Disk I/O Detail
Overview: Displays disk activity as offsets, as shown in the following screen shot.
Graph Type: Usage graph
Y-axis Units: Displays the color coded map of disk throughput based on process. Disk flushes are displayed as red vertical lines.
Required Flags: DISK_IO
Events Captured: Disk I/O, File I/O and SysConfig
Legend Description: Offset, in bytes, of disk activity
Graph Description: The Disk I/O detailed graph gives a geometric interpretation of the read, write, flush and seek operations on each physical disk attached to the system at the start of the trace. The X-axis represents time. The Y-axis represents the offset on the physical disk and spans all partitions on that physical disk. The disk I/Os that are presented in the graph are grouped in series by process.
Hovering with the mouse will display tooltips based on the location of the cursor. These tooltips can include:
Type of activity-Read, Write, Flush, Seek
Initialization time
Completion time
Device name
Process and thread