cameraStoppedUnexpectedly UFD

The cameraStoppedUnexpectedly UFD event with a true value occurs when the SDK detects that the camera track was muted.

Keep in mind that this event relates to the camera track's mute event triggered by an external source. The event can be triggered on mobile browsers when the browser goes to background. Additionally, in some browser implementations, the browser sends black frames when the video input track is muted.

cameraStoppedUnexpectedly Details
UFD type MediaDiagnostics
value type DiagnosticFlag
possible values true, false


call.feature(Features.UserFacingDiagnostics).media.on('diagnosticChanged', (diagnosticInfo) => {
    if (diagnosticInfo.diagnostic === 'cameraStoppedUnexpectedly') {
       if (diagnosticInfo.value === true) {
           // show a warning message on UI
       } else {
           // The cameraStoppedUnexpectedly UFD recovered, notify the user

How to mitigate or resolve

Your application should subscribe to events from the User Facing Diagnostics and display a message on the user interface to alert users of any camera state changes. This way ensures that users are aware of camera stopped issues and aren't surprised if other participants can't see the video.

Next steps