@azure/arm-automation package
Activity |
Class representing a ActivityOperations. |
Agent |
Class representing a AgentRegistrationInformation. |
Automation |
Class representing a AutomationAccountOperations. |
Automation |
Automation |
Certificate |
Class representing a CertificateOperations. |
Connection |
Class representing a ConnectionOperations. |
Connection |
Class representing a ConnectionTypeOperations. |
Credential |
Class representing a CredentialOperations. |
Dsc |
Class representing a DscCompilationJobOperations. |
Dsc |
Class representing a DscCompilationJobStream. |
Dsc |
Class representing a DscConfigurationOperations. |
Dsc |
Class representing a DscNodeConfigurationOperations. |
Dsc |
Class representing a DscNodeOperations. |
Fields |
Class representing a Fields. |
Hybrid |
Class representing a HybridRunbookWorkerGroupOperations. |
Job |
Class representing a JobOperations. |
Job |
Class representing a JobScheduleOperations. |
Job |
Class representing a JobStreamOperations. |
Keys |
Class representing a Keys. |
Linked |
Class representing a LinkedWorkspaceOperations. |
Module |
Class representing a ModuleOperations. |
Node |
Class representing a NodeCountInformation. |
Node |
Class representing a NodeReports. |
Object |
Class representing a ObjectDataTypes. |
Operations |
Class representing a Operations. |
Python2Package |
Class representing a Python2Package. |
Runbook |
Class representing a RunbookDraftOperations. |
Runbook |
Class representing a RunbookOperations. |
Schedule |
Class representing a ScheduleOperations. |
Software |
Class representing a SoftwareUpdateConfigurationMachineRuns. |
Software |
Class representing a SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRuns. |
Software |
Class representing a SoftwareUpdateConfigurations. |
Source |
Class representing a SourceControlOperations. |
Source |
Class representing a SourceControlSyncJobOperations. |
Source |
Class representing a SourceControlSyncJobStreams. |
Statistics |
Class representing a StatisticsOperations. |
Test |
Class representing a TestJobOperations. |
Test |
Class representing a TestJobStreams. |
Usages |
Class representing a Usages. |
Variable |
Class representing a VariableOperations. |
Watcher |
Class representing a WatcherOperations. |
Webhook |
Class representing a WebhookOperations. |
Activity |
Definition of the activity. |
Activity |
Activity |
Definition of the activity output type. |
Activity |
Definition of the activity parameter. |
Activity |
Definition of the activity parameter set. |
Activity |
Definition of the activity parameter validation set. |
Advanced |
The properties of the create Advanced Schedule. |
Advanced |
The properties of the create advanced schedule monthly occurrence. |
Agent |
Definition of the agent registration information type. |
Agent |
Definition of the agent registration keys. |
Agent |
The parameters supplied to the regenerate keys operation. |
Automation |
Definition of the automation account type. |
Automation |
The parameters supplied to the create or update automation account operation. |
Automation |
Automation |
The parameters supplied to the update automation account operation. |
Automation |
An interface representing AutomationClientOptions. |
Azure |
Azure query for the update configuration. |
Base |
Certificate |
Definition of the certificate. |
Certificate |
The parameters supplied to the create or update or replace certificate operation. |
Certificate |
Certificate |
The parameters supplied to the update certificate operation. |
Cloud |
Collection |
object returned when requesting a collection of software update configuration |
Connection |
Definition of the connection. |
Connection |
The parameters supplied to the create or update connection operation. |
Connection |
Connection |
Definition of the connection type. |
Connection |
The connection type property associated with the entity. |
Connection |
The parameters supplied to the create or update connection type operation. |
Connection |
Connection |
The parameters supplied to the update connection operation. |
Content |
Definition of the runbook property type. |
Content |
Definition of the content link. |
Content |
Definition of the content source. |
Credential |
Definition of the credential. |
Credential |
The parameters supplied to the create or update credential operation. |
Credential |
Credential |
The parameters supplied to the Update credential operation. |
Dsc |
Definition of the Dsc Compilation job. |
Dsc |
The parameters supplied to the create compilation job operation. |
Dsc |
Optional Parameters. |
Dsc |
Dsc |
Definition of the configuration type. |
Dsc |
The Dsc configuration property associated with the entity. |
Dsc |
The parameters supplied to the create or update configuration operation. |
Dsc |
Optional Parameters. |
Dsc |
Dsc |
Definition of the configuration parameter type. |
Dsc |
Optional Parameters. |
Dsc |
The parameters supplied to the create or update configuration operation. |
Dsc |
Definition of the DSC Meta Configuration. |
Dsc |
Definition of a DscNode |
Dsc |
Definition of the dsc node configuration. |
Dsc |
The parameters supplied to the create or update node configuration operation. |
Dsc |
Optional Parameters. |
Dsc |
Dsc |
The dsc extensionHandler property associated with the node |
Dsc |
Optional Parameters. |
Dsc |
Dsc |
Definition of the dsc node report type. |
Dsc |
Dsc |
The parameters supplied to the update dsc node operation. |
Dsc |
An interface representing DscNodeUpdateParametersProperties. |
Dsc |
Definition of the dsc node report error type. |
Dsc |
Definition of the DSC Report Resource. |
Dsc |
Navigation for DSC Report Resource. |
Error |
Error response of an operation failure |
Field |
