directxmath.h header
This header is used by DirectXMath. For more information, see:
directxmath.h contains the following programming interfaces:
NA:directxmath::operator- Computes the negation of an XMVECTOR instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator- Subtracts one instance of XMVECTOR from a second instance, returning the result in a new instance of XMVECTOR. |
NA:directxmath::operator* Multiplies one instance of XMVECTOR by a second instance, returning the result in a third instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator* Multiply an instance of XMVECTOR by a floating point value, returning the result a new instance of XMVECTOR. |
NA:directxmath::operator* Multiply a floating point value by an instance of XMVECTOR, returning the result a new instance of XMVECTOR. |
NA:directxmath::operator*= Multiplies one XMVECTOR instance by a second instance, returning a reference to the updated initial instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator*= Multiplies an XMVECTOR instance by a floating point value and returns a reference to the updated instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator/ Divides one instance of XMVECTOR by a second instance, returning the result in a third instance.o |
NA:directxmath::operator/ Divides an XMVECTOR instance by a floating point value, returning the result a new instance of XMVECTOR. |
NA:directxmath::operator/= Divides one XMVECTOR instance by a second instance, returning a reference to the updated initial instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator/= Divides an XMVECTOR instance by a floating point value and returns a reference to the updated instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator+ Performance an identity operation on an XMVECTOR instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator+ Adds two instances of XMVECTOR, returning the result in a new instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator+= Adds a floating point value to an XMVECTOR instance, and returns a reference to the updated instance. |
NA:directxmath::operator-= Subtracts a floating point value from the current instance of XMVECTOR, returning the result in the updated current instance. |
XMColorAdjustContrast Adjusts the contrast value of a color. |
XMColorAdjustSaturation Adjusts the saturation value of a color. |
XMColorEqual Tests for the equality of two colors. |
XMColorGreater Tests whether all the components of the first color are greater than the corresponding components in the second color. |
XMColorGreaterOrEqual Tests whether all the components of the first color are greater than or equal to the corresponding components of the second color. |
XMColorHSLToRGB Converts HSL color values to RGB color values. |
XMColorHSVToRGB Converts HSV color values to RGB color values. |
XMColorIsInfinite Tests to see whether any of the components of a color are either positive or negative infinity. |
XMColorIsNaN Tests to see whether any component of a color is not a number (NaN). |
XMColorLess Tests whether all the components of the first color are less than the corresponding components of the second color. |
XMColorLessOrEqual Tests whether all the components of the first color are less than or equal to the corresponding components of the second color. |
XMColorModulate Blends two colors by multiplying corresponding components together. |
XMColorNegative Determines the negative RGB color value of a color. |
XMColorNotEqual Tests to see whether two colors are unequal. |
XMColorRGBToHSL Converts RGB color values to HSL color values. |
XMColorRGBToHSV Converts RGB color values to HSV color values. |
XMColorRGBToSRGB Converts an RGB color vector to sRGB. |
XMColorRGBToXYZ Converts RGB color values to XYZ color values. |
XMColorRGBToYUV Converts RGB color values to YUV color values. |
XMColorRGBToYUV_HD Converts RGB color values to YUV HD color values. |
XMColorRGBToYUV_UHD Converts RGB color values to YUV UHD color values. |
XMColorSRGBToRGB Converts an sRGB color vector to RGB. |
XMColorSRGBToXYZ Converts SRGB color values to XYZ color values. |
XMColorXYZToRGB Converts XYZ color values to RGB color values. |
XMColorXYZToSRGB Converts XYZ color values to SRGB color values. |
XMColorYUVToRGB Converts YUV color values to RGB color values. |
XMColorYUVToRGB_HD Converts YUV color values to RGB HD color values. |
XMColorYUVToRGB_UHD Converts YUV color values to RGB UHD color values. |
XMComparisonAllFalse Tests the comparison value to determine if all of the compared components are false. |
XMComparisonAllInBounds Tests the comparison value to determine if all of the compared components are within set bounds. |
XMComparisonAllTrue Tests the comparison value to determine if all of the compared components are true. |
XMComparisonAnyFalse Tests the comparison value to determine if any of the compared components are false. |
XMComparisonAnyOutOfBounds Tests the comparison value to determine if any of the compared components are outside the set bounds. |
XMComparisonAnyTrue Tests the comparison value to determine if any of the compared components are true. |
XMComparisonMixed Tests the comparison value to determine if the compared components had mixed results--some true and some false. |
XMConvertToDegrees Converts an angle measured in radians into one measured in degrees. |
XMConvertToRadians Converts an angle measured in degrees into one measured in radians. |
XMConvertVectorFloatToInt Converts an XMVECTOR with float components to an XMVECTOR with int32_t components and applies a uniform bias. |
XMConvertVectorFloatToUInt Converts an XMVECTOR with float components to an XMVECTOR with uint32_t components and applies a uniform bias. |
XMConvertVectorIntToFloat Converts an XMVECTOR with int32_t components to an XMVECTOR with float components and applies a uniform bias. |
XMConvertVectorUIntToFloat Converts an XMVECTOR with uint32_t components to an XMVECTOR with float components and applies a uniform bias. |
XMFresnelTerm Calculates the Fresnel term for unpolarized light. |
