The FindPeople element specifies a set of data used in a FindPeople request. The data includes zero or more of the following elements: a persona shape (optional), an indexed page item view, a restriction (optional), an aggregation restriction (optional), a sort order (optional), a parent folder Id, and a query string (optional).
The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
PersonaShape | IndexedPageItemView | Restriction | AggregationRestriction | SortOrder | ParentFolderId (TargetFolderIdType) | QueryString (QueryStringType)
This element was introduced in Exchange Server 2013.
The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.
Name | Value |
Namespace | |
Schema name |
Messages schema |
Validation file |
messages.xsd |
Can be empty |
false |