A filter driver can register a PFSRTL_EXTRA_CREATE_PARAMETER_CLEANUP_CALLBACK-typed routine as the filter driver's CleanupCallback callback routine for an extra create parameter (ECP) context structure.
void PfsrtlExtraCreateParameterCleanupCallback(
[in, out] PVOID EcpContext,
[in[] LPCGUID EcpType
[in, out] EcpContext
An ECP context pointer that was returned by the routine that allocated the ECP context structure.
[in[] EcpType
A pointer to a GUID that was passed to the routine that allocated the ECP context structure, that indicates the extra create parameter type. For more information, see Using GUIDs in Drivers.
When a filter driver allocates an ECP context structure, it can optionally specify a PFSRTL_EXTRA_CREATE_PARAMETER_CLEANUP_CALLBACK-typed routine as the filter driver's CleanupCallback callback routine. If the filter driver specifies a CleanupCallback callback routine, the operating system will invoke the CleanupCallback routine (regardless of IRQ level). This CleanupCallback routine performs any necessary ECP context-related cleanup processing when the ECP context structure is deleted.
To specify a callback routine, a filter driver passes a pointer to the callback routine by using the CleanupCallback parameter of the routine that originally allocated the ECP context structure. If a callback routine is not needed, a NULL value must be passed to the CleanupCallback parameter.
The following routines support the PFSRTL_EXTRA_CREATE_PARAMETER_CLEANUP_CALLBACK-typed callback routine:
- FltAllocateExtraCreateParameter
- FltAllocateExtraCreateParameterFromLookasideList
- FsRtlAllocateExtraCreateParameter
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows Vista |
Target Platform | Desktop |
Header | ntifs.h (include Ntifs.h, FltKernel.h) |