Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):
To collect more verbose ETW logs, change the user-settable parameter 'DoFullLogging' to 'true' before running the tests.
How to preserve the ETW logs for analysis in case of failure
To preserve the ETW logs for failed test cases, change the user-settable parameter 'CopyLogsOnFailure' to 'true' before running the tests. This will also copy the ETW logs of failed test cases to the controller and be included as part of HLK package to be shared for investigation.
Using Media Experience Analyzer to analyze failed ETW logs
You can use Media Experience Analyzer (MXA) to analyze failed ETW logs. The MXA tool is available as part of the Windows ADK.
Parameter name
Parameter description
Number of cycles to run the test for
Enable flag for full logging of ETW traces in case of failure, and re-run this test.
Enable flag to copy ETW log traces to subfolder 'ETWlogs' in case of failure, and re-run this test. This also copies the failure logs to hlkx package to be shared for investigation
Microsoft Teams relies on network connectivity, and for real-time voice, video, and sharing, good network performance is key to a good user experience. In this module, we go over what the Teams real-time network requirements are, how you can plan and test your network, and how you can design and configure your network to optimize the Teams real-time media performance.