XMLoadFloat Loads a floating-point scalar value into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat2 Loads an XMFLOAT2 into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat2A Loads an XMFLOAT2A into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat3 Loads an XMFLOAT3 into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat3A Loads an XMFLOAT3A into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat3x3 Loads an XMFLOAT3X3 into an XMMATRIX. |
XMLoadFloat3x4 Loads an XMFLOAT3X4 into an XMMATRIX. |
XMLoadFloat3x4A Loads an XMFLOAT3X4A into an XMMATRIX. |
XMLoadFloat4 Loads an XMFLOAT4 into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat4A Loads an XMFLOAT4A into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat4x3 Loads an XMFLOAT4X3 into an XMMATRIX. |
XMLoadFloat4x3A Loads an XMFLOAT4X3A into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadFloat4x4 Loads an XMFLOAT4X4 into an XMMATRIX. |
XMLoadFloat4x4A Loads an XMFLOAT4X4A into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadInt Loads a scalar value into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadInt2 Loads data into the x and y components of an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadInt2A Loads 16-byte aligned data into the x and y components of an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadInt3 Loads data into the x, y, and z components of an XMVECTOR, without type checking. |
XMLoadInt3A Loads 16-byte aligned data into the x, y, and z components of an XMVECTOR, without type checking. |
XMLoadInt4 Loads data into an XMVECTOR, without type checking. |
XMLoadInt4A Loads 16-byte aligned data into an XMVECTOR, without type checking. |
XMLoadSInt2 Loads signed integer data into the x and y components of an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadSInt3 Loads signed integer data into the x, y, and z components of an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadSInt4 Loads signed integer data into an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadUInt2 Loads unsigned integer data into the x and y components of an XMVECTOR. |
XMLoadUInt3 Loads unsigned integer data into the x, y, and z components of an XMVECTOR, without type checking. |
XMLoadUInt4 Loads unsigned integer data into an XMVECTOR. |
XMMatrixAffineTransformation Builds an affine transformation matrix. |
XMMatrixAffineTransformation2D Builds a 2D affine transformation matrix in the xy plane. |
XMMatrixDecompose Breaks down a general 3D transformation matrix into its scalar, rotational, and translational components. |
XMMatrixDeterminant Computes the determinant of a matrix. |
XMMatrixIdentity Builds the identity matrix. |
XMMatrixInverse Computes the inverse of a matrix. |
XMMatrixIsIdentity Tests whether a matrix is the identity matrix. |
XMMatrixIsInfinite Tests whether any of the elements of a matrix are positive or negative infinity. |
XMMatrixIsNaN Tests whether any of the elements of a matrix are NaN. |
XMMatrixLookAtLH Builds a view matrix for a left-handed coordinate system using a camera position, an up direction, and a focal point. |
XMMatrixLookAtRH Builds a view matrix for a right-handed coordinate system using a camera position, an up direction, and a focal point. |
XMMatrixLookToLH Builds a view matrix for a left-handed coordinate system using a camera position, an up direction, and a camera direction. |
XMMatrixLookToRH Builds a view matrix for a right-handed coordinate system using a camera position, an up direction, and a camera direction. |
XMMatrixMultiply Computes the product of two matrices. |
XMMatrixMultiplyTranspose Computes the transpose of the product of two matrices. |
XMMatrixOrthographicLH Builds an orthogonal projection matrix for a left-handed coordinate system. |
XMMatrixOrthographicOffCenterLH Builds a custom orthogonal projection matrix for a left-handed coordinate system. |
XMMatrixOrthographicOffCenterRH Builds a custom orthogonal projection matrix for a right-handed coordinate system. |
XMMatrixOrthographicRH Builds an orthogonal projection matrix for a right-handed coordinate system. |
XMMatrixPerspectiveFovLH Builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view. |
XMMatrixPerspectiveFovRH Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix based on a field of view. |
XMMatrixPerspectiveLH Builds a left-handed perspective projection matrix. |
XMMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH Builds a custom version of a left-handed perspective projection matrix. |
XMMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterRH Builds a custom version of a right-handed perspective projection matrix. |
XMMatrixPerspectiveRH Builds a right-handed perspective projection matrix. |
XMMatrixReflect Builds a transformation matrix designed to reflect vectors through a given plane. |
XMMatrixRotationAxis Builds a matrix that rotates around an arbitrary axis. |
XMMatrixRotationNormal Builds a matrix that rotates around an arbitrary normal vector. |
XMMatrixRotationQuaternion Builds a rotation matrix from a quaternion. |
XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYaw Builds a rotation matrix based on a given pitch, yaw, and roll (Euler angles). |
XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYawFromVector Builds a rotation matrix based on a vector containing the Euler angles (pitch, yaw, and roll). |
XMMatrixRotationX Builds a matrix that rotates around the x-axis. |
XMMatrixRotationY Builds a matrix that rotates around the y-axis. |
XMMatrixRotationZ Builds a matrix that rotates around the z-axis. |
XMMatrixScaling Builds a matrix that scales along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. |
XMMatrixScalingFromVector Builds a scaling matrix from a 3D vector. |
XMMatrixSet Creates a matrix with float values. |
XMMatrixShadow Builds a transformation matrix that flattens geometry into a plane. |
XMMatrixTransformation Builds a transformation matrix. |
XMMatrixTransformation2D Builds a 2D transformation matrix in the xy plane. |
XMMatrixTranslation Builds a translation matrix from the specified offsets. |
XMMatrixTranslationFromVector Builds a translation matrix from a vector. |
