Activity interface
A pipeline activity.
depends |
Activity depends on condition. |
description | Activity description. |
name | Activity name. |
on |
Status result of the activity when the state is set to Inactive. This is an optional property and if not provided when the activity is inactive, the status will be Succeeded by default. |
state | Activity state. This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default. |
type | Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be |
user |
Activity user properties. |
Activity description.
description?: string
Property Value
Activity name.
name: string
Property Value
Status result of the activity when the state is set to Inactive. This is an optional property and if not provided when the activity is inactive, the status will be Succeeded by default.
onInactiveMarkAs?: string
Property Value
Activity state. This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default.
state?: string
Property Value
Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be
type: "Container" | "Execution" | "Copy" | "HDInsightHive" | "HDInsightPig" | "HDInsightMapReduce" | "HDInsightStreaming" | "HDInsightSpark" | "ExecuteSSISPackage" | "Custom" | "SqlServerStoredProcedure" | "ExecutePipeline" | "Delete" | "AzureDataExplorerCommand" | "Lookup" | "WebActivity" | "GetMetadata" | "IfCondition" | "Switch" | "ForEach" | "AzureMLBatchExecution" | "AzureMLUpdateResource" | "AzureMLExecutePipeline" | "DataLakeAnalyticsU-SQL" | "Wait" | "Fail" | "Until" | "Validation" | "Filter" | "DatabricksNotebook" | "DatabricksSparkJar" | "DatabricksSparkPython" | "SetVariable" | "AppendVariable" | "AzureFunctionActivity" | "WebHook" | "ExecuteDataFlow" | "ExecuteWranglingDataflow" | "Script" | "SynapseNotebook" | "SparkJob"
Property Value
"Container" | "Execution" | "Copy" | "HDInsightHive" | "HDInsightPig" | "HDInsightMapReduce" | "HDInsightStreaming" | "HDInsightSpark" | "ExecuteSSISPackage" | "Custom" | "SqlServerStoredProcedure" | "ExecutePipeline" | "Delete" | "AzureDataExplorerCommand" | "Lookup" | "WebActivity" | "GetMetadata" | "IfCondition" | "Switch" | "ForEach" | "AzureMLBatchExecution" | "AzureMLUpdateResource" | "AzureMLExecutePipeline" | "DataLakeAnalyticsU-SQL" | "Wait" | "Fail" | "Until" | "Validation" | "Filter" | "DatabricksNotebook" | "DatabricksSparkJar" | "DatabricksSparkPython" | "SetVariable" | "AppendVariable" | "AzureFunctionActivity" | "WebHook" | "ExecuteDataFlow" | "ExecuteWranglingDataflow" | "Script" | "SynapseNotebook" | "SparkJob"