Manage multiple tenants


The deadline for migrating Azure Video Indexer content due to the Azure Media Services retirement has passed. See the retirement guide for more information.

This article discusses different options for managing multiple tenants with Azure AI Video Indexer. Choose a method that is most suitable for your scenario:

  • Azure AI Video Indexer account per tenant
  • Single Azure AI Video Indexer account for all tenants
  • Azure subscription per tenant

Azure AI Video Indexer account per tenant

An Azure AI Video Indexer account is created for each tenant. The tenants have full isolation in the persistent and compute layer.

Azure AI Video Indexer account per tenant


  • Customers don't share storage accounts (unless manually configured by the customer).

  • Customers don't share compute (reserved units) and don't affect processing jobs times of one another.

  • You can easily remove a tenant from the system by deleting the Azure AI Video Indexer account.

  • There's no ability to share custom models between tenants.

    Make sure there's no business requirement to share custom models.

  • Harder to manage due to multiple Azure AI Video Indexer accounts per tenant.


Create an admin user for your system in the Azure AI Video Indexer developer portal and use the Authorization API to provide your tenants the relevant account access token.

Single Azure AI Video Indexer account for all users

The customer is responsible for tenants isolation when using a single VI account for all users. All tenants have to use a single Azure AI Video Indexer account. The customer needs to filter the proper results for that tenant when uploading, searching, or deleting content, .

Single Azure AI Video Indexer account for all users

With this option, customization models (Person, Language, and Brands) can be shared or isolated between tenants by filtering the models by tenant.

When uploading videos, you can specify a different partition attribute per tenant which allows isolation in the search API. By specifying the partition attribute in the search API, you only get results of the specified partition.


  • Ability to share content and customization models between tenants.
  • One tenant impacts the performance of other tenants.
  • Customer needs to build a complex management layer on top of Azure AI Video Indexer.


You can use the priority attribute to prioritize tenants jobs.

Azure subscription per tenant

Each tenant has their own Azure subscription when using an Azure subscription per tenant. For each user, you create a new Azure AI Video Indexer account in the tenant subscription.

Azure subscription per tenant


  • This configuration is the only option that enables billing separation.
  • This integration has more management overhead than Azure AI Video Indexer account per tenant. If billing isn't a requirement, it's recommended to use one of the other options described in this article.