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Classifying a job

Learn to use a classification policy in Job Router to dynamically resolve the queue and priority while also attaching worker selectors to a Job.


Create a classification policy

The following example leverages PowerFx Expressions to select both the queue and priority. The expression attempts to match the Job label called Region equal to NA resulting in the Job being put in the XBOX_NA_QUEUE. Otherwise, the job is sent to the fallback queue XBOX_DEFAULT_QUEUE as defined by fallbackQueueId. Additionally, the priority is 10 if a label called Hardware_VIP was matched, otherwise it is 1.

var classificationPolicy = await administrationClient.CreateClassificationPolicyAsync(
    new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions(classificationPolicyId: "XBOX_NA_QUEUE_Priority_1_10")
        Name = "Select XBOX Queue and set priority to 1 or 10",
        QueueSelectorAttachments =
            new ConditionalQueueSelectorAttachment(condition: new ExpressionRouterRule("job.Region = \"NA\""),
                queueSelectors: new List<RouterQueueSelector>
                    new(key: "Id", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal, value: new RouterValue("XBOX_NA_QUEUE"))
        FallbackQueueId = "XBOX_DEFAULT_QUEUE",
        PrioritizationRule = new ExpressionRouterRule("If(job.Hardware_VIP = true, 10, 1)"),
var classificationPolicy = await client.path("/routing/classificationPolicies/{classificationPolicyId}", 
    body: {
        name: "Select XBOX Queue and set priority to 1 or 10",
        queueSelectorAttachments: [{            
            kind: "conditional",
            condition: {
                kind: "expression",
                expression: 'job.Region = "NA"'
            queueSelectors: [{
                key: "Id",
                labelOperator: "equal",
                value: "XBOX_NA_QUEUE"
        fallbackQueueId: "XBOX_DEFAULT_QUEUE",
        prioritizationRule: {
            kind: "expression",
            expression: "If(job.Hardware_VIP = true, 10, 1)"
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
classification_policy: ClassificationPolicy = administration_client.upsert_classification_policy(
    classification_policy_id = "XBOX_NA_QUEUE_Priority_1_10",
    name = "Select XBOX Queue and set priority to 1 or 10",
    queue_selector_attachments = [
            condition = ExpressionRouterRule(expression = 'job.Region = "NA"'),
            queue_selectors = [
                RouterQueueSelector(key = "Id", label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL, value = "XBOX_NA_QUEUE")
    fallback_queue_id = "XBOX_DEFAULT_QUEUE",
    prioritization_rule = ExpressionRouterRule(expression = "If(job.Hardware_VIP = true, 10, 1)")))
ClassificationPolicy classificationPolicy = administrationClient.createClassificationPolicy(
    new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("XBOX_NA_QUEUE_Priority_1_10")
        .setName("Select XBOX Queue and set priority to 1 or 10")
        .setQueueSelectors(List.of(new ConditionalQueueSelectorAttachment(
            new ExpressionRouterRule("job.Region = \"NA\""),
            List.of(new RouterQueueSelector("Id", LabelOperator.EQUAL, new RouterValue("XBOX_NA_QUEUE"))))))
        .setPrioritizationRule(new ExpressionRouterRule().setExpression("If(job.Hardware_VIP = true, 10, 1)")));

Submit the job

The following example causes the classification policy to evaluate the Job labels. The outcome places the Job in the queue called XBOX_NA_QUEUE and sets the priority to 1. Before the classification policy is evaluated, the job's state is pendingClassification. Once the classification policy is evaluated, the job's state is updated to queued.

