Troubleshooting recovery point archive using Archive Tier
This article provides troubleshooting details to for error codes that appears when a recovery point can't be moved to archive.
Error message: Recovery-Point Type is not eligible for Archive Move
Description: This error code is shown when the selected recovery point type isn't eligible to be moved to archive.
Recommended action: Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.
Error message: Recovery-Point having active dependencies for restore is not eligible for Archive Move
Description: The selected recovery point has active dependencies and so can’t be moved to archive.
Recommended action" Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.
Error message: Recovery-Point is not eligible for Archive Move as lifespan spent in Vault-Standard-Tier is lesser than the required minimum
Description: The recovery point has to stay in Standard tier for a minimum of three months for Azure virtual machines, and 45 days for SQL Server in Azure virtual machines
Recommended action: Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.
Error message: Recovery-Point remaining lifespan is lesser than the required minimum.
Description: The minimum lifespan required for a recovery point for archive move eligibility is six months.
Recommended action: Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.
Error message: Recovery-Point is not eligible for archive move as it has already been moved to archive tier
Description: The selected recovery point is already in archive. So it’s not eligible to be moved to archive.
Businesses rely on data for decision making, compliance, and for day-to-day operations. When systems fail for any reason, data backups must be reliable so that data can be recovered. This module covers some of the issues you may encounter when troubleshooting Azure backup and recovery. AZ720 AZ-720 az-720 networking