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Compiler Error CS0425

The constraints for type parameter 'type parameter' of method 'method' must match the constraints for type parameter 'type parameter' of interface method 'method'. Consider using an explicit interface implementation instead.

This error occurs if a virtual generic method is overridden in a derived class and the constraints on the method in the derived class do not match the constraints on the method in the base class. To avoid this error, make sure the where clause is identical in both declarations, or implement the interface explicitly.

Example 1

The following example generates CS0425:

// CS0425.cs  
class C1  
class C2  
interface IBase  
    void F<ItemType>(ItemType item) where ItemType : C1;  
class Derived : IBase  
    public void F<ItemType>(ItemType item) where ItemType : C2  // CS0425  
class CMain  
    public static void Main()  

Example 2

The constraints do not have to be a literal match, as long as the set of constraints has the same meaning. For example, the following is okay:

// CS0425b.cs  
interface J<Z>  
interface I<S>  
    void F<T>(S s, T t) where T: J<S>, J<int>;  
class C : I<int>  
    public void F<X>(int s, X x) where X : J<int>  
    public static void Main()  