var job = await client.CreateJobWithClassificationPolicyAsync(new CreateJobWithClassificationPolicyOptions(
    jobId: "job1",
    channelId: "voice",
    classificationPolicyId: classificationPolicy.Value.Id)
    Labels =
        ["Region"] = new RouterValue("NA"),
        ["Caller_Id"] = new RouterValue("7805551212"),
        ["Caller_NPA_NXX"] = new RouterValue("780555"),
        ["XBOX_Hardware"] = new RouterValue(7)
var job = await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}", "job1").patch({
    body: {
        channelId: "voice",
        classificationPolicyId: "XBOX_NA_QUEUE_Priority_1_10",
        labels: {
            Region: "NA",
            Caller_Id: "7805551212",
            Caller_NPA_NXX: "780555",
            XBOX_Hardware: 7
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
job = client.upsert_job(
    job_id = "job1",
    channel_id = "voice",
    classification_policy_id = "XBOX_NA_QUEUE_Priority_1_10",
    labels = {
        "Region": "NA",
        "Caller_Id": "7805551212",
        "Caller_NPA_NXX": "780555",
        "XBOX_Hardware": 7
RouterJob job = client.createJob(new CreateJobWithClassificationPolicyOptions("job1", "voice", "XBOX_NA_QUEUE_Priority_1_10")
        "Region", new RouterValue("NA"),
        "Caller_Id": new RouterValue("7805551212"),
        "Caller_NPA_NXX": new RouterValue("780555"),
        "XBOX_Hardware": new RouterValue(7)

Attaching Worker Selectors

You can use the classification policy to attach more worker selectors to a job.

Static Attachments

In this example, the Classification Policy is configured with a static attachment, which always attaches the specified label selector to a job.

await administrationClient.CreateClassificationPolicyAsync(
    new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
        WorkerSelectorAttachments =
            new StaticWorkerSelectorAttachment(new RouterWorkerSelector(
                key: "Foo", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal, value: new RouterValue("Bar")))
await client.path("/routing/classificationPolicies/{classificationPolicyId}", "policy-1").patch({
    body: {
        workerSelectorAttachments: [{
            kind: "static",
            workerSelector: { key: "Foo", labelOperator: "equal", value: "Bar" }
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    classification_policy_id = "policy-1",
    worker_selector_attachments = [
            worker_selector = RouterWorkerSelector(key = "Foo", label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL, value = "Bar")
administrationClient.createClassificationPolicy(new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
        new StaticWorkerSelectorAttachment(new RouterWorkerSelector("Foo", LabelOperator.EQUAL, new RouterValue("Bar"))))));

Conditional Attachments

In this example, the Classification Policy is configured with a conditional attachment. So it evaluates a condition against the job labels to determine if the said label selectors should be attached to the job.

await administrationClient.CreateClassificationPolicyAsync(
    new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
        WorkerSelectorAttachments =
            new ConditionalRouterWorkerSelectorAttachment(
                condition: new ExpressionRouterRule("job.Urgent = true"),
                workerSelectors: new List<RouterWorkerSelector>
                    new(key: "Foo", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal, value: new RouterValue("Bar"))
await client.path("/routing/classificationPolicies/{classificationPolicyId}", "policy-1").patch({
    body: {
        workerSelectorAttachments: [{
            kind: "conditional",
            condition: { kind: "expression", expression: "job.Urgent = true" },
            workerSelectors: [{ key: "Foo", labelOperator: "equal", value: "Bar" }]
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    classification_policy_id = "policy-1",
    worker_selector_attachments = [
            condition = ExpressionRouterRule(expression = "job.Urgent = true"),
            worker_selectors = [
                RouterWorkerSelector(key = "Foo", label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL, value = "Bar")
administrationClient.createClassificationPolicy(new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
    .setWorkerSelectorAttachments(List.of(new ConditionalRouterWorkerSelectorAttachment(
        new ExpressionRouterRule("job.Urgent = true"),
        List.of(new RouterWorkerSelector("Foo", LabelOperator.EQUAL, new RouterValue("Bar")))))));

Passthrough Attachments

In this example, the Classification Policy is configured to attach a worker selector ("Foo" = "<value comes from "Foo" label of the job>") to the job.