Definition of the connection fields. |
Hybrid |
Definition of hybrid runbook worker. |
Hybrid |
Definition of hybrid runbook worker group. |
Hybrid |
Optional Parameters. |
Hybrid |
Hybrid |
Parameters supplied to the update operation. |
Job |
Definition of the job. |
Job |
Job collection item properties. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
The parameters supplied to the create job operation. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Job |
Software update configuration machine run job navigation properties. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Definition of the job schedule. |
Job |
The parameters supplied to the create job schedule operation. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Definition of the job stream. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Job |
Job |
Optional Parameters. |
Key |
Automation key which is used to register a DSC Node |
Key |
An interface representing KeyListResult. |
Linked |
Definition of the linked workspace. |
Linux |
Linux specific update configuration. |
Module |
Definition of the module type. |
Module |
The parameters supplied to the create or update module operation. |
Module |
Definition of the module error info type. |
Module |
Module |
The parameters supplied to the update module operation. |
Node |
Number of nodes based on the Filter |
Node |
An interface representing NodeCountProperties. |
Node |
Gets the count of nodes by count type |
Node |
Optional Parameters. |
Non |
Non Azure query for the update configuration. |
Operation |
Automation REST API operation |
Operation |
Provider, Resource and Operation values |
Operation |
Proxy |
ARM proxy resource. |
Python |
The parameters supplied to the create or update module operation. |
Python |
The parameters supplied to the update module operation. |
Resource |
The core properties of ARM resources |
Run |
Definition of RunAs credential to use for hybrid worker. |
Runbook |
Definition of the runbook type. |
Runbook |
The runbook property associated with the entity. |
Runbook |
The parameters supplied to the create or update runbook operation. |
Runbook |
The parameters supplied to the create or update draft runbook properties. |
Runbook |
The parameters supplied to the create or update runbook operation. |
Runbook |
An interface representing RunbookDraft. |
Runbook |
Defines headers for ReplaceContent operation. |
Runbook |
The response model for the undo edit runbook operation. |
Runbook |
Runbook |
Definition of the runbook parameter type. |
Runbook |
Defines headers for Publish operation. |
Runbook |
The parameters supplied to the update runbook operation. |
Schedule |
Definition of the schedule. |
Schedule |
The schedule property associated with the entity. |
Schedule |
The parameters supplied to the create or update schedule operation. |
Schedule |
Schedule |
Definition of schedule parameters. |
Schedule |
The parameters supplied to the update schedule operation. |
Sku |
The account SKU. |
Softare |
Task properties of the software update configuration. |
Softare |
Software update configuration run tasks model. |
Software |
Software update configuration properties. |
Software |
Software update configuration collection item properties. |
Software |
result of listing all software update configuration |
Software |
Software update configuration machine run model. |
Software |
result of listing all software update configuration machine runs |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Software update configuration Run properties. |
Software |
result of listing all software update configuration runs |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Optional Parameters. |
Software |
Task properties of the software update configuration. |
Source |
Definition of the source control. |
Source |
The parameters supplied to the create or update source control operation. |
Source |
Optional Parameters. |
Source |
Source |
An interface representing SourceControlSecurityTokenProperties. |
Source |
Definition of the source control sync job. |
Source |
Definition of the source control sync job. |
Source |
The parameters supplied to the create source control sync job operation. |
Source |
Optional Parameters. |
Source |
Source |
Definition of the source control sync job stream. |
Source |
Definition of the source control sync job stream by id. |
Source |
Source |
Optional Parameters. |
Source |
The parameters supplied to the update source control operation. |
Statistics |
Definition of the statistic. |
Statistics |
Optional Parameters. |
Statistics |
Tag |
Tag filter information for the VM. |
Target |
Group specific to the update configuration. |
Task |
Task properties of the software update configuration. |
Test |
Definition of the test job. |
Test |
The parameters supplied to the create test job operation. |
Test |
Optional Parameters. |
Tracked |
The resource model definition for a ARM tracked top level resource |
Type |
Information about a field of a type. |
Type |
Update |
Update specific properties of the software update configuration. |
Update |
Software update configuration Run Navigation model. |
Usage |
Definition of Usage. |
Usage |
Definition of usage counter name. |
Usage |
Variable |
Definition of the variable. |
Variable |
The parameters supplied to the create or update variable operation. |
Variable |
Variable |
The parameters supplied to the update variable operation. |
Watcher |
Definition of the watcher type. |
Watcher |
Optional Parameters. |
Watcher |
Watcher |
An interface representing WatcherUpdateParameters. |
Webhook |
Definition of the webhook type. |
Webhook |
The parameters supplied to the create or update webhook operation. |
Webhook |
Optional Parameters. |
Webhook |
Webhook |
