winddi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
winddi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
BRUSHOBJ_hGetColorTransform The BRUSHOBJ_hGetColorTransform function retrieves the color transform for the specified brush. |
BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush The BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush function allocates memory for the driver's realization of a specified brush. |
BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush The BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush function retrieves a pointer to the driver's realization of a specified brush. |
BRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor The BRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor function returns the RGB color of the specified solid brush. |
CLIPOBJ_bEnum The CLIPOBJ_bEnum function enumerates a batch of rectangles from a specified clip region; a prior call to CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart determines the order of enumeration. |
CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart The CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart function sets parameters for enumerating rectangles in a specified clip region. |
CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath The CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath function creates a PATHOBJ structure that contains the outline of the specified clip region. |
DrvAlphaBlend The DrvAlphaBlend function provides bit-block transfer capabilities with alpha blending. |
DrvAssertMode The DrvAssertMode function sets the mode of the specified physical device to either the mode specified when the PDEV was initialized or to the default mode of the hardware. |
DrvBitBlt The DrvBitBlt function provides general bit-block transfer capabilities between device-managed surfaces, between GDI-managed standard-format bitmaps, or between a device-managed surface and a GDI-managed standard-format bitmap. |
DrvCompletePDEV The DrvCompletePDEV function stores the GDI handle of the physical device being created. |
DrvCopyBits The DrvCopyBits function translates between device-managed raster surfaces and GDI standard-format bitmaps. |
DrvCreateDeviceBitmap The DrvCreateDeviceBitmap function creates and manages bitmaps. |
DrvDeleteDeviceBitmap The DrvDeleteDeviceBitmap function deletes a device bitmap created by DrvCreateDeviceBitmap. |
DrvDeriveSurface The DrvDeriveSurface function derives a GDI surface from the specified DirectDraw surface. |
DrvDescribePixelFormat The DrvDescribePixelFormat function describes the pixel format for a device-specified PDEV by writing a pixel format description to a PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR structure. |
DrvDestroyFont The DrvDestroyFont function notifies the driver that a font realization is no longer needed and that the driver can now free any associated data structures it has allocated. |
DrvDisableDirectDraw The DrvDisableDirectDraw function disables hardware for DirectDraw use. |
DrvDisableDriver The DrvDisableDriver function is used by GDI to notify a driver that it no longer requires the driver and is ready to unload it. |
DrvDisablePDEV The DrvDisablePDEV function is used by GDI to notify a driver that the specified PDEV is no longer needed. |
DrvDisableSurface The DrvDisableSurface function is used by GDI to notify a driver that the surface created by DrvEnableSurface for the current device is no longer needed. |
DrvDitherColor The DrvDitherColor function requests the device to create a brush dithered against a device palette. |
DrvDrawEscape The DrvDrawEscape function is the entry point that serves more than one function call; the particular function depends on the value of the iEsc parameter. |
DrvEnableDirectDraw The DrvEnableDirectDraw function enables hardware for DirectDraw use. |
DrvEnableDriver The DrvEnableDriver function is the initial driver entry point exported by the driver DLL. |
DrvEnablePDEV The DrvEnablePDEV function returns a description of the physical device's characteristics to GDI. |
DrvEnableSurface The DrvEnableSurface function sets up a surface to be drawn on and associates it with a given physical device. |
DrvEndDoc The DrvEndDoc function is called by GDI when it has finished sending a document to the driver for rendering. |
DrvEscape The DrvEscape function is used for retrieving information from a device that is not available in a device-independent device driver interface; the particular query depends on the value of the iEsc parameter. |
DrvFillPath The DrvFillPath function is an optional entry point to handle the filling of closed paths. |
DrvFontManagement The DrvFontManagement function is an optional entry point provided for PostScript devices. |
DrvFree The DrvFree function is used to notify the driver that the specified structure is no longer needed. |
DrvGetDirectDrawInfo The DrvGetDirectDrawInfo function returns the capabilities of the graphics hardware. |
DrvGetGlyphMode The DrvGetGlyphMode function tells GDI how to cache glyph information. |