XMMatrixTranspose Computes the transpose of a matrix. |
XMMatrixVectorTensorProduct Builds an matrix from two vectors |
XMPlaneDot Calculates the dot product between an input plane and a 4D vector. |
XMPlaneDotCoord Calculates the dot product between an input plane and a 3D vector. |
XMPlaneDotNormal Calculates the dot product between the normal vector of a plane and a 3D vector. |
XMPlaneEqual Determines if two planes are equal. |
XMPlaneFromPointNormal Computes the equation of a plane constructed from a point in the plane and a normal vector. |
XMPlaneFromPoints Computes the equation of a plane constructed from three points in the plane. |
XMPlaneIntersectLine Finds the intersection between a plane and a line. |
XMPlaneIntersectPlane Finds the intersection of two planes. |
XMPlaneIsInfinite Tests whether any of the coefficients of a plane is positive or negative infinity. |
XMPlaneIsNaN Tests whether any of the coefficients of a plane is a NaN. |
XMPlaneNearEqual Determines whether two planes are nearly equal. |
XMPlaneNormalize Normalizes the coefficients of a plane so that coefficients of x, y, and z form a unit normal vector. |
XMPlaneNormalizeEst Estimates the coefficients of a plane so that coefficients of x, y, and z form a unit normal vector. |
XMPlaneNotEqual Determines if two planes are unequal. |
XMPlaneTransform Transforms a plane by a given matrix. |
XMPlaneTransformStream Transforms a stream of planes by a given matrix. |
XMQuaternionBaryCentric Returns a point in barycentric coordinates, using the specified quaternions. (XMQuaternionBaryCentric) |
XMQuaternionBaryCentricV Returns a point in barycentric coordinates, using the specified quaternions. (XMQuaternionBaryCentricV) |
XMQuaternionConjugate Computes the conjugate of a quaternion. |
XMQuaternionDot Computes the dot product of two quaternions. |
XMQuaternionEqual Tests whether two quaternions are equal. |
XMQuaternionExp Computes the exponential of a given pure quaternion. |
XMQuaternionIdentity Returns the identity quaternion. |
XMQuaternionInverse Computes the inverse of a quaternion. |
XMQuaternionIsIdentity Tests whether a specific quaternion is the identity quaternion. |
XMQuaternionIsInfinite Test whether any component of a quaternion is either positive or negative infinity. |
XMQuaternionIsNaN Test whether any component of a quaternion is a NaN. |
XMQuaternionLength Computes the magnitude of a quaternion. |
XMQuaternionLengthSq Computes the square of the magnitude of a quaternion. |
XMQuaternionLn Computes the natural logarithm of a given unit quaternion. |
XMQuaternionMultiply Computes the product of two quaternions. |
XMQuaternionNormalize Normalizes a quaternion. |
XMQuaternionNormalizeEst Estimates the normalized version of a quaternion. |
XMQuaternionNotEqual Tests whether two quaternions are not equal. |
XMQuaternionReciprocalLength Computes the reciprocal of the magnitude of a quaternion. |
XMQuaternionRotationAxis Computes a rotation quaternion about an axis. |
XMQuaternionRotationMatrix Computes a rotation quaternion from a rotation matrix. |
XMQuaternionRotationNormal Computes the rotation quaternion about a normal vector. |
XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw Computes a rotation quaternion based on the pitch, yaw, and roll (Euler angles). |
XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector Computes a rotation quaternion based on a vector containing the Euler angles (pitch, yaw, and roll). |
XMQuaternionSlerp Interpolates between two unit quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation. (XMQuaternionSlerp) |
XMQuaternionSlerpV Interpolates between two unit quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation. (XMQuaternionSlerpV) |
XMQuaternionSquad Interpolates between four unit quaternions, using spherical quadrangle interpolation. (XMQuaternionSquad) |
XMQuaternionSquadSetup Provides addresses of setup control points for spherical quadrangle interpolation. |
XMQuaternionSquadV Interpolates between four unit quaternions, using spherical quadrangle interpolation. (XMQuaternionSquadV) |
XMQuaternionToAxisAngle Computes an axis and angle of rotation about that axis for a given quaternion. |
XMScalarACos Computes the arccosine of a floating-point number. |
XMScalarACosEst Estimates the arccosine of a floating-point number. |
XMScalarASin Computes the arcsine of a floating-point number. |
XMScalarASinEst Estimates the arcsine of a floating-point number. |
XMScalarCos Computes the cosine of a radian angle. |
XMScalarCosEst Estimates the cosine of a radian angle. |
XMScalarModAngle Computes an angle between -XM_PI and XM_PI. |
XMScalarNearEqual Determines if two floating-point values are nearly equal. |
XMScalarSin Computes the sine of a radian angle. |
XMScalarSinCos Computes both the sine and cosine of a radian angle. |
XMScalarSinCosEst Estimates both the sine and cosine of a radian angle. |
XMScalarSinEst Estimates the sine of a radian angle. |
XMStoreFloat Stores an XMVECTOR in a float. |
XMStoreFloat2 Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT2. |
XMStoreFloat2A Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT2A. |
XMStoreFloat3 Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT3. |
XMStoreFloat3A Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT3A. |
XMStoreFloat3x3 Stores an XMMATRIX in an XMFLOAT3X3. |
XMStoreFloat3x4 Stores an XMMATRIX in an XMFLOAT3X4. |
XMStoreFloat3x4A Stores an XMMATRIX in an XMFLOAT3X4A. |
XMStoreFloat4 Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT4. |
XMStoreFloat4A Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT4A. |
XMStoreFloat4x3 Stores an XMMATRIX in an XMFLOAT4X3. |
XMStoreFloat4x3A Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT4X3A. |
XMStoreFloat4x4 Stores an XMMATRIX in an XMFLOAT4X4. |
XMStoreFloat4x4A Stores an XMVECTOR in an XMFLOAT4X4A. |
XMStoreInt Stores an XMVECTOR in a uint32_t. |
XMStoreInt2 Stores an XMVECTOR in a 2-element uint32_t array. |
XMStoreInt2A Stores an XMVECTOR in a 16-byte aligned 2 element uint32_t array. |
XMStoreInt3 Stores an XMVECTOR in a 3-element uint32_t array. |