The parameters supplied to the update webhook operation. |
Windows |
Windows specific update configuration. |
Activity |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Activity |
Contains response data for the listByModuleNext operation. |
Activity |
Contains response data for the listByModule operation. |
Agent |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Agent |
Contains response data for the regenerateKey operation. |
Agent |
Defines values for AgentRegistrationKeyName. Possible values include: 'primary', 'secondary' |
Automation |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Automation |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Automation |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroupNext operation. |
Automation |
Contains response data for the listByResourceGroup operation. |
Automation |
Contains response data for the listNext operation. |
Automation |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Automation |
Defines values for AutomationAccountState. Possible values include: 'Ok', 'Unavailable', 'Suspended' |
Automation |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Automation |
Defines values for AutomationKeyName. Possible values include: 'Primary', 'Secondary' |
Automation |
Defines values for AutomationKeyPermissions. Possible values include: 'Read', 'Full' |
Certificate |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Certificate |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Certificate |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Certificate |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Certificate |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the deleteMethod operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Connection |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Content |
Defines values for ContentSourceType. Possible values include: 'embeddedContent', 'uri' |
Count |
Defines values for CountType. Possible values include: 'status', 'nodeconfiguration' |
Credential |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Credential |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Credential |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Credential |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Credential |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the beginCreate operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the getStream operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByJob operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the getContent operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Dsc |
Defines values for DscConfigurationProvisioningState. Possible values include: 'Succeeded' |
Dsc |
Defines values for DscConfigurationState. Possible values include: 'New', 'Edit', 'Published' |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the beginCreateOrUpdate operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the deleteMethod operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Dsc |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Fields |
Contains response data for the listByType operation. |
Group |
Defines values for GroupTypeEnum. Possible values include: 'User', 'System' |
Http |
Defines values for HttpStatusCode. Possible values include: 'Continue', 'SwitchingProtocols', 'OK', 'Created', 'Accepted', 'NonAuthoritativeInformation', 'NoContent', 'ResetContent', 'PartialContent', 'MultipleChoices', 'Ambiguous', 'MovedPermanently', 'Moved', 'Found', 'Redirect', 'SeeOther', 'RedirectMethod', 'NotModified', 'UseProxy', 'Unused', 'TemporaryRedirect', 'RedirectKeepVerb', 'BadRequest', 'Unauthorized', 'PaymentRequired', 'Forbidden', 'NotFound', 'MethodNotAllowed', 'NotAcceptable', 'ProxyAuthenticationRequired', 'RequestTimeout', 'Conflict', 'Gone', 'LengthRequired', 'PreconditionFailed', 'RequestEntityTooLarge', 'RequestUriTooLong', 'UnsupportedMediaType', 'RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable', 'ExpectationFailed', 'UpgradeRequired', 'InternalServerError', 'NotImplemented', 'BadGateway', 'ServiceUnavailable', 'GatewayTimeout', 'HttpVersionNotSupported' |
Hybrid |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Hybrid |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Hybrid |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Hybrid |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the getOutput operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the getRunbookContent operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Job |
Defines values for JobProvisioningState. Possible values include: 'Failed', 'Succeeded', 'Suspended', 'Processing' |
Job |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Job |
Defines values for JobStatus. Possible values include: 'New', 'Activating', 'Running', 'Completed', 'Failed', 'Stopped', 'Blocked', 'Suspended', 'Disconnected', 'Suspending', 'Stopping', 'Resuming', 'Removing' |
Job |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the listByJobNext operation. |
Job |
Contains response data for the listByJob operation. |
Job |
Defines values for JobStreamType. Possible values include: 'Progress', 'Output', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Any' |
Keys |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Linked |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Linux |
Defines values for LinuxUpdateClasses. Possible values include: 'Unclassified', 'Critical', 'Security', 'Other' |
Module |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Module |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Module |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Module |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Module |