DrvGetModes The DrvGetModes function lists the modes supported by a given device. |
DrvGetTrueTypeFile The DrvGetTrueTypeFile function accesses a memory-mapped TrueType font file. |
DrvGradientFill The DrvGradientFill function shades the specified primitives. |
DrvIcmCheckBitmapBits The DrvIcmCheckBitmapBits function checks whether the pixels in the specified bitmap lie within the device gamut of the specified transform. |
DrvIcmCreateColorTransform The DrvIcmCreateColorTransform function creates an ICM color transform. |
DrvIcmDeleteColorTransform The DrvIcmDeleteColorTransform function deletes the specified color transform. |
DrvIcmSetDeviceGammaRamp The DrvIcmSetDeviceGammaRamp function sets the hardware gamma ramp of the specified display device. |
DrvLineTo The DrvLineTo function draws a single, solid, integer-only cosmetic line. |
DrvLoadFontFile The DrvLoadFontFile function receives information from GDI relating to loading and mapping font files. |
DrvMovePointer The DrvMovePointer function moves the pointer to a new position and ensures that GDI does not interfere with the display of the pointer. |
DrvNextBand The DrvNextBand function is called by GDI when it has finished drawing a band for a physical page, so the driver can send the next band to the printer. |
DrvNotify The DrvNotify function allows a display driver to be notified about certain information by GDI. |
DrvPaint The DrvPaint function is obsolete, and is no longer called by GDI in Windows 2000 and later. New drivers should implement one or more of DrvFillPath, DrvStrokePath, or DrvStrokeAndFillPath. |
DrvPlgBlt The DrvPlgBlt function provides rotate bit-block transfer capabilities between combinations of device-managed and GDI-managed surfaces. |
DrvQueryAdvanceWidths The DrvQueryAdvanceWidths function returns character advance widths for a specified set of glyphs. |
DrvQueryDeviceSupport The DrvQueryDeviceSupport function returns requested device-specific information. |
DrvQueryDriverInfo The DrvQueryDriverInfo function returns requested driver-specific information. |
DrvQueryFont The DrvQueryFont function is used by GDI to get the IFIMETRICS structure for a given font. |
DrvQueryFontCaps The DrvQueryFontCaps function defines the capabilities of the font driver. |
DrvQueryFontData The DrvQueryFontData function retrieves information about a realized font. |
DrvQueryFontFile The DrvQueryFontFile function provides font file information. |
DrvQueryFontTree The DrvQueryFontTree function provides GDI with a pointer to a structure that defines one of the following:A mapping from Unicode to glyph handles, including glyph variantsA mapping of kerning pairs to kerning handles |
DrvQueryPerBandInfo A printer graphics DLL's DrvQueryPerBandInfo function is called by GDI before it begins drawing a band for a physical page, so the driver can supply GDI with band-specific information. |
DrvQueryTrueTypeOutline The DrvQueryTrueTypeOutline function retrieves glyph outlines in native TrueType format. |
DrvQueryTrueTypeTable The DrvQueryTrueTypeTable function accesses specific tables in a TrueType font-description file. |
DrvRealizeBrush The DrvRealizeBrush function requests that the driver realize a specified brush for a specified surface. |
DrvResetDevice The DrvResetDevice function resets a device that is inoperable or unresponsive. |
DrvResetPDEV The DrvResetPDEV function allows a graphics driver to transfer the state of the driver from an old PDEV structure to a new PDEV structure when a Win32 application calls ResetDC. |
DrvSaveScreenBits The DrvSaveScreenBits function causes a display driver to save or restore a given rectangle of the displayed image. |
DrvSendPage A printer graphics DLL's DrvSendPage function is called by GDI when it has finished drawing a physical page, so the driver can send the page to the printer. |
DrvSetPalette The DrvSetPalette function requests that the driver realize the palette for a specified device. |
DrvSetPixelFormat The DrvSetPixelFormat function sets the pixel format of a window. |
DrvSetPointerShape The DrvSetPointerShape function is used to request the driver to take the pointer off the display, if the driver has drawn it there; to attempt to set a new pointer shape; and to put the new pointer on the display at a specified position. |
DrvStartBanding The DrvStartBanding function is called by GDI when it is ready to start sending bands of a physical page to the driver for rendering. |
DrvStartDoc The DrvStartDoc function is called by GDI when it is ready to start sending a document to the driver for rendering. |
DrvStartPage The DrvStartPage function is called by GDI when it is ready to start sending the contents of a physical page to the driver for rendering. |
DrvStretchBlt The DrvStretchBlt function provides stretching bit-block transfer capabilities between any combination of device-managed and GDI-managed surfaces. |
DrvStretchBltROP The DrvStretchBltROP function performs a stretching bit-block transfer using a ROP. |
DrvStrokeAndFillPath The DrvStrokeAndFillPath function strokes (outlines) and fills a path concurrently. |
DrvStrokePath The DrvStrokePath function strokes (outlines) a path. |
DrvSwapBuffers The DrvSwapBuffers function displays the contents of the window's associated hidden buffer on the specified surface. |
DrvSynchronize The DrvSynchronize function informs the driver that GDI needs to access a device-managed surface. This function allows asynchronous drawing operations performed by a device's coprocessor to be coordinated with GDI accesses. |
DrvSynchronizeSurface The DrvSynchronizeSurface function informs the driver that GDI needs to write to the specified surface. This function allows drawing operations performed by a device's coprocessor to be coordinated with GDI. |
DrvTextOut The DrvTextOut function is the entry point from GDI that calls for the driver to render a set of glyphs at specified positions. |
DrvTransparentBlt The DrvTransparentBlt function provides bit-block transfer capabilities with transparency. |
DrvUnloadFontFile The DrvUnloadFontFile function informs a font driver that the specified font file is no longer needed. |
EngAcquireSemaphore The EngAcquireSemaphore function acquires the resource associated with the semaphore for exclusive access by the calling thread. |
EngAllocMem The EngAllocMem function allocates a block of memory and inserts a caller-supplied tag before the allocation. |
EngAllocPrivateUserMem The EngAllocPrivateUserMem function allocates a block of user memory from the address space of a specified process and inserts a caller-supplied tag before the allocation. |
EngAllocUserMem The EngAllocUserMem function allocates a block of memory from the address space of the current process and inserts a caller-supplied tag before the allocation. |
EngAlphaBlend The EngAlphaBlend function provides bit-block transfer capabilities with alpha blending. |
EngAssociateSurface The EngAssociateSurface function marks a given surface as belonging to a specified device. |
EngBitBlt The EngBitBlt function provides general bit-block transfer capabilities either between device-managed surfaces, or between a device-managed surface and a GDI-managed standard format bitmap. |
EngBugCheckEx The EngBugCheckEx function brings down the system in a controlled manner when the caller discovers an unrecoverable error that would corrupt the system if the caller continued to run. |
EngCheckAbort The EngCheckAbort function enables a printer graphics DLL to determine if a print job should be terminated. |
EngClearEvent The EngClearEvent function sets a specified event object to the nonsignaled state. |
EngComputeGlyphSet The EngComputeGlyphSet function computes the glyph set supported on a device. |
EngControlSprites The EngControlSprites function tears down or redraws sprites on the specified WNDOBJ area. |
EngCopyBits The EngCopyBits function translates between device-managed raster surfaces and GDI standard-format bitmaps. |
EngCreateBitmap The EngCreateBitmap function requests that GDI create and manage a bitmap. |
EngCreateClip The EngCreateClip function creates a CLIPOBJ structure that the driver uses in callbacks. |
EngCreateDeviceBitmap The EngCreateDeviceBitmap function requests GDI to create a handle for a device bitmap. |
EngCreateDeviceSurface The EngCreateDeviceSurface function creates and returns a handle for a device surface that the driver will manage. |
EngCreateDriverObj The EngCreateDriverObj function creates a DRIVEROBJ structure. |
EngCreateEvent The EngCreateEvent function creates a synchronization event object that can be used to synchronize hardware access between a display driver and the video miniport driver. |
EngCreatePalette The EngCreatePalette function sends a request to GDI to create an RGB palette. |
EngCreatePath The EngCreatePath function allocates a path for the driver's temporary use. |
EngCreateSemaphore The EngCreateSemaphore function creates a semaphore object. |
EngCreateWnd The EngCreateWnd function creates a WNDOBJ structure for the window referenced by hwnd. |
EngDebugBreak The EngDebugBreak function causes a breakpoint in the current process to occur. |
EngDebugPrint The EngDebugPrint function prints the specified debug message to the kernel debugger. |
EngDeleteClip The EngDeleteClip function deletes a CLIPOBJ structure allocated by EngCreateClip. |
EngDeleteDriverObj The EngDeleteDriverObj function frees the handle used for tracking a device-managed resource. |
EngDeleteEvent The EngDeleteEvent function deletes the specified event object. |
EngDeleteFile The EngDeleteFile function deletes a file. |
EngDeletePalette The EngDeletePalette function sends a request to GDI to delete the specified palette. |
EngDeletePath The EngDeletePath function deletes a path previously allocated by EngCreatePath. |
EngDeleteSafeSemaphore The EngDeleteSafeSemaphore function removes a reference to the specified safe semaphore. |
EngDeleteSemaphore The EngDeleteSemaphore function deletes a semaphore object from the system's resource list. |
EngDeleteSurface The EngDeleteSurface function deletes the specified surface. |
EngDeleteWnd The EngDeleteWnd function deletes a WNDOBJ structure. |
EngDeviceIoControl The EngDeviceIoControl function sends a control code to the specified video miniport driver, causing the device to perform the specified operation. |
EngDitherColor The EngDitherColor function returns a standard 8x8 dither that approximates the specified RGB color. |
EngEnumForms The EngEnumForms function enumerates the forms supported by the specified printer. |
EngEraseSurface The EngEraseSurface function calls GDI to erase the surface; a given rectangle on the surface will be filled with the given color. |
EngFillPath The EngFillPath function fills a path. |
EngFindImageProcAddress The EngFindImageProcAddress function returns the address of a function within an executable module. |
EngFindResource The EngFindResource function determines the location of a resource in a module. |
EngFntCacheAlloc The EngFntCacheAlloc function allocates storage for a font that is to be stored in cached memory. |
EngFntCacheFault The EngFntCacheFault function reports an error to the font engine if the font driver encountered an error reading from or writing to a font data cache. |
EngFntCacheLookUp The EngFntCacheLookUp function retrieves the address of cached font file data. |
EngFreeMem The EngFreeMem function deallocates a block of system memory. |
EngFreeModule The EngFreeModule function unmaps a file from system memory. |
EngFreePrivateUserMem The EngFreePrivateUserMem function deallocates a block of private user memory. |
EngFreeUserMem The EngFreeUserMem function deallocates a block of user memory. |
EngGetCurrentCodePage The EngGetCurrentCodePage function returns the system's default OEM and ANSI code pages. |
EngGetCurrentProcessId The EngGetCurrentProcessId function identifies an application's current process. |
EngGetCurrentThreadId The EngGetCurrentThreadId function identifies an application's current thread. |
EngGetDriverName The EngGetDriverName function returns the name of the driver's DLL. |
EngGetFileChangeTime The EngGetFileChangeTime function retrieves a file's last write time. |
EngGetFilePath The EngGetFilePath function determines the file path associated with the specified font file. |
EngGetForm The EngGetForm function gets the FORM_INFO_1 details for the specified form. |
EngGetLastError The EngGetLastError function returns the last error code logged by GDI for the calling thread. |
EngGetPrinter The EngGetPrinter function retrieves information about the specified printer. |
EngGetPrinterData The EngGetPrinterData function retrieves configuration data for the specified printer. |
EngGetPrinterDataFileName The EngGetPrinterDataFileName function retrieves the string name of the printer's data file. |
EngGetPrinterDriver The EngGetPrinterDriver function retrieves driver data for the specified printer. |
EngGetProcessHandle The EngGetProcessHandle function retrieves a handle to the current client process. |
EngGetType1FontList The EngGetType1FontList function retrieves a list of PostScript Type 1 fonts that are installed both locally and remotely. |
EngGradientFill The EngGradientFill function shades the specified primitives. |
EngHangNotification The EngHangNotification function notifies the system that a specified device is inoperable or unresponsive. |
EngInitializeSafeSemaphore The EngInitializeSafeSemaphore function initializes the specified safe semaphore. |
EngIsSemaphoreOwned The EngIsSemaphoreOwned function determines whether any thread holds the specified semaphore. |
EngIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread The EngIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread function determines whether the currently executing thread holds the specified semaphore. |
EngLineTo The EngLineTo function draws a single, solid, integer-only cosmetic line. |
EngLoadImage The EngLoadImage function loads the specified executable image into kernel-mode memory. |
EngLoadModule The EngLoadModule function loads the specified data module into system memory for reading. |
EngLoadModuleForWrite The EngLoadModuleForWrite function loads the specified executable module into system memory for writing. |
EngLockDirectDrawSurface The EngLockDirectDrawSurface function locks the kernel-mode handle of a DirectDraw surface. |
EngLockDriverObj The EngLockDriverObj function creates an exclusive lock on this object for the calling thread. |
EngLockSurface The EngLockSurface function creates a user object for a given surface. This function gives drivers access to surfaces they create. |
EngLpkInstalled The EngLpkInstalled function determines whether the language pack is installed on the system. |
EngMapEvent The EngMapEvent function maps a user-mode event object to kernel mode. |
EngMapFile The EngMapFile function creates or opens a file and maps it into system space. |
EngMapFontFile The EngMapFontFile function is obsolete. Use EngMapFontFileFD instead. |
EngMapFontFileFD The EngMapFontFileFD function maps a font file into system memory, if necessary, and returns a pointer to the base location of the font data in the file. |