XMStoreInt3A Stores an XMVECTOR in a 16-byte aligned 3 element uint32_t array. |
XMStoreInt4 Stores an XMVECTOR in a 4-element uint32_t array. |
XMStoreInt4A Stores an XMVECTOR in a 16-byte aligned 4 element uint32_t array. |
XMStoreSInt2 Stores signed integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMINT2 structure. |
XMStoreSInt3 Stores signed integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMINT3 structure. |
XMStoreSInt4 Stores signed integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMINT4 structure. |
XMStoreUInt2 Stores unsigned integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMUINT2 structure. |
XMStoreUInt3 Stores unsigned integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMUINT3 structure. |
XMStoreUInt4 Stores unsigned integer data from an XMVECTOR in an XMUINT4 structure. |
XMVector2AngleBetweenNormals Computes the radian angle between two normalized 2D vectors. |
XMVector2AngleBetweenNormalsEst Estimates the radian angle between two normalized 2D vectors. |
XMVector2AngleBetweenVectors Computes the radian angle between two 2D vectors. |
XMVector2ClampLength Clamps the length of a 2D vector to a given range. (XMVector2ClampLength) |
XMVector2ClampLengthV Clamps the length of a 2D vector to a given range. (XMVector2ClampLengthV) |
XMVector2Cross Computes the 2D cross product. |
XMVector2Dot Computes the dot product between 2D vectors. |
XMVector2Equal Tests whether two 2D vectors are equal. |
XMVector2EqualInt Tests whether two 2D vectors are equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVector2EqualIntR Tests whether two 2D vectors are equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. In addition, this function returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector2EqualR Tests whether two 2D vectors are equal. In addition, this function returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector2Greater Tests whether one 2D vector is greater than another 2D vector. |
XMVector2GreaterOrEqual Tests whether one 2D vector is greater-than-or-equal-to another 2D vector. |
XMVector2GreaterOrEqualR Tests whether one 2D vector is greater-than-or-equal-to another 2D vector and returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector2GreaterR Tests whether one 2D vector is greater than another 2D vector and returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector2InBounds Tests whether the components of a 2D vector are within set bounds. |
XMVector2IntersectLine Finds the intersection of two lines. |
XMVector2IsInfinite Tests whether any component of a 2D vector is positive or negative infinity. |
XMVector2IsNaN Tests whether any component of a 2D vector is a NaN. |
XMVector2Length Computes the length of a 2D vector. |
XMVector2LengthEst Estimates the length of a 2D vector. |
XMVector2LengthSq Computes the square of the length of a 2D vector. |
XMVector2Less Tests whether one 2D vector is less than another 2D vector. |
XMVector2LessOrEqual Tests whether one 2D vector is less-than-or-equal-to another 2D vector. |
XMVector2LinePointDistance Computes the minimum distance between a line and a point. (XMVector2LinePointDistance) |
XMVector2NearEqual Tests whether one 2D vector is near another 2D vector. |
XMVector2Normalize Returns the normalized version of a 2D vector. |
XMVector2NormalizeEst Estimates the normalized version of a 2D vector. |
XMVector2NotEqual Tests whether two 2D vectors are not equal. |
XMVector2NotEqualInt Test whether two vectors are not equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVector2Orthogonal Computes a vector perpendicular to a 2D vector. |
XMVector2ReciprocalLength Computes the reciprocal of the length of a 2D vector. |
XMVector2ReciprocalLengthEst Estimates the reciprocal of the length of a 2D vector. |
XMVector2Reflect Reflects an incident 2D vector across a 2D normal vector. |
XMVector2Refract Refracts an incident 2D vector across a 2D normal vector. (XMVector2Refract) |
XMVector2RefractV Refracts an incident 2D vector across a 2D normal vector. (XMVector2RefractV) |
XMVector2Transform Transforms a 2D vector by a matrix. |
XMVector2TransformCoord Transforms a 2D vector by a given matrix, projecting the result back into w = 1. |
XMVector2TransformCoordStream Transforms a stream of 2D vectors by a given matrix, projecting the resulting vectors such that their w coordinates are equal to 1.0. |
XMVector2TransformNormal Transforms the 2D vector normal by the given matrix. |
XMVector2TransformNormalStream Transforms a stream of 2D normal vectors by a given matrix. |
XMVector2TransformStream Transforms a stream of 2D vectors by a given matrix. |
XMVector3AngleBetweenNormals Computes the radian angle between two normalized 3D vectors. |
XMVector3AngleBetweenNormalsEst Estimates the radian angle between two normalized 3D vectors. |
XMVector3AngleBetweenVectors Computes the radian angle between two 3D vectors. |
XMVector3ClampLength Clamps the length of a 3D vector to a given range. (XMVector3ClampLength) |
XMVector3ClampLengthV Clamps the length of a 3D vector to a given range. (XMVector3ClampLengthV) |
XMVector3ComponentsFromNormal Using a reference normal vector, splits a 3D vector into components that are parallel and perpendicular to the normal. |
XMVector3Cross Computes the cross product between two 3D vectors. |
XMVector3Dot Computes the dot product between 3D vectors. |
XMVector3Equal Tests whether two 3D vectors are equal. |
XMVector3EqualInt Tests whether two 3D vectors are equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVector3EqualIntR Tests whether two 3D vectors are equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. In addition, this function returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector3EqualR Tests whether two 3D vectors are equal. In addition, this function returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector3Greater Tests whether one 3D vector is greater than another 3D vector. |
XMVector3GreaterOrEqual Tests whether one 3D vector is greater-than-or-equal-to another 3D vector. |
XMVector3GreaterOrEqualR Tests whether one 3D vector is greater-than-or-equal-to another 3D vector and returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector3GreaterR Tests whether one 3D vector is greater than another 3D vector and returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector3InBounds Tests whether the components of a 3D vector are within set bounds. |
XMVector3InverseRotate Rotates a 3D vector using the inverse of a quaternion. |
XMVector3IsInfinite Tests whether any component of a 3D vector is positive or negative infinity. |
XMVector3IsNaN Tests whether any component of a 3D vector is a NaN. |
XMVector3Length Computes the length of a 3D vector. |
XMVector3LengthEst Estimates the length of a 3D vector. |
XMVector3LengthSq Computes the square of the length of a 3D vector. |
XMVector3Less Tests whether one 3D vector is less than another 3D vector. |
XMVector3LessOrEqual Tests whether one 3D vector is less-than-or-equal-to another 3D vector. |
XMVector3LinePointDistance Computes the minimum distance between a line and a point. (XMVector3LinePointDistance) |
XMVector3NearEqual Tests whether one 3D vector is near another 3D vector. |
XMVector3Normalize Returns the normalized version of a 3D vector. |
XMVector3NormalizeEst Estimates the normalized version of a 3D vector. |
XMVector3NotEqual Tests whether two 3D vectors are not equal. |
XMVector3NotEqualInt Test whether two 3D vectors are not equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVector3Orthogonal Computes a vector perpendicular to a 3D vector. |
XMVector3Project Project a 3D vector from object space into screen space. |
XMVector3ProjectStream Projects a stream of 3D vectors from object space into screen space. |
XMVector3ReciprocalLength Computes the reciprocal of the length of a 3D vector. |
XMVector3ReciprocalLengthEst Estimates the reciprocal of the length of a 3D vector. |
XMVector3Reflect Reflects an incident 3D vector across a 3D normal vector. |
XMVector3Refract Refracts an incident 3D vector across a 3D normal vector. (XMVector3Refract) |
XMVector3RefractV Refracts an incident 3D vector across a 3D normal vector. (XMVector3RefractV) |
XMVector3Rotate Rotates a 3D vector using a quaternion. |
XMVector3Transform Transforms a 3D vector by a matrix. |
XMVector3TransformCoord Transforms a 3D vector by a given matrix, projecting the result back into w = 1. |
XMVector3TransformCoordStream Transforms a stream of 3D vectors by a given matrix, projecting the resulting vectors such that their w coordinates are equal to 1.0. |
XMVector3TransformNormal Transforms the 3D vector normal by the given matrix. |
XMVector3TransformNormalStream Transforms a stream of 3D normal vectors by a given matrix. |
XMVector3TransformStream Transforms a stream of 3D vectors by a given matrix. |
XMVector3Unproject Projects a 3D vector from screen space into object space. |
XMVector3UnprojectStream Transforms a stream of 3D vectors from screen space to object space. |
XMVector4AngleBetweenNormals Compute the radian angle between two normalized 4D vectors. |
XMVector4AngleBetweenNormalsEst Estimates the radian angle between two normalized 4D vectors. |
XMVector4AngleBetweenVectors Compute the radian angle between two 4D vectors. |
XMVector4ClampLength Clamps the length of a 4D vector to a given range. (XMVector4ClampLength) |
XMVector4ClampLengthV Clamps the length of a 4D vector to a given range. (XMVector4ClampLengthV) |
XMVector4Cross Computes the 4D cross product. |
XMVector4Dot Computes the dot product between 4D vectors. |
XMVector4Equal Tests whether two 4D vectors are equal. |
XMVector4EqualInt Tests whether two 4D vectors are equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVector4EqualIntR Tests whether two 4D vectors are equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. In addition, this function returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector4EqualR Tests whether two 4D vectors are equal. In addition, this function returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector4Greater Tests whether one 4D vector is greater than another 4D vector. |
XMVector4GreaterOrEqual Tests whether one 4D vector is greater-than-or-equal-to another 4D vector. |
XMVector4GreaterOrEqualR Tests whether one 4D vector is greater-than-or-equal-to another 4D vector and returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector4GreaterR Tests whether one 4D vector is greater than another 4D vector and returns a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVector4InBounds Tests whether the components of a 4D vector are within set bounds. |
XMVector4IsInfinite Tests whether any component of a 4D vector is positive or negative infinity. |
XMVector4IsNaN Tests whether any component of a 4D vector is a NaN. |
XMVector4Length Computes the length of a 4D vector. |
XMVector4LengthEst Estimates the length of a 4D vector. |
XMVector4LengthSq Computes the square of the length of a 4D vector. |
XMVector4Less Tests whether one 4D vector is less than another 4D vector. |
XMVector4LessOrEqual Tests whether one 4D vector is less-than-or-equal-to another 4D vector. |
XMVector4NearEqual Tests whether one 4D vector is near another 4D vector. |
XMVector4Normalize Returns the normalized version of a 4D vector. |
XMVector4NormalizeEst Estimates the normalized version of a 4D vector. |
XMVector4NotEqual Tests whether two 4D vectors are not equal. |
XMVector4NotEqualInt Test whether two 4D vectors are not equal, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVector4Orthogonal Computes a vector perpendicular to a 4D vector. |
XMVector4ReciprocalLength Computes the reciprocal of the length of a 4D vector. |
XMVector4ReciprocalLengthEst Estimates the reciprocal of the length of a 4D vector. |
XMVector4Reflect Reflects an incident 4D vector across a 4D normal vector. |
XMVector4Refract Refracts an incident 4D vector across a 4D normal vector. (XMVector4Refract) |
XMVector4RefractV Refracts an incident 4D vector across a 4D normal vector. (XMVector4RefractV) |
XMVector4Transform Transforms a 4D vector by a matrix. |
XMVector4TransformStream Transforms a stream of 4D vectors by a given matrix. |
XMVectorAbs Computes the absolute value of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorACos Computes the arccosine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorACosEst Estimates the arccosine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorAdd Computes the sum of two vectors. |
XMVectorAddAngles Adds two vectors representing angles. |
XMVectorAndCInt Computes the logical AND of one vector with the negation of a second vector, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVectorAndInt Computes the logical AND of two vectors, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVectorASin Computes the arcsine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorASinEst Estimates the arcsine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorATan Computes the arctangent of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorATan2 Computes the arctangent of Y/X. |
XMVectorATan2Est Estimates the arctangent of Y/X. |
XMVectorATanEst Estimates the arctangent of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorBaryCentric Returns a point in Barycentric coordinates, using the specified position vectors. (XMVectorBaryCentric) |
XMVectorBaryCentricV Returns a point in Barycentric coordinates, using the specified position vectors. (XMVectorBaryCentricV) |
XMVectorCatmullRom Performs a Catmull-Rom interpolation, using the specified position vectors. (XMVectorCatmullRom) |
XMVectorCatmullRomV Performs a Catmull-Rom interpolation, using the specified position vectors. (XMVectorCatmullRomV) |
XMVectorCeiling Computes the ceiling of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorClamp Clamps the components of a vector to a specified minimum and maximum range. |
XMVectorCos Computes the cosine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorCosEst Estimates the cosine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorCosH Computes the hyperbolic cosine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorDivide Divides one instance of XMVECTOR by a second instance, returning the result in a third instance. (XMVectorDivide) |
XMVectorEqual Performs a per-component test for equality of two vectors. |
XMVectorEqualInt Performs a per-component test for the equality of two vectors, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVectorEqualIntR Performs a per-component test for equality of two vectors, treating each component as an unsigned integer. In addition, this function sets a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVectorEqualR Performs a per-component test for equality of two vectors and sets a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVectorExp Computes two raised to the power for each component.Note This function is a compatibility alias for XMVectorExp2 for existing Windows 8 code. This function is deprecated for Windows 8.1. Don't use it and instead use XMVectorExp2 or XMVectorExpE. . |
XMVectorExp10 Computes ten raised to the power for each component. |
XMVectorExp2 Computes two raised to the power for each component. |
XMVectorExpE Computes e (~2.71828) raised to the power for each component. |
XMVectorFalseInt Returns the zero (false) vector. |
XMVectorFloor Computes the floor of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorGetByIndex Retrieve the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing floating-point data by index. |
XMVectorGetByIndexPtr Retrieve, into an instance of a floating-point referenced by pointer, the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing floating-point data, referenced by index. |
XMVectorGetIntByIndex Retrieve the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data by index. |
XMVectorGetIntByIndexPtr Retrieve, into an instance of an integer referenced by pointer, the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data by index. |
XMVectorGetIntW Retrieve the w component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetIntW) |
XMVectorGetIntWPtr Retrieves the w component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data, and stores that component's value in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGetIntX Retrieve the x component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetIntX) |
XMVectorGetIntXPtr Retrieves the x component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data, and stores that component's value in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGetIntY Retrieve the y component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetIntY) |
XMVectorGetIntYPtr Retrieves the y component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data, and stores that component's value in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGetIntZ Retrieve the z component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetIntZ) |
XMVectorGetIntZPtr Retrieves the z component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data, and stores that component's value in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGetW Retrieve the w component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetW) |
XMVectorGetWPtr Retrieve the w component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing floating-point data, and storing that component's value in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGetX Retrieve the x component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetX) |
XMVectorGetXPtr Retrieve the x component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing floating-point data, and storing that component's value in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGetY Retrieve the y component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetY) |
XMVectorGetYPtr Retrieve the y component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing floating-point data, and storing that component's value in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGetZ Retrieve the z component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorGetZ) |
