Improve container image pull performance in Azure Kubernetes Service
This article provides methods to improve container image pull performance in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
There are two types of container image pulls: serialized and parallel image pulls.
In AKS versions earlier than 1.31, by default, AKS enables serialized image pulls. Starting in AKS version 1.31 preview, by default, AKS pulls container images in parallel. Typically, serialized image pulls should be less performant than parallel image pulls, particularly when the service tries to pull large or numerous container images.
However, you might still experience decreased performance by using parallel image pulls compared to using serial image pulls. Trying to pull large or numerous images in a parallel manner might throttle the disk. This is especially true when you use unoptimized disk and VM resources. In this situation, you might notice that the time to pull the first images is faster in a serial setup, but the time to pull all images is faster in a parallel setup. Depending on your workload needs, you should consider using the following steps to scale your disk and VM resources or toggle the image pull type.
Upgrade to AKS 1.31 to switch from serialized image pulls to parallel image pulls. Parallel image pulls generally improve image pull performance.
If you notice that parallel image pulls increase the latency of operations compared to serialized image pulls, try one or more methods below to improve performance:
- Use ephemeral OS disks
- Increase the size of the OS disk
- Use newer VM SKUs
- Increase the size of the VM SKU
- Toggle image pull type
Change from managed operating system (OS) disks to ephemeral OS disks to reduce disk throughput bottlenecks in image pulls. Ephemeral OS disks provide a dynamic amount of available IOPS, allowing them to scale based on your workload requirements.
Increase the size of your OS disk to reduce a disk throughput bottleneck in image pulling. Larger managed OS disks increase the available disk bandwidth.
Switch to newer hardware generation virtual machine (VM) stock keeping units (SKUs), such as the V4 and V5 series. This can reduce CPU bottlenecks in image pulling. Newer VM SKUs provide a more performant experience across storage and network throughput.
Increase the available CPU cores on your VM SKU to reduce a CPU bottleneck in image pulling. Allocating more cores helps avoid throttling on the VM.
Use the following AFEC flag instructions to toggle parallel images on or off.
When you run the az feature list --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
, you should see the following feature appear:
{ "id": "/subscriptions/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/providers/Microsoft.Features/providers/microsoft.ContainerService/features/DisableParallelImagePulls", "name": "microsoft.ContainerService/DisableParallelImagePulls", "properties": { "state": "NotRegistered" }, "type": "Microsoft.Features/providers/features" }
You can register the feature on your Azure subscription by the following command:
az feature register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name DisableParallelImagePulls
Behavior expectation if the feature is registered:
- By default, upgrading any node pool or cluster to Kubernetes 1.31 from a version that's earlier than 1.31 will cause serial image pulling, and upgrading in Kubernetes 1.31 or a later version will cause parallel pulling.
- Node pools or clusters that are already running Kubernetes 1.31 but were created before the subscription registration will initially use parallel image pulling. However, any subsequent node image upgrade or Kubernetes version upgrade will cause the node pool or cluster to use serial image pulling.
- For any new clusters or node pools that are created or upgraded to Kubernetes versions earlier than 1.31, registering for this feature will have no effect. This is because parallel image pulling applies to only versions 1.31 and later.
- Performing an empty
on existing Kubernetes 1.31 node pools or clusters (that were created before subscription registration) will not immediately switch parallel image pulling to serial pulling. To trigger the change, the node must undergo a reimage. A reimage occurs only during a Kubernetes or node image upgrade. However, the PUT operation will update the flag in the database, and the change will take effect during the next upgrade.
If you have questions or need help, create a support request, or ask Azure community support. You can also submit product feedback to Azure feedback community.