Onco-Phenotype patient info

The Onco-Phenotype currently can receive patient information in the form of unstructured clinical notes. The payload should contain a patients section with one or more objects where the data property contains one or more JSON object of kind "note".

Example request

In this example, the Onco-Phenotype model receives patient information in the form of unstructured clinical notes.


The examples in this article are based on API version: 2023-03-01-preview. For a specific API version, please follow the reference to the REST API to see full description of each API version.

  "configuration": {
    "checkForCancerCase": true,
    "includeEvidence": false
  "patients": [
      "id": "patient1",
      "data": [
          "kind": "note",
          "clinicalType": "pathology",
          "id": "document1",
          "language": "en",
          "createdDateTime": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
          "content": {
            "sourceType": "inline",
            "value": "Laterality:  Left \n   Tumor type present:  Invasive duct carcinoma; duct carcinoma in situ \n   Tumor site:  Upper inner quadrant \n   Invasive carcinoma \n   Histologic type:  Ductal \n   Size of invasive component:  0.9 cm \n   Histologic Grade - Nottingham combined histologic score:  1 out of 3 \n   In situ carcinoma (DCIS) \n   Histologic type of DCIS:  Cribriform and solid \n   Necrosis in DCIS:  Yes \n   DCIS component of invasive carcinoma:  Extensive \n"

Next steps

To get started using the Onco-Phenotype model: