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Service Resource Replica Overview

Describes a replica of a service resource.


Name Type Required
osType string (enum) Yes
codePackages array of ContainerCodePackageProperties Yes
networkRefs array of NetworkRef No
diagnostics DiagnosticsRef No
replicaName string Yes


Type: string (enum)
Required: Yes

The operation system required by the code in service.

Possible values are:

  • Linux - The required operating system is Linux.
  • Windows - The required operating system is Windows.


Type: array of ContainerCodePackageProperties
Required: Yes

Describes the set of code packages that forms the service. A code package describes the container and the properties for running it. All the code packages are started together on the same host and share the same context (network, process etc.).


Type: array of NetworkRef
Required: No

The names of the private networks that this service needs to be part of.


Type: DiagnosticsRef
Required: No

Reference to sinks in DiagnosticsDescription.


Type: string
Required: Yes

Name of the replica.