Defines values for ModuleProvisioningState. Possible values include: 'Created', 'Creating', 'StartingImportModuleRunbook', 'RunningImportModuleRunbook', 'ContentRetrieved', 'ContentDownloaded', 'ContentValidated', 'ConnectionTypeImported', 'ContentStored', 'ModuleDataStored', 'ActivitiesStored', 'ModuleImportRunbookComplete', 'Succeeded', 'Failed', 'Cancelled', 'Updating' |
Module |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Node |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Node |
Contains response data for the getContent operation. |
Node |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Node |
Contains response data for the listByNodeNext operation. |
Node |
Contains response data for the listByNode operation. |
Object |
Contains response data for the listFieldsByModuleAndType operation. |
Object |
Contains response data for the listFieldsByType operation. |
Operating |
Defines values for OperatingSystemType. Possible values include: 'Windows', 'Linux' |
Operations |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Provisioning |
Defines values for ProvisioningState. Possible values include: 'Completed', 'Failed', 'Running' |
Python2Package |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Python2Package |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Python2Package |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Python2Package |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Python2Package |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the getContent operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the replaceContent operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the undoEdit operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the getContent operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Runbook |
Defines values for RunbookProvisioningState. Possible values include: 'Succeeded' |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the publish operation. |
Runbook |
Defines values for RunbookState. Possible values include: 'New', 'Edit', 'Published' |
Runbook |
Defines values for RunbookTypeEnum. Possible values include: 'Script', 'Graph', 'PowerShellWorkflow', 'PowerShell', 'GraphPowerShellWorkflow', 'GraphPowerShell' |
Runbook |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Schedule |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Schedule |
Defines values for ScheduleDay. Possible values include: 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday' |
Schedule |
Defines values for ScheduleFrequency. Possible values include: 'OneTime', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Week', 'Month' |
Schedule |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Schedule |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Schedule |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Schedule |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Sku |
Defines values for SkuNameEnum. Possible values include: 'Free', 'Basic' |
Software |
Contains response data for the getById operation. |
Software |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Software |
Contains response data for the getById operation. |
Software |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Software |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Software |
Contains response data for the getByName operation. |
Software |
Contains response data for the list operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the listBySyncJobNext operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the listBySyncJob operation. |
Source |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Source |
Defines values for SourceType. Possible values include: 'VsoGit', 'VsoTfvc', 'GitHub' |
Statistics |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Stream |
Defines values for StreamType. Possible values include: 'Error', 'Output' |
Sync |
Defines values for SyncType. Possible values include: 'PartialSync', 'FullSync' |
Tag |
Defines values for TagOperators. Possible values include: 'All', 'Any' |
Test |
Contains response data for the create operation. |
Test |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Test |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Test |
Contains response data for the listByTestJobNext operation. |
Test |
Contains response data for the listByTestJob operation. |
Token |
Defines values for TokenType. Possible values include: 'PersonalAccessToken', 'Oauth' |
Usages |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Variable |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Variable |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Variable |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Variable |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Variable |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Watcher |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Watcher |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Watcher |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Watcher |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Watcher |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Webhook |
Contains response data for the createOrUpdate operation. |
Webhook |
Contains response data for the generateUri operation. |
Webhook |
Contains response data for the get operation. |
Webhook |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccountNext operation. |
Webhook |
Contains response data for the listByAutomationAccount operation. |
Webhook |
Contains response data for the update operation. |
Windows |
Defines values for WindowsUpdateClasses. Possible values include: 'Unclassified', 'Critical', 'Security', 'UpdateRollup', 'FeaturePack', 'ServicePack', 'Definition', 'Tools', 'Updates' |