XMVectorGetZPtr Retrieve the z component of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing floating-point data, and storing that component's value in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorGreater Performs a per-component test for greater-than between two vectors. |
XMVectorGreaterOrEqual Performs a per-component test for greater-than-or-equal between two vectors. |
XMVectorGreaterOrEqualR Performs a per-component test for greater-than-or-equal between two vectors and sets a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVectorGreaterR Performs a per-component test for greater-than between two vectors and sets a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVectorHermite Performs a Hermite spline interpolation, using the specified vectors. (XMVectorHermite) |
XMVectorHermiteV Performs a Hermite spline interpolation, using the specified vectors. (XMVectorHermiteV) |
XMVectorInBounds Tests whether the components of a given vector are within set bounds. |
XMVectorInBoundsR Tests whether the components of a given vector are within certain bounds and sets a comparison value that can be examined using functions such as XMComparisonAllTrue. |
XMVectorInsert Rotates a vector left by a given number of 32-bit components and insert selected elements of that result into another vector. |
XMVectorIsInfinite Performs a per-component test for +/- infinity on a vector. |
XMVectorIsNaN Performs a per-component NaN test on a vector. |
XMVectorLerp Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors. (XMVectorLerp) |
XMVectorLerpV Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors. (XMVectorLerpV) |
XMVectorLess Performs a per-component test for less-than between two vectors. |
XMVectorLessOrEqual Performs a per-component test for less-than-or-equal between two vectors. |
XMVectorLog Computes the base two logarithm of each component of a vector.Note This function is a compatibility alias for XMVectorLog2 for existing Windows 8 code. |
XMVectorLog10 Computes the base ten logarithm of each component of a vector. |
XMVectorLog2 Computes the base two logarithm of each component of a vector. |
XMVectorLogE Computes the base e logarithm of each component of a vector. |
XMVectorMax Makes a per-component comparison between two vectors, and returns a vector containing the largest components. |
XMVectorMergeXY Creates a new vector by combining the x and y-components of two vectors. |
XMVectorMergeZW Creates a new vector by combining the z and w-components of two vectors. |
XMVectorMin Makes a per-component comparison between two vectors, and returns a vector containing the smallest components. |
XMVectorMod Computes the per-component floating-point remainder of the quotient of two vectors. |
XMVectorModAngles Computes the per-component angle modulo 2PI. |
XMVectorMultiply Computes the per-component product of two vectors. |
XMVectorMultiplyAdd Computes the product of the first two vectors added to the third vector. |
XMVectorNearEqual Performs a per-component test for equality of two vectors within a given threshold. |
XMVectorNegate Computes the negation of a vector. |
XMVectorNegativeMultiplySubtract Computes the difference of a third vector and the product of the first two vectors. |
XMVectorNorInt Computes the logical NOR of two vectors, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVectorNotEqual Performs a per-component test for the inequality of two vectors. |
XMVectorNotEqualInt Performs a per-component test for the inequality of two vectors, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVectorOrInt Computes the logical OR of two vectors, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVectorPermute Permutes the components of two vectors to create a new vector. |
XMVectorPow Computes V1 raised to the power of V2. |
XMVectorReciprocal Computes the per-component reciprocal of a vector. |
XMVectorReciprocalEst Estimates the per-component reciprocal of a vector. |
XMVectorReciprocalSqrt Computes the per-component reciprocal square root of a vector. |
XMVectorReciprocalSqrtEst Estimates the per-component reciprocal square root of a vector. |
XMVectorReplicate Replicates a floating-point value into all four components of a vector. |
XMVectorReplicateInt Replicates an integer value into all four components of a vector. |
XMVectorReplicateIntPtr Replicates an integer value referenced by a pointer, into all four components of a vector. |
XMVectorReplicatePtr Replicates a floating-point value referenced by pointer into all four components of a vector. |
XMVectorRotateLeft Rotates the vector left by a given number of 32-bit elements. |
XMVectorRotateRight Rotates the vector right by a given number of 32-bit elements. |
XMVectorRound Rounds each component of a vector to the nearest even integer (known as "Bankers Rounding"). |
XMVectorSaturate Saturates each component of a vector to the range 0.0f to 1.0f. |
XMVectorScale Scalar multiplies a vector by a floating-point value. |
XMVectorSelect Performs a per-component selection between two input vectors and returns the resulting vector. |
XMVectorSelectControl Defines a control vector for use in XMVectorSelect. |
XMVectorSet Creates a vector using four floating-point values. |
XMVectorSetBinaryConstant Creates a vector, each of whose components is either 0.0f or 1.0f. |
XMVectorSetByIndex Use a floating-point object to set the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data referenced by an index. |
XMVectorSetByIndexPtr Use a pointer to a floating-point instance to set the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing floating-point data referenced by an index. |
XMVectorSetInt Creates a vector with unsigned integer components. |
XMVectorSetIntByIndex Use an integer instance to set the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Type containing integer data referenced by an index. |
XMVectorSetIntByIndexPtr Use a pointer to an integer instance to set the value of one of the four components of an XMVECTOR Data Typecontaining integer data referenced by an index. |
XMVectorSetIntW Set the value of the w component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetIntW) |
