Retrieve a list of available autoscaler configuration profiles in the system or a specific autoscaler configuration profile and its settings.
Name Cluster
---------- --------------
default myCluster, clusterProd2,...
myProfile2 staging3,dev3,dev2,...
myProfile4 myCluster2
Get-AksHciAutoScalerProfile -name myProfile
ProfileSetting Value
-------------- ---------
name myProfile
scan-interval 10 seconds
scale-down-delay-after-add 10 minutes
scale-down-delay-after-delete 10 seconds
scale-down-delay-after-failure 3 minutes
scale-down-unneeded-time 10 minutes
scale-down-unready-time 20 minutes
scale-down-utilization-threshold 0.5
max-graceful-termination-sec 600 seconds
balance-similar-node-groups false
expander random
skip-nodes-with-local-storage true
skip-nodes-with-system-pods true
max-empty-bulk-delete 10 nodes
new-pod-scale-up-delay 0 seconds
max-total-unready-percentage 45%
max-node-provision-time 15 minutes
ok-total-unready-count 3 nodes
clusters [myCluster1,dev2,dev3,...]
The alphanumeric name of the autoscaler configuration profile.
Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False