iads.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
iads.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IADs The IADs interface defines the basic object features, that is, properties and methods, of any ADSI object. |
IADsAccessControlEntry The IADsAccessControlEntry interface is a dual interface that enables directory clients to access and manipulate individual access-control entries (ACEs) of the owning object. |
IADsAccessControlList The IADsAccessControlList interface is a dual interface that manages individual access-control entries (ACEs). |
IADsAcl The IADsAcl interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access and manipulate the ACL or Inherited ACL attribute values. This interface manipulates the attributes. |
IADsADSystemInfo The IADsADSystemInfo interface retrieves data about the local computer if it is running a Windows operating system in a Windows domain. For example, you can get the domain, site, and distinguished name of the local computer. |
IADsBackLink The IADsBackLink interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Back Link attribute. You can call the property methods of this interface to obtain and modify the attribute. |
IADsCaseIgnoreList The IADsCaseIgnoreList interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Case Ignore List attribute. You can call the property methods of this interface to obtain and modify the attribute. |
IADsClass The IADsClass interface is designed for managing schema class objects that provide class definitions for any ADSI object. Other schema management interfaces include IADsProperty for attribute definitions and IADsSyntax for attribute syntax. |
IADsCollection The IADsCollection interface is a dual interface that enables its hosting ADSI object to define and manage an arbitrary set of named data elements for a directory service. |
IADsComputer The IADsComputer interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsComputerOperations The IADsComputerOperations interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsContainer The IADsContainer interface enables an ADSI container object to create, delete, and manage contained ADSI objects. Container objects represent hierarchical directory trees, such as in a file system, and to organize the directory hierarchy. |
IADsDeleteOps The IADsDeleteOps interface specifies a method an object can use to delete itself from the underlying directory. For a container object, the method deletes its children and the entire subtree. |
IADsDNWithBinary The IADsDNWithBinary interface provides methods for an ADSI client to associate a distinguished name (DN) with the GUID of an object. |
IADsDNWithString The IADsDNWithString interface provides methods for an ADSI client to associate a distinguished name (DN) to a string value. |
IADsDomain The IADsDomain interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsEmail The IADsEmail interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Email Address attribute. |
IADsExtension The IADsExtension interface forms the basis of the ADSI application extension model. |
IADsFaxNumber The IADsFaxNumber interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Facsimile Telephone Number attribute. |
IADsFileService The IADsFileService interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADsService. |
IADsFileServiceOperations The IADsFileServiceOperations interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADsServiceOperations. |
IADsFileShare The IADsFileShare interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed for representing a published file share across the network. Call the methods on IADsFileShare to access or publish data about a file share point. |
IADsGroup Manages group membership data in a directory service. |
IADsHold The IADsHold interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Hold attribute. |
IADsLargeInteger Used to manipulate 64-bit integers of the LargeInteger type. |
IADsLocality The IADsLocality interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsMembers The IADsMembers interface is a dual interface. |
IADsNamespaces The IADsNamespaces interface is implemented by the ADs provider and is used for managing namespace objects. |
IADsNameTranslate The IADsNameTranslateinterface translates distinguished names (DNs) among various formats as defined in the ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM enumeration. The feature is available to objects in Active Directory. |
IADsNetAddress The IADsNetAddress interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Net Address attribute. |
IADsO The IADsO interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsObjectOptions Provides a direct mechanism to specify and obtain provider-specific options for manipulating an ADSI object. |
IADsOctetList The IADsOctetList interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Octet List attribute. |
IADsOpenDSObject The IADsOpenDSObject interface is designed to supply a security context for binding to an object in the underlying directory store. |
IADsOU Used to manage organizationalUnit objects. |
IADsPath The IADsPath interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Path attribute. |
IADsPathname Parses the X.500 and Windows path in ADSI. |
IADsPostalAddress The IADsPostalAddress interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Postal Address attribute. |
