state of a group. |
GetClusterInformation Retrieves a cluster's name and version. |
GetClusterKey Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a cluster. |
GetClusterNetInterface Returns the name of a node's interface to a network in a cluster. |
GetClusterNetInterfaceKey Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a network interface object. |
GetClusterNetInterfaceState Returns the current state of a network interface. |
GetClusterNetworkId Returns the identifier of a network. |
GetClusterNetworkKey Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a network. |
GetClusterNetworkState Current state of a network. |
GetClusterNodeId Returns the unique identifier of a cluster node. |
GetClusterNodeKey Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a node. |
GetClusterNodeState Returns the current state of a node. |
GetClusterNotify Information relating to the next notification event that is stored for a notification port. |
GetClusterNotifyV2 Retrieves information about the next notification event for a notification port. |
GetClusterQuorumResource Returns the name of a cluster's quorum resource. |
GetClusterResourceDependencyExpression Retrieves the dependency expression associated with the specified resource. |
GetClusterResourceKey Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a resource. |
GetClusterResourceNetworkName Retrieves the Name private property of the Network Name resource on which a resource is dependent. |
GetClusterResourceState Returns the current state of a resource. |
GetClusterResourceTypeKey Opens the root of the cluster database subtree for a resource type. |
GetCurrentClusterNodeId Returns the unique identifier of the current cluster node. |
GetNodeClusterState Determines whether the Cluster service is installed and running on a node. |
GetNotifyEventHandle Retrieves a handle to a notification event. |
IsFileOnClusterSharedVolume Specifies whether the file is on the cluster shared volume. |
MoveClusterGroup Moves a group and all of its resources from one node to another. |
MoveClusterGroupEx Extends the existing MoveClusterGroup method with the addition of flags and a buffer. |
OfflineClusterGroup Takes a group offline. |
OfflineClusterGroupEx Extends the OfflineClusterGroup method. |
OfflineClusterResource Takes a resource offline. |
OfflineClusterResourceEx Extends the OfflineClusterResource method. |
OnlineClusterGroup Brings a group online. (OnlineClusterGroup) |
OnlineClusterGroupEx Brings a group online. (OnlineClusterGroupEx) |
OnlineClusterResource Brings an offline or failed resource online. (OnlineClusterResource) |
OnlineClusterResourceEx Brings an offline or failed resource online. (OnlineClusterResourceEx) |
OpenCluster Opens a connection to a cluster and returns a handle to it. (OpenCluster) |
OpenClusterEx Opens a connection to a cluster and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterEx) |
OpenClusterGroup Opens a failover cluster group and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterGroup) |
OpenClusterGroupEx Opens a failover cluster group and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterGroupEx) |
OpenClusterGroupSet Opens a handle to the specified groupset. |
OpenClusterNetInterface Opens a handle to a network interface. (OpenClusterNetInterface) |
OpenClusterNetInterfaceEx Opens a handle to a network interface. (OpenClusterNetInterfaceEx) |
OpenClusterNetwork Opens a connection to a network and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterNetwork) |
OpenClusterNetworkEx Opens a connection to a network and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterNetworkEx) |
OpenClusterNode Opens a node and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterNode) |
OpenClusterNodeEx Opens a node and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterNodeEx) |
OpenClusterResource Opens a resource and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterResource) |
OpenClusterResourceEx Opens a resource and returns a handle to it. (OpenClusterResourceEx) |
PauseClusterNode Requests that a node temporarily suspend its cluster activity. The PCLUSAPI_PAUSE_CLUSTER_NODE type defines a pointer to this function. |
PauseClusterNodeEx Requests that a node temporarily suspends its cluster activity. |
RegisterClusterNotify Adds an event type to the list of events stored for a notification port. |
RegisterClusterNotifyV2 Registers an event type with a notification port by adding the notification key to the event type. |
RegisterClusterResourceTypeNotifyV2 Adds a notification type to a cluster notification port. |
RemoveClusterGroupDependency Removes a dependency between two cluster groups. |
RemoveClusterGroupSetDependency Removes a groupset from a groupset's dependency expression. |
RemoveClusterGroupToGroupSetDependency Removes a groupset from a group's dependency expression. |
