Error parsing GeoJSON: <parseError>
at position <pos>
- parseError: Description of the encountered parse error.
- pos: The 1-based position in the GeoJSON string where the parse error occurred.
Some geospatial functions may return this error when parsing the input, that is expected to be in GeoJSON format. Learn more about the GeoJSON format.
-- Feeding an empty point in GeoJSON format into the h3_polyfillash3 function (as opposed to a polygon or multipolygon).
> SELECT h3_polyfillash3('{"type":"Point","coordinates":[]}', 2)
[GEOJSON_PARSE_ERROR] Error parsing GeoJSON: Invalid or unsupported type '"Point"' at position 9
-- Feeding an polygon with invalid GeoJSON (missing closing } at the end)
> SELECT H3_PolyfillAsH3('{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-122.4194,37.7749],[-118.2437,34.0522],[-74.0060,40.7128],[-122.4194,37.7749]]]', 2)
[GEOJSON_PARSE_ERROR] Error parsing GeoJSON: Unexpected end of GeoJSON string at position 115