EngMapModule The EngMapModule function returns the address and size of a file that was loaded by EngLoadModule, EngLoadModuleForWrite, EngLoadImage, or EngMapFile. |
EngMarkBandingSurface The EngMarkBandingSurface function marks the specified surface as a banding surface. |
EngModifySurface The EngModifySurface function notifies GDI about the attributes of a surface that was created by the driver. |
EngMovePointer The EngMovePointer function moves the engine-managed pointer on the device. |
EngMulDiv The EngMulDiv function multiplies two 32-bit values and then divides the 64-bit result by a third 32-bit value. |
EngMultiByteToUnicodeN The EngMultiByteToUnicodeN function converts the specified ANSI source string into a Unicode string using the current ANSI code page. |
EngMultiByteToWideChar The EngMultiByteToWideChar function converts an ANSI source string into a wide character string using the specified code page. |
EngPaint The EngPaint function causes GDI to paint a specified region. |
EngPlgBlt The EngPlgBlt function causes GDI to perform a rotate bit-block transfer. |
EngProbeForRead The EngProbeForRead function probes a structure for read accessibility. |
EngProbeForReadAndWrite The EngProbeForReadAndWrite function probes a structure for read and write accessibility. |
EngQueryDeviceAttribute The EngQueryDeviceAttribute function allows the driver to query the system about particular attributes of the device. |
EngQueryFileTimeStamp The EngQueryFileTimeStamp function returns the time stamp of a file. |
EngQueryLocalTime The EngQueryLocalTime function queries the local time. |
EngQueryPalette The EngQueryPalette function queries the specified palette for its attributes. |
EngQueryPerformanceCounter The EngQueryPerformanceCounter function queries the performance counter. |
EngQueryPerformanceFrequency The EngQueryPerformanceFrequency function queries the frequency of the performance counter. |
EngQuerySystemAttribute The EngQuerySystemAttribute function queries processor-specific or system-specific capabilities. |
EngReadStateEvent The EngReadStateEvent function returns the current state of the specified event object:_signaled or nonsignaled. |
EngReleaseSemaphore The EngReleaseSemaphore function releases the specified semaphore. |
EngRestoreFloatingPointState The EngRestoreFloatingPointState function restores the Windows 2000 (and later) kernel floating-point state after the driver uses any floating-point or MMX hardware instructions. |
EngSaveFloatingPointState The EngSaveFloatingPointState function saves the current Windows 2000 (and later) kernel floating-point state. |
EngSecureMem The EngSecureMem function locks down the specified address range in memory. |
EngSetEvent The EngSetEvent function sets the specified event object to the signaled state, and returns the event object's previous state. |
EngSetLastError The EngSetLastError function causes GDI to report an error code, which can be retrieved by an application. |
EngSetPointerShape The EngSetPointerShape function sets the pointer shape for the calling driver. |
EngSetPointerTag The EngSetPointerTag function is obsolete for Windows 2000 and later operating system versions. |
EngSetPrinterData The EngSetPrinterData function is obsolete in Windows 2000 and later. In earlier versions of Windows EngSetPrinterData sets the configuration data for the specified printer. |
EngSort The EngSort function performs a quick-sort on the specified list. |
EngStretchBlt The EngStretchBlt function causes GDI to do a stretching bit-block transfer. |
EngStretchBltROP The EngStretchBltROP function performs a stretching bit-block transfer using a ROP. |
EngStrokeAndFillPath The EngStrokeAndFillPath function causes GDI to fill a path and stroke it at the same time. |
EngStrokePath The EngStrokePath function requests that GDI stroke a specified path. |
EngTextOut The EngTextOut function causes GDI to render a set of glyphs at specified positions. |
EngTransparentBlt The EngTransparentBlt function provides bit-block transfer capabilities with transparency. |
EngUnicodeToMultiByteN The EngUnicodeToMultiByteN function converts the specified Unicode string into an ANSI string using the current ANSI code page. |
EngUnloadImage The EngUnloadImage function unloads an image loaded by EngLoadImage. |
EngUnlockDirectDrawSurface The EngUnlockDirectDrawSurface function releases the lock on the specified surface. |
EngUnlockDriverObj The EngUnlockDriverObj function causes GDI to unlock the driver object. |
EngUnlockSurface The EngUnlockSurface function causes GDI to unlock the surface. |
EngUnmapEvent The EngUnmapEvent function cleans up the kernel-mode resources allocated for a mapped user-mode event. |
EngUnmapFile The EngUnmapFile function unmaps the view of a file from system space. |
EngUnmapFontFile The EngUnmapFontFile function is obsolete. Use EngUnmapFontFileFD instead. |
EngUnmapFontFileFD The EngUnmapFontFileFD function unmaps the specified font file from system memory. |
EngUnsecureMem The EngUnsecureMem function unlocks an address range that is locked down in memory. |