IADsPrintJob The IADsPrintJob interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsPrintJobOperations The IADsPrintJobOperations interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsPrintQueue The IADsPrintQueue interface represents a printer on a network. |
IADsPrintQueueOperations Used to control a printer from across a network. |
IADsProperty The IADsProperty interface is designed to manage a single attribute definition for a schema class object. |
IADsPropertyEntry The IADsPropertyEntry interface is used to manage a property entry in the property cache. |
IADsPropertyList The IADsPropertyList interface is used to modify, read, and update a list of property entries in the property cache of an object. |
IADsPropertyValue Used to represent the value of an IADsPropertyEntry object in a predefined data type. |
IADsPropertyValue2 Used to represent the value of an IADsPropertyEntry object in any data format. |
IADsReplicaPointer The IADsReplicaPointer interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Replica Pointer attribute. |
IADsResource The IADsResource interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed to manage an open resource for a file service across a network. |
IADsSecurityDescriptor Provides access to properties on an ADSI security descriptor object. |
IADsSecurityUtility The IADsSecurityUtility interface is used to get, set, or retrieve the security descriptor on a file, fileshare, or registry key. |
IADsService The IADsService interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsServiceOperations The IADsServiceOperations interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsSession The IADsSession interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. It is designed to represent an active session for file service across a network. |
IADsSyntax The IADsSyntax interface specifies methods to identify and modify the available Automation data types used to represent its data. |
IADsTimestamp The IADsTimestamp interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Timestamp attribute. |
IADsTypedName The IADsTypedName interface provides methods for an ADSI client to access the Typed Name attribute. |
IADsUser The IADsUser interface is a dual interface that inherits from IADs. |
IADsWinNTSystemInfo The IADsWinNTSystemInfo interface retrieves the WinNT system information about a computer. Such system information includes user account name, user domain, host name, and the primary domain controller of the host computer. |
IDirectoryObject The IDirectoryObject interface is a non-Automation COM interface that provides clients with direct access to directory service objects. |
IDirectorySchemaMgmt Not currently implemented and should not be used. |
IDirectorySearch The IDirectorySearch interface is a pure COM interface that provides a low overhead method that non-Automation clients can use to perform queries in the underlying directory. |
ADS_ATTR_DEF The ADS_ATTR_DEF structure is used only as a part of IDirectorySchemaMgmt, which is an obsolete interface. |
ADS_ATTR_INFO Used to contain one or more attribute values for use with the IDirectoryObject::CreateDSObject, IDirectoryObject::GetObjectAttributes, or IDirectoryObject::SetObjectAttributes method. |
ADS_BACKLINK The ADS_BACKLINK structure is an ADSI representation of the Back Link attribute syntax. |
ADS_CASEIGNORE_LIST The ADS_CASEIGNORE_LIST structure is an ADSI representation of the Case Ignore List attribute syntax. |
ADS_CLASS_DEF The ADS_CLASS_DEF structure is used only as a part of IDirectorySchemaMgmt, which is an obsolete interface. The information that follows is provided for legacy purposes only. The ADS_CLASS_DEF structure holds the definitions of an object class. |
ADS_DN_WITH_BINARY Used with the ADSVALUE structure to contain a distinguished name attribute value that also contains binary data. |
ADS_DN_WITH_STRING Used with the ADSVALUE structure to contain a distinguished name attribute value that also contains string data. |
ADS_EMAIL The ADS_EMAIL structure is an ADSI representation of the EMail Address attribute syntax. |
ADS_FAXNUMBER The ADS_FAXNUMBER structure is an ADSI representation of the Facsimile Telephone Number attribute syntax. |
ADS_HOLD The ADS_HOLD structure is an ADSI representation of the Hold attribute syntax. |
ADS_NETADDRESS The ADS_NETADDRESS structure is an ADSI representation of the Net Address attribute syntax. |
ADS_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR The ADS_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure defines the data type of the security descriptor for Windows. |
ADS_OBJECT_INFO The ADS_OBJECT_INFO structure specifies the data, including the identity and location, of a directory service object. |
ADS_OCTET_LIST The ADS_OCTET_LIST structure is an ADSI representation of an ordered sequence of single-byte strings. |
ADS_OCTET_STRING The ADS_OCTET_STRING structure is an ADSI representation of the Octet String attribute syntax used in Active Directory. |
ADS_PATH The ADS_PATH structure is an ADSI representation of the Path attribute syntax. |
ADS_POSTALADDRESS The ADS_POSTALADDRESS structure is an ADSI representation of the Postal Address attribute. |
ADS_PROV_SPECIFIC The ADS_PROV_SPECIFIC structure contains provider-specific data represented as a binary large object (BLOB). |
ADS_REPLICAPOINTER Represents an ADSI representation of the Replica Pointer attribute syntax. |
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN The ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN structure specifies the contents of a search column in the query returned from the directory service database. |
ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO The ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO structure specifies the query preferences. |
ADS_SORTKEY The ADS_SORTKEY structure specifies how to sort a query. |
ADS_TIMESTAMP The ADS_TIMESTAMP structure is an ADSI representation of the Timestamp attribute syntax. |
ADS_TYPEDNAME Represents an ADSI representation of Typed Name attribute syntax. |
ADS_VLV Contains metadata used to conduct virtual list view (VLV) searches. |
ADSVALUE Contains a value specified as an ADSI data type. |
ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM The ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM enumeration is used to specify the behavior of an Access Control Entry (ACE) for an Active Directory object. |
ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM Used to specify the type of an access-control entry for Active Directory objects. |
ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM Specifies authentication options used in ADSI for binding to directory service objects. |
ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM The ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM enumeration specifies if, and how, referral chasing occurs. |
ADS_DEREFENUM The ADS_DEREFENUM enumeration specifies the process through which aliases are dereferenced. |
ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM The ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM enumeration specifies how a path is to be displayed. |
ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM Specifies how escape characters are displayed in a directory path. |
ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM The ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM enumeration specifies values that can be used to indicate the presence of the ObjectType or InheritedObjectType fields in the access-control entry (ACE). |
ADS_FORMAT_ENUM Specifies the available path value types used by the IADsPathname::Retrieve method. |
ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM Specifies the type of group objects in ADSI. |
ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM The ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM enumeration specifies the types of initialization to perform on a NameTranslate object. It is used in the IADsNameTranslate interface. |
ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM Specifies the formats used for representing distinguished names. |
ADS_OPTION_ENUM Contains values that indicate the options that can be retrieved or set with the IADsObjectOptions.GetOption and IADsObjectOptions.SetOption methods. |
ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODING_ENUM Identifies the type of password encoding used with the ADS_OPTION_PASSWORD_METHOD option in the IADsObjectOptions::GetOption and IADsObjectOptions::SetOption methods. |
ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM The ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM enumeration specifies the type of object on which the IADsSecurityUtility interface is going to add or modify a security descriptor. |
ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM The ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM enumeration specifies the query preferences of the OLE DB provider for ADSI. |
ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM Specifies ways to update a named property in the cache. |
ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM Specifies access rights assigned to an Active Directory object. |
ADS_SCOPEENUM Specifies the scope of a directory search. |
ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM The ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM enumeration specifies control flags for a security descriptor. |
ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM The ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM enumeration specifies the format that the security descriptor of an object will be converted to by the IADsSecurityUtility interface. |
ADS_SD_REVISION_ENUM Specifies the revision number of the access-control entry (ACE), or the access-control list (ACL), for Active Directory. |
ADS_SEARCHPREF_ENUM Specifies preferences for an IDirectorySearch object. |
ADS_SECURITY_INFO_ENUM Specifies the available options for examining security data of an object. |
ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM The ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM enumeration specifies the available pathname format used by the IADsPathname::Set method. |
ADS_STATUSENUM Specifies the status of a search preference set with the IDirectorySearch::SetSearchPreference method. |
ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM The ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM enumeration defines some of the values that can be assigned to the systemFlags attribute. Some of the values in the enumeration are specific to attributeSchema objects; other values can be set on objects of any class. |
ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM Defines the flags used for setting user properties in the directory. |
ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM The ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM enumeration specifies query dialects used in the OLE DB provider for ADSI. |
ADSTYPEENUM Used to identify the data type of an ADSI property value. |