RemoveClusterResourceDependency Removes a dependency relationship between two resources. |
RemoveClusterResourceNode Removes a node from the list of nodes that can host a resource. |
RemoveResourceFromClusterSharedVolumes Removes storage from Cluster Shared Volumes. |
RestartClusterResource Restarts a cluster resource. |
RestoreClusterDatabase Restores the cluster database and restarts the Cluster service on the node from which the function is called. This node is called the restoring node. |
ResumeClusterNode Requests that a paused node resume its cluster activity. The PCLUSAPI_RESUME_CLUSTER_NODE type defines a pointer to this function. |
ResumeClusterNodeEx Initiates the specified failback operation, and then requests that a paused node resumes cluster activity. |
SetClusterGroupName Sets the name for a group. |
SetClusterGroupNodeList Sets the preferred node list for a group. |
SetClusterGroupSetDependencyExpression Sets the dependency expression for a cluster groupset. |
SetClusterName Sets the name for a cluster. |
SetClusterNetworkName Sets the name for a network. |
SetClusterNetworkPriorityOrder Sets the priority order for the set of networks used for internal communication between cluster nodes. |
SetClusterQuorumResource Establishes a resource as the quorum resource for a cluster. |
SetClusterResourceDependencyExpression Specifies the dependency expression to be associated with the resource referred to by hResource. Any existing dependency relationships for the resource will be overwritten. |
SetClusterResourceName Sets the name for a resource. |
SetClusterServiceAccountPassword Changes the password for the Cluster service user account on all available cluster nodes. |
SetGroupDependencyExpression Sets the dependency expression for a cluster group. |
PCLUSTER_SETUP_PROGRESS_CALLBACK Callback function that receives regular updates on the progression of the setup of the cluster. |
PCLUSTER_UPGRADE_PROGRESS_CALLBACK Retrieves status information for a rolling upgrade of the operating system on a cluster. PCLUSTER_UPGRADE_PROGRESS_CALLBACK type defines a pointer to this function. |
CLUS_CHKDSK_INFO Represents information about a Chkdsk operation. |
CLUS_CSV_MAINTENANCE_MODE_INFO Enables or disables the maintenance mode on a cluster shared volume (CSV). |
CLUS_CSV_VOLUME_INFO Represents information about a cluster shared volume (CSV). |
CLUS_CSV_VOLUME_NAME Represents the name of a cluster shared volume (CSV). |
CLUS_DISK_NUMBER_INFO Represents information about the disk number of a physical disk. |
CLUS_DNN_LEADER_STATUS Represents the status of a Distributed Network Name (DNN) resource for a Scale-Out File Server. |
CLUS_DNN_SODAFS_CLONE_STATUS Represents the status of a Scale-Out File Server clone. |
CLUS_FORCE_QUORUM_INFO Specifies information about the list of nodes sufficient to establish quorum in a majority-of-nodes cluster. |
CLUS_FTSET_INFO Contains information about an FT (fault tolerant) set. This structure is used by the CLUSPROP_FTSET_INFO structure to create an entry in a value list. |
CLUS_MAINTENANCE_MODE_INFO Enables or disables maintenance mode on a cluster node. |
CLUS_MAINTENANCE_MODE_INFOEX Represents the extended maintenance mode settings for a storage class resource. |
CLUS_NETNAME_IP_INFO_ENTRY Represents IP information for a NetName resource. |
CLUS_NETNAME_IP_INFO_FOR_MULTICHANNEL Represents IP information for a NetName resource that has Multichannel enabled. |
CLUS_NETNAME_PWD_INFO Provides information for resetting the security principal associated with a computer name. |
CLUS_NETNAME_VS_TOKEN_INFO Contains the data needed to request a token. It is used as the input parameter of the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_NETNAME_GET_VIRTUAL_SERVER_TOKEN control code. |
CLUS_PARTITION_INFO Contains data describing a storage class resource volume and file system. It is used as the data member of a CLUSPROP_PARTITION_INFO structure and as the return value of some control code operations. |
CLUS_PARTITION_INFO_EX Describes a storage class resource volume and file system. |
CLUS_PARTITION_INFO_EX2 Describes the disk partition information of a storage class resource. |
CLUS_PROVIDER_STATE_CHANGE_INFO Contains data about the state of a provider resource. |
CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO Contains resource class data. It is used as the data member of a CLUSPROP_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO structure and as the return value of some control code operations. |
CLUS_SCSI_ADDRESS Contains SCSI address data. It is used as the data member of a CLUSPROP_SCSI_ADDRESS structure and as the return value of some control code operations. |
CLUS_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_MODE Describes the backup mode for CSV. |