EngWaitForSingleObject The EngWaitForSingleObject function puts the current thread of the display driver into a wait state until the specified event object is set to the signaled state, or until the wait times out. |
EngWideCharToMultiByte The EngWideCharToMultiByte function converts a wide character string into an ANSI source string using the specified code page. |
EngWritePrinter The EngWritePrinter function allows printer graphics DLLs to send a data stream to printer hardware. |
FLOATOBJ_Add The FLOATOBJ_Add function adds the two FLOATOBJs, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_AddFloat The FLOATOBJ_AddFloat function adds the value of type FLOATL to the FLOATOBJ, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_AddLong The FLOATOBJ_AddLong function adds the value of type LONG to the FLOATOBJ, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_Div The FLOATOBJ_Div function divides the two FLOATOBJs, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_DivFloat The FLOATOBJ_DivFloat function divides the FLOATOBJ by the value of type FLOATL, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_DivLong The FLOATOBJ_DivLong function divides the FLOATOBJ by the value of type LONG, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_Equal The FLOATOBJ_Equal function determines whether the two FLOATOBJs are equal. |
FLOATOBJ_EqualLong The FLOATOBJ_EqualLong function determines whether the FLOATOBJ and the value of type LONG are equal. |
FLOATOBJ_GetFloat The FLOATOBJ_GetFloat function calculates and returns the FLOAT-equivalent value of the specified FLOATOBJ. |
FLOATOBJ_GetLong The FLOATOBJ_GetLong function calculates and returns the LONG-equivalent value of the specified FLOATOBJ. |
FLOATOBJ_GreaterThan The FLOATOBJ_GreaterThan function determines whether the first FLOATOBJ is greater than the second FLOATOBJ. |
FLOATOBJ_GreaterThanLong The FLOATOBJ_GreaterThanLong function determines whether the FLOATOBJ is greater than the value of type LONG. |
FLOATOBJ_LessThan The FLOATOBJ_LessThan function determines whether the first FLOATOBJ is less than the second FLOATOBJ. |
FLOATOBJ_LessThanLong The FLOATOBJ_LessThanLong function determines whether the FLOATOBJ is less than the value of type LONG. |
FLOATOBJ_Mul The FLOATOBJ_Mul function multiplies the two FLOATOBJs, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_MulFloat The FLOATOBJ_MulFloat function multiplies the FLOATOBJ by the value of type FLOATL, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_MulLong The FLOATOBJ_MulLong function multiplies the FLOATOBJ by the value of type LONG, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_Neg The FLOATOBJ_Neg function negates the FLOATOBJ. |
FLOATOBJ_SetFloat The FLOATOBJ_SetFloat function assigns the value of type FLOATL to the FLOATOBJ. |
FLOATOBJ_SetLong The FLOATOBJ_SetLong function assigns the value of type LONG to the FLOATOBJ. |
FLOATOBJ_Sub The FLOATOBJ_Sub function subtracts the second FLOATOBJ from the first, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_SubFloat The FLOATOBJ_SubFloat function subtracts the value of type FLOATL from the FLOATOBJ, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FLOATOBJ_SubLong The FLOATOBJ_SubLong function subtracts the value of type LONG from the FLOATOBJ, and returns with the result in the first parameter. |
FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles The FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles function allows the device driver to find every glyph handle of a GDI font. |
FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs The FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs function is a service to the font consumer that translates glyph handles into pointers to glyph data, which are valid until the next call to FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs. |
FONTOBJ_pfdg The FONTOBJ_pfdg function retrieves the pointer to the FD_GLYPHSET structure associated with the specified font. |
FONTOBJ_pifi The FONTOBJ_pifi function retrieves the pointer to the IFIMETRICS structure associated with a specified font. |
FONTOBJ_pjOpenTypeTablePointer The FONTOBJ_pjOpenTypeTablePointer function returns a pointer to a view of an OpenType table. |
FONTOBJ_pQueryGlyphAttrs The FONTOBJ_pQueryGlyphAttrs function returns information about a font's glyphs. |
FONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile The FONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile function retrieves a user-mode pointer to a view of a TrueType, OpenType, or Type1 font file. |
FONTOBJ_pwszFontFilePaths The FONTOBJ_pwszFontFilePaths function retrieves the file path(s) associated with a font. |
FONTOBJ_pxoGetXform The FONTOBJ_pxoGetXform function retrieves the notional-to-device transform for the specified font. |
FONTOBJ_vGetInfo The FONTOBJ_vGetInfo function retrieves information about an associated font. |
HT_ComputeRGBGammaTable The HT_ComputeRGBGammaTable function causes GDI to compute device red, green, and blue intensities based on gamma numbers. |
HT_Get8BPPFormatPalette The HT_Get8BPPFormatPalette function returns a halftone palette for use on standard 8-bits per pixel device types. |
