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Compiler Error CS0559

The parameter type for ++ or -- operator must be the containing type

The method declaration for an operator overload must follow certain guidelines. For the ++ and -- operators, it is required that the parameter be of the same type as the type in which the operator is being overloaded.

Example 1

The following sample generates CS0559:

// CS0559.cs  
// compile with: /target:library  
public class iii  
   public static implicit operator int(iii x)  
      return 0;  
   public static implicit operator iii(int x)  
      return null;  
   public static int operator ++(int aa)   // CS0559  
   // try the following line instead  
   // public static iii operator ++(iii aa)  
      return (iii)0;  

Example 2

The following sample generates CS0559.

// CS0559_b.cs  
// compile with: /target:library  
public struct S  
   public static S operator ++(S? s) { return new S(); }   // CS0559  
   public static S operator --(S? s) { return new S(); }   // CS0559  
public struct T  
// OK  
   public static T operator --(T t) { return new T(); }  
   public static T operator ++(T t) { return new T(); }  
   public static T? operator --(T? t) { return new T(); }  
   public static T? operator ++(T? t) { return new T(); }  