tapi3.h header
This header is used by Telephony Application Programming Interfaces. For more information, see:
tapi3.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumACDGroup The IEnumACDGroup (tapi3.h) interface provides COM-standard enumeration methods for the ITACDGroup interface. |
IEnumAgent IEnumAgent (tapi3.h) is the Enumerator interface for ITAgent. |
IEnumAgentHandler The IEnumAgentHandler (tapi3.h) interface provides COM-standard enumeration methods for the ITAgentHandler interface. |
IEnumAgentSession The IEnumAgentSession (tapi3.h) interface provides COM-standard enumeration methods for the ITAgentSession interface. |
IEnumQueue The IEnumQueue (tapi3.h) interface provides COM-standard enumeration methods for the ITQueue interface. |
ITACDGroup The ITACDGroup (tapi3.h) object reflects an ACD pilot, split, or group. ACD is a mechanism that queues and distributes calls within a switching system. |
ITACDGroupEvent The ITACDGroupEvent (tapi3.h) interface contains methods that retrieve the description of Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) group events. |
ITAgent The ITAgent (tapi3.h) interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. Agents are the heart of a call center. |
ITAgentEvent The ITAgentEvent (tapi3.h) interface contains methods that retrieve the description of agent events. |
ITAgentHandler The ITAgentHandler (tapi3.h) interface provides methods to create Agent objects and enumerate Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) groups. |
ITAgentHandlerEvent The ITAgentHandlerEvent (tapi3.h) interface contains methods that retrieve the description of agent handler events. |
ITAgentSession The methods of ITAgentSession (tapi3.h) allow an application to retrieve statistics. An agent session represents an association between an agent, group, and address. |
ITAgentSessionEvent The ITAgentSessionEvent interface (tapi3.h) contains methods that retrieve the description of agent session events. |
ITAllocatorProperties The ITAllocatorProperties interface (tapi3.h) exposes the buffer allocator properties of the Media Streaming Terminal (MST) to an end-user or server application. |
ITAMMediaFormat The ITAMMediaFormat interface (tapi3.h) sets and gets DirectShow media format. |
ITMSPAddress The ITMSPAddress interface (tapi3.h) is implemented by the MSP and represents a media service provider to the TAPI DLL. |
ITPluggableTerminalEventSink The ITPluggableTerminalEventSink interface (tapi3.h) provides a method that fires a message to notify client applications about a change in a pluggable terminal. |
ITPluggableTerminalEventSinkRegistration The ITPluggableTerminalEventSinkRegistration interface (tapi3.h) registers and unregisters a client application for pluggable terminal events. |
ITQueue The ITQueue interface (tapi3.h) gets and sets information concerning a queue. |
ITQueueEvent The ITQueueEvent interface (tapi3.h) contains methods that retrieve the description of Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) queue events. |
ITTAPICallCenter The ITTAPICallCenter interface (tapi3.h) provides an entry point into call center controls. |
MSP_EVENT_INFO The MSP_EVENT_INFO structure (tapi3.h) defines the type of event returned by the GetEvent method. |
ACDGROUP_EVENT The ACDGROUP_EVENT enumeration (tapi3.h) describes ACD group events. |
ACDQUEUE_EVENT The ACDQUEUE_EVENT enumeration (tapi3.h) describes ACD queue events. |
AGENT_EVENT The AGENT_EVENT enumeration (tapi3.h) describes agent events. |
AGENT_SESSION_EVENT The AGENT_SESSION_EVENT enumeration (tapi3.h) describes agent session events. |
AGENT_SESSION_STATE The AGENT_SESSION_STATE enumeration (tapi3.h) defines the agent session indicators used by the ITAgentSession::get_State and the ITAgentSession::put_State methods. |
AGENT_STATE The AGENT_STATE enumeration (tapi3.h) is used by the ITAgent::put_State and ITAgent::get_State methods to describe the agent state. |
AGENTHANDLER_EVENT The AGENTHANDLER_EVENT enumeration (tapi3.h) describes agent handler events. |
MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT The MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT enumeration (tapi3.h) constant is returned within the MSP_EVENT_INFO struct by the GetEvent method when MSP_EVENT is ME_ADDRESS_EVENT. |
MSP_CALL_EVENT The MSP_CALL_EVENT enumeration (tapi3.h) constant is returned within the MSP_EVENT_INFO struct by the GetEvent method when MSP_EVENT is ME_CALL_EVENT. |
MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE The MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE enumeration (tapi3.h) constant is returned within the MSP_EVENT_INFO struct by the GetEvent method when MSP_EVENT is ME_CALL_EVENT. |
MSP_EVENT The MSP_EVENT enumerator (tapi3.h) defines the type of event information contained in MSP_EVENT_INFO. |