HT_Get8BPPMaskPalette The HT_Get8BPPMaskPalette function returns a mask palette for an 8-bits-per-pixel device type. |
HTUI_DeviceColorAdjustment The HTUI_DeviceColorAdjustment function can be used by graphics device drivers to display a dialog box that allows a user to adjust a device's halftoning properties. |
IsEqualGUID The IsEqualGUID macro (winddi.h) determines whether two GUIDs are equal. |
PALOBJ_cGetColors The PALOBJ_cGetColors function copies RGB colors from an indexed palette. |
PATHOBJ_bCloseFigure The PATHOBJ_bCloseFigure function closes an open figure in a path by drawing a line from the current position to the first point of the figure. |
PATHOBJ_bEnum The PATHOBJ_bEnum function retrieves the next PATHDATA record from a specified path and enumerates the curves in the path. |
PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines The PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines function enumerates clipped line segments from a given path. |
PATHOBJ_bMoveTo The PATHOBJ_bMoveTo function sets the current position in a given path. |
PATHOBJ_bPolyBezierTo The PATHOBJ_bPolyBezierTo function draws Bezier curves on a path. |
PATHOBJ_bPolyLineTo The PATHOBJ_bPolyLineTo function draws lines from the current position in a path through the specified points. |
PATHOBJ_vEnumStart The PATHOBJ_vEnumStart function notifies a given PATHOBJ structure that the driver will be calling PATHOBJ_bEnum to enumerate lines and/or curves in the path. |
PATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines The PATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines function allows the driver to request lines to be clipped against a specified clip region. |
PATHOBJ_vGetBounds The PATHOBJ_vGetBounds function retrieves the bounding rectangle for the specified path. |
STROBJ_bEnum The STROBJ_bEnum function enumerates glyph identities and positions. |
STROBJ_bEnumPositionsOnly The STROBJ_bEnumPositionsOnly function enumerates glyph identities and positions for a specified text string, but does not create cached glyph bitmaps. |
STROBJ_bGetAdvanceWidths The STROBJ_bGetAdvanceWidths function retrieves an array of vectors specifying the probable widths of glyphs making up a specified string. |
STROBJ_dwGetCodePage The STROBJ_dwGetCodePage function returns the code page associated with the specified STROBJ structure. |
STROBJ_fxBreakExtra The STROBJ_fxBreakExtra function retrieves the amount of extra space to be added to each space character in a string when displaying and/or printing justified text. |
STROBJ_fxCharacterExtra The STROBJ_fxCharacterExtra function retrieves the amount of extra space with which to augment each character's width in a string when displaying and/or printing it. |
STROBJ_vEnumStart The STROBJ_vEnumStart function defines the form, or type, for data that will be returned from GDI in subsequent calls to STROBJ_bEnum. |
WNDOBJ_bEnum The WNDOBJ_bEnum function obtains a batch of rectangles from the visible region of a window. |
WNDOBJ_cEnumStart The WNDOBJ_cEnumStart function is a callback function that sets parameters for enumeration of rectangles in the visible region of a window. |
WNDOBJ_vSetConsumer The WNDOBJ_vSetConsumer function sets a driver-defined value in the pvConsumer field of the specified WNDOBJ structure. |
XFORMOBJ_bApplyXform The XFORMOBJ_bApplyXform function applies the given transform or its inverse to the given array of points. |
XFORMOBJ_iGetFloatObjXform The XFORMOBJ_iGetFloatObjXform function downloads a FLOATOBJ transform to the driver. |
XFORMOBJ_iGetXform The XFORMOBJ_iGetXform function downloads a transform to the driver. |
XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette The XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette function retrieves RGB colors or the bitfields format from the specified palette. |
XLATEOBJ_hGetColorTransform The XLATEOBJ_hGetColorTransform function returns the color transform for the specified translation object. |
XLATEOBJ_iXlate The XLATEOBJ_iXlate function translates a color index of the source palette to the closest index in the destination palette. |
XLATEOBJ_piVector The XLATEOBJ_piVector function retrieves a translation vector that the driver can use to translate source indices to destination indices. |
PFN_DrvQueryGlyphAttrs The DrvQueryGlyphAttrs function returns information about a font's glyphs. |
WNDOBJCHANGEPROC The WNDOBJCHANGEPROC function is a driver-defined callback function that GDI uses to notify the driver of changes to the window in question. |
BLENDOBJ The BLENDOBJ structure controls blending by specifying the blending functions for source and destination bitmaps. |
BRUSHOBJ The BRUSHOBJ structure contains three public members that describe a brush object. |
CIECHROMA The CIECHROMA structure is used to describe the chromaticity coordinates, x and y, and the luminance, Y in CIE color space. |
CLIPLINE The CLIPLINE structure gives the driver access to a portion of a line between two clip regions used for drawing. |
CLIPOBJ The CLIPOBJ structure describes the clip region used when drawing. |