CLUS_STARTING_PARAMS Indicates whether a node's attempt to start the Cluster service represents an attempt to form or join a cluster, and whether the node has attempted to start this version of the Cluster service before. |
CLUS_STORAGE_GET_AVAILABLE_DRIVELETTERS Contains a bitmask of the driver letters that are available on a node. It is used as the return value of the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_STORAGE_GET_DRIVELETTERS control code. |
CLUS_STORAGE_REMAP_DRIVELETTER Identifies the existing and target drive letter for a disk drive on a node. |
CLUS_STORAGE_SET_DRIVELETTER Supplies drive letter information for a disk partition associated with a storage class resource. |
CLUSCTL_GROUP_GET_LAST_MOVE_TIME_OUTPUT Specifies information about the last time a group was moved to another node. |
CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_STRUCT Sent with the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON control code to provide the reason for a resource state change. |
CLUSPROP_BINARY Describes a binary data value. |
CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER Used to build or parse a property list or, a value list. |
CLUSPROP_DWORD Describes a numeric value identifying the physical drive of a disk. |
CLUSPROP_FILETIME Describes a date and time stamp for a file. |
CLUSPROP_FTSET_INFO Contains information about an FT (fault tolerant) set. It is used as an entry in a value list and consists of a CLUSPROP_VALUE and a CLUS_FTSET_INFO structure. |
CLUSPROP_LARGE_INTEGER Describes a signed large integer. |
CLUSPROP_LIST Accesses the beginning of a property list. |
CLUSPROP_LONG Describes signed LONG data. |
CLUSPROP_PARTITION_INFO Contains information relevant to storage class resources. |
CLUSPROP_PARTITION_INFO_EX The CLUSPROP_PARTITION_INFO_EX structure contains information relevant to storage class resources. |
CLUSPROP_PARTITION_INFO_EX2 A value list entry that contains partition information for a storage class resource. This structure is as a input, and a as a return value for the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_STORAGE_GET_DISK_INFO_EX2 control code. |
CLUSPROP_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCY Describes a resource that is a required dependency of another resource. This union is used as a value in the value list returned from a CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES or CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_GET_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES control code operation. |
CLUSPROP_RESOURCE_CLASS Describes a resource class. |
CLUSPROP_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO Describes information relating to a resource class. |
CLUSPROP_SCSI_ADDRESS Describes an address for a SCSI device. |
CLUSPROP_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Describes a security descriptor. |
CLUSPROP_SYNTAX Describes the format and type of a data value. It is used as the Syntax member of the CLUSPROP_VALUE structure. |
CLUSPROP_SZ Describes multiple NULL-terminated Unicode strings. |
CLUSPROP_ULARGE_INTEGER Describes an unsigned large integer. |
CLUSPROP_VALUE Describes the syntax and length of a data value used in a value list. The CLUSPROP_VALUE structure is used as a generic header in all of the structures that describe data of a particular type, such as CLUSPROP_BINARY and CLUSPROP_SZ. |
CLUSPROP_WORD Describes numeric data. |
CLUSTER_BATCH_COMMAND Represents the order in which current batch command data is sent to the ClusterRegBatchReadCommand function. |
CLUSTER_CREATE_GROUP_INFO CLUSTER_CREATE_GROUP_INFO allows the caller to provide additional properties when creating a new group. |
CLUSTER_ENUM_ITEM CLUSTER_ENUM_ITEM contains the properties of a cluster object and is used to enumerate clusters in the ClusterEnumEx and ClusterNodeEnumEx functions. |
CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM_ITEM CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM_ITEM (clusapi.h) contains the properties of a cluster group and is used to enumerate cluster groups in the ClusterGroupEnumEx function. |
CLUSTER_IP_ENTRY Describes an IP address for a cluster. |
CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_INFO The CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_INFO (clusapi.h) structure represents the membership information for a cluster. |
CLUSTER_READ_BATCH_COMMAND Represents a result for a single command in a read batch. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_ITEM CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_ITEM represents the properties of a cluster resource and is used to enumerate cluster resources in the ClusterResourceEnumEx function. |
CLUSTER_SET_PASSWORD_STATUS Used by the SetClusterServiceAccountPassword function to return the results of a Cluster service user account password change for each cluster node. |
CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE_INFO Represents information about the state of a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV). (CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE_INFO) |
CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE_INFO_EX Represents information about the state of a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV). (CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE_INFO_EX) |
CLUSTER_VALIDATE_CSV_FILENAME Represents a cluster shared volume (CSV) during a validation operation. |
CLUSTER_VALIDATE_DIRECTORY The CLUSTER_VALIDATE_DIRECTORY (clusapi.h) structure passes in the directory to validate, with more information to be determined. |
CLUSTER_VALIDATE_NETNAME The CLUSTER_VALIDATE_NETNAME (clusapi.h) structure passes in the network name to validate, with more information to be determined. |
CLUSTER_VALIDATE_PATH The CLUSTER_VALIDATE_PATH (clusapi.h) structure passes in the network name to validate, with more information to be determined. |
CLUSTERVERSIONINFO Describes information about the version of the Cluster service installed locally on a node. |
CLUSTERVERSIONINFO_NT4 The CLUSTERVERSIONINFO_NT4 (clusapi.h) structure relates to multiple field types, with more information is to be determined. |
CREATE_CLUSTER_CONFIG Defines the initial cluster configuration. |
CREATE_CLUSTER_NAME_ACCOUNT Describes a cluster name resource and domain credentials used by the CreateClusterNameAccount function to add a cluster to a domain. PCREATE_CLUSTER_NAME_ACCOUNT defines a pointer to this structure. |
FILESHARE_CHANGE Describes the format for an entry in an event notification list. |
FILESHARE_CHANGE_LIST Describes an event notification list for file shares managed by the File Server resource. |
GROUP_FAILURE_INFO The GROUP_FAILURE_INFO (clusapi.h) structure represents information about the Failover attempts for a group failure. |
GROUP_FAILURE_INFO_BUFFER The GROUP_FAILURE_INFO_BUFFER (clusapi.h) structure represents a buffer for a GROUP_FAILURE_INFO structure. |
NOTIFY_FILTER_AND_TYPE The NOTIFY_FILTER_AND_TYPE (clusapi.h) structure represents a filter for a notification port that was created by the CreateClusterNotifyPortV2 function. |
RESOURCE_FAILURE_INFO The RESOURCE_FAILURE_INFO (clusapi.h) structure represents information about the Failover attempts for a resource. |
RESOURCE_FAILURE_INFO_BUFFER The RESOURCE_FAILURE_INFO_BUFFER (clusapi.h) structure represents the buffer for a resource failure. |
RESOURCE_TERMINAL_FAILURE_INFO_BUFFER The RESOURCE_TERMINAL_FAILURE_INFO_BUFFER (clusapi.h) structure represents a buffer for a terminal failure for a resource. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_DISK_INFO Describes a set of information that indicates whether a disk is eligible for replication. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_ELIGIBLE_DISKS_RESULT Describes a set of data disks retrieved by a resource type control code operation for storage replication. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_QUERY_ELIGIBLE_LOGDISKS Describes a set of retrieved disks that can be used as log disks for the specified data disk. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_QUERY_ELIGIBLE_SOURCE_DATADISKS Describes a set of retrieved data disks that can be used as source sites for replication. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_QUERY_ELIGIBLE_TARGET_DATADISKS Describes a set of retrieved data disks that can be used as target sites for replication. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_REPLICATED_DISK Represents a replicated disk. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_REPLICATED_DISKS_RESULT Describes a retrieved set of replicated disks. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_REPLICATED_PARTITION_ARRAY Lists the all replicated partitions on a disk. |
SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_REPLICATED_PARTITION_INFO Describes a replicated partition. |
CLCTL_CODES CLCTL_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates the possible operations that a control code will perform. |
CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS (clusapi.h) enumerates characteristics of resource types and resources. |
CLUS_FLAGS CLUS_FLAGS (clusapi.h) identifies the resource or group as a core resource. |
CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING (clusapi.h) enumerates the start settings for a cluster group. |
CLUS_RESSUBCLASS CLUS_RESSUBCLASS (clusapi.h) identifies a resource subclass that manages a shared resource. |
CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK (clusapi.h) identifies a resource subclass that manages an IP address provider. |
CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE (clusapi.h) identifies a resource subclass that manages a shared bus. |
CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates cluster control codes used by the ClusterControl function. |
CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates groupcontrol codes. |
CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates groupset control codes used by the ClusterGroupSetControl function. |
CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates Network Interface control codes. |
CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates network control codes. |
CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates node control codes. |
CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates resource control codes. |
CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES (clusapi.h) enumerates resource type control codes. |
CLUSGROUP_TYPE CLUSGROUP_TYPE (clusapi.h) specifies the type of cluster group to create. |
CLUSPROP_IPADDR_ENABLENETBIOS When used with the CLUSPROP_DWORD structure, enables or disables the functionality of the EnableNetBIOS property of IP Address resources. |
CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS (clusapi.h) represents disk partition information. The enumeration flags identify certain properties of a disk partition, which is a storage class resource. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE CLUSTER_CHANGE (clusapi.h) describes the type of notification returned. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the list of notifications that are generated for a cluster. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the list of notifications that are generated for a group. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the list of notifications that are generated for a groupset. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the set of notifications that are generated for a cluster network interface. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the notifications that are generated for a cluster network. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the notifications that are generated for the upgrade of a cluster node. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the notifications that are generated for a cluster node. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the notifications that are generated for quorum-specific information. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the notifications that are generated for a registry key. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the set of notifications that are generated for a resource type. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the list of notifications that are generated for a resource. |
CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2 CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2 (clusapi.h) defines the notifications that are generated for a cluster shared volume. |
CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT (clusapi.h) is the 8-bit object component of a control code that indicates the type of cluster object to which the control code applies. For more information, see Control Code Architecture. |
CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_FAULT_STATE Defines the various fault states for a cluster shared volume (CSV). |
CLUSTER_ENUM CLUSTER_ENUM (clusapi.h) describes the type of cluster objects being enumerated. |
CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE (clusapi.h) is used by the AutoFailbackType group common property to specify whether the group should be failed back to the node identified as its preferred owner when that node comes back online following a failover. |
CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM (clusapi.h) describes the type of cluster object being enumerated by the ClusterGroupEnum and ClusterGroupOpenEnum functions. |
CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY (clusapi.h) specifies the priority level of a group. |
CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE (clusapi.h) enumerates the possible states of a group. |
CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE (clusapi.h) specifies the type of the management point for the cluster. |
CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE (clusapi.h) enumerates the possible values of the state of a network interface. |
CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM (clusapi.h) describes the type of cluster object being enumerated by the ClusterNetworkEnum and ClusterNetworkOpenEnum functions. |
CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE (clusapi.h) describes the role a network plays in the cluster. |
CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE (clusapi.h) enumerates the possible values of the state of a network. |
CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS (clusapi.h) enumerates the possible values of the status of a node drain. |
CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM (clusapi.h) describes the types of cluster objects that are enumerated by the ClusterNodeEnum and ClusterNodeOpenEnum functions. |
CLUSTER_NODE_RESUME_FAILBACK_TYPE Specifies the failback type to use when a cluster node in a paused state is resumed by the ResumeClusterNodeEx function. |
CLUSTER_NODE_STATE CLUSTER_NODE_STATE (clusapi.h) describes the state of a cluster node. |
CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS (clusapi.h) describes the status of a cluster node. |
CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION (clusapi.h) defines the various versions of cluster notification enumerations. |
CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE (clusapi.h) defines the type of object for which a notification is requested or generated. |
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT (clusapi.h) specifies the data type of a property value in a property list. |
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX (clusapi.h) provides the possible values for the syntax structures in a property list. |
CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE (clusapi.h) defines the property types that are supported by a cluster property list. |
CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE (clusapi.h) is the type of quorum resource to be created. |
CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE (clusapi.h) enumerates values returned by the ClusterControl function with the CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CHECK_VOTER_DOWN or the CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CHECK_VOTER_EVICT control codes. |
CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND (clusapi.h) enumerates the possible cluster registry commands that a local node will perform when attempting to join a cluster. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS (clusapi.h) defines the class of a resource. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS (clusapi.h) determines which resource monitor a given resource will be assigned to. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION (clusapi.h) specifies the various actions that can be performed when a resource has an embedded failure. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM (clusapi.h) describes the type of cluster object being enumerated by the ClusterResourceEnum or ClusterResourceOpenEnum functions. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION (clusapi.h) is used by the RestartAction resource common property to specify the action to be taken by the cluster service if the resource fails. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE The CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE (clusapi.h) enumeration describes the operational condition of a resource. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON (clusapi.h) is used by control codes to describe the reason for a resource state change. |
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM describes the type of cluster object being enumerated by the ClusterResourceTypeEnum and ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum functions. |
CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE Used by the ClusterSetupProgressCallback function to identify the current phase of the cluster setup process. |
CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_SEVERITY Describes the severity of the current phase of the cluster setup process. |
CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_TYPE Describes the progress of the cluster setup process. |
CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_STATE Describes the CSV backup state. |
CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE (clusapi.h) specifies the various snapshot states for a shared volume. |
CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE Defines the states of a cluster shared volume. |
CLUSTER_UPGRADE_PHASE Describes the state of a rolling upgrade of the operating system on a cluster. This enumeration is used by the ClusterUpgradeProgressCallback callback function. |
FILESHARE_CHANGE_ENUM Contains the possible change events that are used by the FILESHARE_CHANGE structure to describe an entry in a file share event notification list. |
MAINTENANCE_MODE_TYPE_ENUM Defines the possible states that a storage class resource can be placed in when marked for maintenance. |
NODE_CLUSTER_STATE NODE_CLUSTER_STATE (clusapi.h) indicates the state of the cluster. The GetNodeClusterState function uses this enumeration. |
PLACEMENT_OPTIONS Defines options for placing the cluster. |
SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE Specifies the various reasons a disk on a cluster node can be eligible or ineligible for replication. |
SR_REPLICATED_DISK_TYPE Specifies the replicated disk types for the SR_RESOURCE_TYPE_REPLICATED_DISK structure. |