This automated test verifies graphics driver stability to repeatedly start and stop a Miracast session without issue. The test installs two software devices to emulate Miracast sinks.
Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):
The test job captures WirelessDisplay.etl and WPP.etl files. You can find these files by selecting Child Job Results in Windows Hardware Lab Kit (Windows HLK) Manager and then browsing job logs for Wireless Display Cleanup Trace.
WirelessDisplay.etl contains information about the Miracast session from start to stop. Most events are aligned with DDI calls for both the user mode driver (UMD) and kernel mode driver (KMD). IHV investigating issues might find it useful to look for errors in these DDI events. The event names should be familiar to the developer because they closely match the DDI names that are used for the wireless feature. This file can be analyzed by using Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA).
WPP.etl contains WPP traces that are captured for the display kernel events related to Miracast. These traces are highly detailed, and should provide adequate information about session failures that is sufficient to debug most issues. These files require access to symbols to decode them. Symbols for the OS should be available to IHVs. The following command line should be used to decode WPP.etl in wpp.txt is: netsh trace convert overwrite=yes tmf=..\symbols.pri\TraceFormat WPP.etl.
All test cases return PASS or FAIL. The test details are available in the test log (Te.wtl), which you can view in Windows HLK Studio.
Start session failed with result …
Miracast session failed to start.
Expected session started result of …
Miracast session started in unexpected state.
Device reported success but session failed to reach the stopped state.
Miracast session failed to stop.
More information
Parameter name
Parameter description
LLU Name of net user
Custom Command Line for ConfigDisplay. Default: logo