COLORINFO The COLORINFO structure defines a device's colors in CIE coordinate space. |
DEVHTADJDATA The DEVHTADJDATA structure is used as input to the HTUI_DeviceColorAdjustment function. |
DEVHTINFO The DEVHTINFO structure is used as input to the HTUI_DeviceColorAdjustment function. |
DEVINFO The DEVINFO structure provides information about the driver and its private PDEV to the graphics engine. |
DRIVEROBJ The DRIVEROBJ structure is used to track a resource, allocated by a driver, that requires use GDI services. |
DRVENABLEDATA The DRVENABLEDATA structure contains a pointer to an array of DRVFN structures and the graphics DDI version number of an NT-based operating system. |
DRVFN The DRVFN structure is used by graphics drivers to provide GDI with pointers to the graphics DDI functions defined by the driver. |
ENG_TIME_FIELDS The ENG_TIME_FIELDS structure is used by the EngQueryLocalTime function to return the local time. |
ENGSAFESEMAPHORE The ENGSAFESEMAPHORE structure provides the driver with a thread-safe semaphore. |
ENUMRECTS The ENUMRECTS structure is used by the CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart function to provide information about rectangles in a clip region for the CLIPOBJ_bEnum function. |
FD_DEVICEMETRICS The FD_DEVICEMETRICS structure is used to provide device-specific font information to GDI if the iMode parameter of the driver-supplied DrvQueryFontData function is QFD_MAXEXTENTS. |
FD_GLYPHATTR The FD_GLYPHATTR structure is used to specify the return value for the FONTOBJ_pQueryGlyphAttrs and DrvQueryGlyphAttrs functions. |
FD_GLYPHSET The FD_GLYPHSET structure is used to define the mappings from Unicode characters to glyph handles. |
FD_KERNINGPAIR The FD_KERNINGPAIR structure is used to store information about kerning pairs. |
FD_XFORM The FD_XFORM structure describes an arbitrary two-dimensional font transform. |
FLOATOBJ The FLOATOBJ structure is used to emulate a floating-point number. |
FLOATOBJ_XFORM The FLOATOBJ_XFORM structure describes an arbitrary linear two-dimensional transform, such as for geometric wide lines. (FLOATOBJ_XFORM) |
FONTDIFF The FONTDIFF structure describes all of the characteristics that are different between a base font and one of its simulations. |
FONTINFO The FONTINFO structure contains information regarding a specific font. |
FONTOBJ The FONTOBJ structure is used to give a driver access to information about a particular instance of a font. |
FONTSIM The FONTSIM structure contains offsets to one or more FONTDIFF structures describing bold, italic, and bold italic font simulations. |
GAMMARAMP The GAMMARAMP structure is used by DrvIcmSetDeviceGammaRamp to set the hardware gamma ramp of a particular display device. |
GDIINFO The GDIINFO structure describes the graphics capabilities of a given device. |
GLYPHBITS The GLYPHBITS structure is used to define a glyph bitmap. |
GLYPHDATA The GLYPHDATA structure contains information about an individual glyph. |
GLYPHDEF The GLYPHDEF union identifies individual glyphs and provides either a pointer to a GLYPHBITS structure or a pointer to a PATHOBJ structure. |
GLYPHPOS The GLYPHPOS structure is used by GDI to provide a graphics driver with a glyph's description and position. |
IFIEXTRA The IFIEXTRA structure defines additional information for a given typeface that GDI can use. |
IFIMETRICS The IFIMETRICS structure defines information for a given typeface that GDI can use. |
LINEATTRS The LINEATTRS structure is used by a driver's line-drawing functions to determine line attributes. |
PALOBJ The PALOBJ structure is a user object that represents an indexed color palette. |
PATHDATA The PATHDATA structure describes all or part of a subpath. |
PATHOBJ The PATHOBJ structure is used to describe a set of lines and Bezier curves that are to be stroked or filled. |
PERBANDINFO The PERBANDINFO structure is used as input to a printer graphics DLL's DrvQueryPerBandInfo function. |
RUN The RUN structure is used to describe a linear set of pixels that is not clipped by the CLIPLINE structure. |
STROBJ The STROBJ class, or text string object, contains an enumeration of glyph handles and positions for the device driver. |
SURFOBJ The SURFOBJ structure is the user object for a surface. A device driver usually calls methods on a surface object only when the surface object represents a GDI bitmap or a device-managed surface. |
TYPE1_FONT The TYPE1_FONT structure contains the information necessary for a PostScript driver to access a Type1 font through GDI. |
WCRUN The WCRUN structure describes a run of Unicode characters. |
WNDOBJ The WNDOBJ structure allows the driver to keep track of the position, size, and visible client region changes of a window. |
XFORML The FLOATOBJ_XFORM structure describes an arbitrary linear two-dimensional transform, such as for geometric wide lines.F |
XFORMOBJ The XFORMOBJ structure describes an arbitrary linear two-dimensional transform, such as for geometric wide lines. |
XLATEOBJ The XLATEOBJ structure is used to translate color indexes from one palette to another. |