XMVectorSetIntWPtr Sets the w component of an XMVECTOR containing integer data, with a value contained in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorSetIntX Set the value of the x component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetIntX) |
XMVectorSetIntXPtr Sets the x component of an XMVECTOR containing integer data, with a value contained in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorSetIntY Set the value of the y component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetIntY) |
XMVectorSetIntYPtr Sets the y component of an XMVECTOR containing integer data, with a value contained in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorSetIntZ Set the value of the z component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetIntZ) |
XMVectorSetIntZPtr Sets the z component of an XMVECTOR containing integer data, with a value contained in an instance of uint32_t referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorSetW Set the value of the w component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetW) |
XMVectorSetWPtr Sets the w component of an XMVECTOR containing floating-point data, with a value contained in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorSetX Set the value of the x component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetX) |
XMVectorSetXPtr Sets the x component of an XMVECTOR containing floating-point data, with a value contained in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorSetY Set the value of the y component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetY) |
XMVectorSetYPtr Sets the y component of an XMVECTOR containing floating-point data, with a value contained in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorSetZ Set the value of the z component of an XMVECTOR Data Type. (XMVectorSetZ) |
XMVectorSetZPtr Sets the z component of an XMVECTOR containing floating-point data, with a value contained in an instance of float referred to by a pointer. |
XMVectorShiftLeft Shifts a vector left by a given number of 32-bit elements, filling the vacated elements with elements from a second vector. |
XMVectorSin Computes the sine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorSinCos Computes the sine and cosine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorSinCosEst Estimates the sine and cosine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorSinEst Estimates the sine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorSinH Computes the hyperbolic sine of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorSplatConstant Creates a vector with identical floating-point components. Each component is a constant divided by two raised to an integer exponent. |
XMVectorSplatConstantInt Creates a vector with identical integer components. |
XMVectorSplatEpsilon Returns a vector, each of whose components are epsilon (1.192092896e-7). |
XMVectorSplatInfinity Returns a vector, each of whose components are infinity (0x7F800000). |
XMVectorSplatOne Returns a vector, each of whose components are one. |
XMVectorSplatQNaN Returns a vector, each of whose components are QNaN (0x7CF00000). |
XMVectorSplatSignMask Returns a vector, each of whose components are the sign mask (0x80000000). |
XMVectorSplatW Replicates the w component of a vector to all of the components. |
XMVectorSplatX Replicates the x component of a vector to all of the components. |
XMVectorSplatY Replicates the y component of a vector to all of the components. |
XMVectorSplatZ Replicates the z component of a vector to all of the components. |
XMVectorSqrt Computes the per-component square root of a vector. |
XMVectorSqrtEst Estimates the per-component square root of a vector. |
XMVectorSubtract Computes the difference of two vectors. |
XMVectorSubtractAngles Subtracts two vectors representing angles. |
XMVectorSum Computes the horizontal sum of the components of an XMVECTOR. The horizontal sum is the result of adding each component in the vector together. |
XMVectorSwizzle Swizzles a vector. |
XMVectorTan Computes the tangent of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorTanEst Estimates the tangent of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorTanH Computes the hyperbolic tangent of each component of an XMVECTOR. |
XMVectorTrueInt Returns a vector, each of whose components represents true (0xFFFFFFFF). |
XMVectorTruncate Rounds each component of a vector to the nearest integer value in the direction of zero. |
XMVectorXorInt Computes the logical XOR of two vectors, treating each component as an unsigned integer. |
XMVectorZero Creates the zero vector. |
XMVerifyCPUSupport Indicates if the DirectXMath Library supports the current platform. |
XMFLOAT2 A 2D vector consisting of two single-precision floating-point values. |
XMFLOAT2A Describes an XMFLOAT2 structure aligned on a 16-byte boundary. |
XMFLOAT3 Describes a 3D vector consisting of three single-precision floating-point values. |
XMFLOAT3A Describes an XMFLOAT3 structure aligned on a 16-byte boundary. |
XMFLOAT3X3 A 3x3 floating-point matrix. |
XMFLOAT3X4 A 3x4 column-major matrix containing 32-bit floating-point components. |
XMFLOAT3X4A A 3x4 column-major matrix containing 32-bit floating-point components aligned on a 16-byte boundary. |
XMFLOAT4 Describes a 4D vector consisting of four single-precision floating-point values. |
XMFLOAT4A Describes an XMFLOAT4 structure aligned on a 16-byte boundary. |
XMFLOAT4X3 A 4*3 floating point matrix. |
XMFLOAT4X3A Describes an XMFLOAT4X3 structure aligned on a 16-byte boundary. |
XMFLOAT4X4 A 4*4 floating point matrix. |
XMFLOAT4X4A Describes an XMFLOAT4X4 structure aligned on a 16-byte boundary. |
XMINT2 A 2D vector where each component is a signed integer. |
XMINT3 A 3D vector where each component is a signed integer. |
XMINT4 A 4D vector where each component is a signed integer. |
XMMATRIX Describes a 4*4 matrix aligned on a 16-byte boundary that maps to four hardware vector registers. |
XMUINT2 A 2D vector where each component is an unsigned integer. |
XMUINT3 A 3D vector where each component is an unsigned integer. |
XMUINT4 A 4D vector where each component is an unsigned integer. |