await administrationClient.CreateClassificationPolicyAsync(
    new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
        WorkerSelectorAttachments =
            new PassThroughWorkerSelectorAttachment(key: "Foo", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal)
await client.path("/routing/classificationPolicies/{classificationPolicyId}", "policy-1").patch({
    body: {
        workerSelectorAttachments: [{ kind: "passThrough", key: "Foo", labelOperator: "equal" }]
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    classification_policy_id = "policy-1",
    worker_selector_attachments = [
            key = "Foo", label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL, value = "Bar")
administrationClient.createClassificationPolicy(new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
    .setWorkerSelectorAttachments(List.of(new PassThroughWorkerSelectorAttachment("Foo", LabelOperator.EQUAL))));

Weighted Allocation Attachments

In this example, the Classification Policy is configured with a weighted allocation attachment. This policy divides up jobs according to the weightings specified and attach different selectors accordingly. Here, 30% of jobs should go to workers with the label Vendor set to A and 70% should go to workers with the label Vendor set to B.

await administrationClient.CreateClassificationPolicyAsync(new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
        WorkerSelectorAttachments =
            new WeightedAllocationWorkerSelectorAttachment(new List<WorkerWeightedAllocation>
                new (weight: 0.3, workerSelectors: new List<RouterWorkerSelector>
                    new (key: "Vendor", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal, value: new RouterValue("A"))
                new (weight: 0.7, workerSelectors: new List<RouterWorkerSelector>
                    new (key: "Vendor", labelOperator: LabelOperator.Equal, value: new RouterValue("B"))
await client.path("/routing/classificationPolicies/{classificationPolicyId}", "policy-1").patch({
    body: {
        workerSelectorAttachments: [{
            kind: "weightedAllocation",
            allocations: [
                weight: 0.3,
                workerSelectors: [{ key: "Vendor", labelOperator: "equal", value: "A" }]
                weight: 0.7,
                workerSelectors: [{ key: "Vendor", labelOperator: "equal", value: "B" }]
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    classification_policy_id = "policy-1",
    worker_selector_attachments = [ 
        WeightedAllocationWorkerSelectorAttachment(allocations = [
            WorkerWeightedAllocation(weight = 0.3, worker_selectors = [
                RouterWorkerSelector(key = "Vendor", label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL, value = "A")
            WorkerWeightedAllocation(weight = 0.7, worker_selectors = [
                RouterWorkerSelector(key = "Vendor", label_operator = LabelOperator.EQUAL, value = "B")
administrationClient.createClassificationPolicy(new CreateClassificationPolicyOptions("policy-1")
    .setWorkerSelectorAttachments(List.of(new WeightedAllocationWorkerSelectorAttachment(
        List.of(new WorkerWeightedAllocation(0.3, List.of(
            new RouterWorkerSelector("Vendor", LabelOperator.EQUAL, new RouterValue("A")),
            new RouterWorkerSelector("Vendor", LabelOperator.EQUAL, new RouterValue("B"))

Reclassify a job after submission

Once the Job Router has received, and classified a Job using a policy, you have the option of reclassifying it using the SDK. The following example illustrates one way of increasing the priority of the Job to 10, simply by specifying the Job ID, calling the UpdateJobAsync method, and updating the classificationPolicyId and including the Hardware_VIP label.

await client.UpdateJobAsync(new RouterJob("job1") {
    ClassificationPolicyId = classificationPolicy.Value.Id,
    Labels = { ["Hardware_VIP"] = new RouterValue(true) }});
var job = await client.path("/routing/jobs/{jobId}", "job1").patch({
    body: {
        classificationPolicyId: classificationPolicy.body.id,
        labels: { Hardware_VIP: true }
    contentType: "application/merge-patch+json"
    job_id = "job1",
    classification_policy_id = classification_policy.id,
    labels = { "Hardware_VIP": True }
client.updateJob(new RouterJob("job1")
    .setLabels(Map.of("Hardware_VIP", new RouterValue(true))));


If the job labels, queueId, channelId or worker selectors are updated, any existing offers on the job are revoked and you receive a RouterWorkerOfferRevoked event for each offer from EventGrid. The job is re-queued and you receive a RouterJobQueued event. Job offers may also be revoked when a worker's total capacity is reduced, or the channels are updated.