winevt.h header
This header is used by Windows Event Log. For more information, see:
winevt.h contains the following programming interfaces:
EvtArchiveExportedLog Adds localized strings to the events in the specified log file. |
EvtCancel Cancels all pending operations on a handle. |
EvtClearLog Removes all events from the specified channel and writes them to the target log file. |
EvtClose Closes an open handle. |
EvtCreateBookmark Creates a bookmark that identifies an event in a channel. |
EvtCreateRenderContext Creates a context that specifies the information in the event that you want to render. |
EvtExportLog Copies events from the specified channel or log file and writes them to the target log file. |
EvtFormatMessage Formats a message string. (EvtFormatMessage) |
EvtGetChannelConfigProperty Gets the specified channel configuration property. |
EvtGetEventInfo Gets information that identifies the structured XML query that selected the event and the channel or log file that contained the event. |
EvtGetEventMetadataProperty Gets the specified event metadata property. |
EvtGetExtendedStatus Gets a text message that contains the extended error information for the current error. |
EvtGetLogInfo Gets information about a channel or log file. |
EvtGetObjectArrayProperty Gets a provider metadata property from the specified object in the array. |
EvtGetObjectArraySize Gets the number of elements in the array of objects. |
EvtGetPublisherMetadataProperty Gets the specified provider metadata property. |
EvtGetQueryInfo Gets information about a query that you ran that identifies the list of channels or log files that the query attempted to access. The function also gets a list of return codes that indicates the success or failure of each access. |
EvtNext Gets the next event from the query or subscription results. |
EvtNextChannelPath Gets a channel name from the enumerator. |
EvtNextEventMetadata Gets an event definition from the enumerator. |
EvtNextPublisherId Gets the identifier of a provider from the enumerator. |
EvtOpenChannelConfig Gets a handle that you use to read or modify a channel's configuration property. |
EvtOpenChannelEnum Gets a handle that you use to enumerate the list of channels that are registered on the computer. |
EvtOpenEventMetadataEnum Gets a handle that you use to enumerate the list of events that the provider defines. |
EvtOpenLog Gets a handle to a channel or log file that you can then use to get information about the channel or log file. |
EvtOpenPublisherEnum Gets a handle that you use to enumerate the list of registered providers on the computer. |
EvtOpenPublisherMetadata Gets a handle that you use to read the specified provider's metadata. |
EvtOpenSession Establishes a connection to a remote computer that you can use when calling the other Windows Event Log functions. |
EvtQuery Runs a query to retrieve events from a channel or log file that match the specified query criteria. |
EvtRender Renders an XML fragment based on the rendering context that you specify. |
EvtSaveChannelConfig Saves the changes made to a channel's configuration. |
EvtSeek Seeks to a specific event in a query result set. |
EvtSetChannelConfigProperty Sets the specified configuration property of a channel. |
EvtSubscribe Creates a subscription that will receive current and future events from a channel or log file that match the specified query criteria. |
EvtUpdateBookmark Updates the bookmark with information that identifies the specified event. |
EVT_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK Implement this callback if you call the EvtSubscribe function to receive events that match your query. |
EVT_RPC_LOGIN Contains the information used to connect to a remote computer. |
EVT_VARIANT Contains event data or property values. |
EVT_CHANNEL_CLOCK_TYPE Defines the values that specify the type of time stamp to use when logging events channel. |
EVT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_ID Defines the identifiers that identify the configuration properties of a channel. |
EVT_CHANNEL_ISOLATION_TYPE Defines the default access permissions to apply to the channel. |
EVT_CHANNEL_REFERENCE_FLAGS Defines the values that specify how a channel is referenced. |
EVT_CHANNEL_SID_TYPE Defines the values that determine whether the event includes the security identifier (SID) of the principal that logged the event. |
EVT_CHANNEL_TYPE Defines the type of a channel. |
EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID Defines the identifiers that identify the metadata properties of an event definition. |
EVT_EVENT_PROPERTY_ID Defines the values that determine the query information to retrieve. |
EVT_EXPORTLOG_FLAGS Defines values that indicate whether the events come from a channel or log file. |
EVT_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FLAGS Defines the values that specify the message string from the event to format. |
EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID Defines the identifiers that identify the log file metadata properties of a channel or log file. |
EVT_LOGIN_CLASS Defines the types of connection methods you can use to connect to the remote computer. |
EVT_OPEN_LOG_FLAGS Defines the values that specify whether to open a channel or exported log file. |
EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID Defines the identifiers that identify the metadata properties of a provider. |
EVT_QUERY_FLAGS Defines the values that specify how to return the query results and whether you are query against a channel or log file. |
EVT_QUERY_PROPERTY_ID Defines the identifiers that identify the query information that you can retrieve. |
EVT_RENDER_CONTEXT_FLAGS Defines the values that specify the type of information to access from the event. |
EVT_RENDER_FLAGS Defines the values that specify what to render. |
EVT_RPC_LOGIN_FLAGS Defines the types of authentication that you can use to authenticate the user when connecting to a remote computer. |
EVT_SEEK_FLAGS Defines the relative position in the result set from which to seek. |
EVT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAGS Defines the possible values that specify when to start subscribing to events. |
EVT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_ACTION Defines the possible types of data that the subscription service can deliver to your callback. |
EVT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ID Defines the identifiers that identify the system-specific properties of an event. |
EVT_VARIANT_TYPE Defines the possible data types of a variant data item. |