SOLYP (Preview)
Solyp is designed to bring order and clarity to your strategic processes, empowering you to exceed your goals. Work systematically, collaboratively and effectively on all aspects of strategy and leadership. Succeed decisively in the age of digitization.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Evolutionizer AG |
The connector supports the following authentication types:
Default | Parameters for creating connection. | All regions | Not shareable |
Applicable: All regions
Parameters for creating connection.
This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
Personal Access Token | securestring | Your personal access token | True |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Create a new item |
Create a new item. |
Find items by integration system |
Find items by integration system. |
Get a roadmap |
Get a roadmap. |
Get a user |
Get a user. |
Get all item impacts |
Get all item impacts |
Get all item types |
Get all item types. |
Get all items |
Get all items. |
Get all roadmap impacts |
Get all roadmap impacts |
Get all roadmaps |
Get all roadmaps. |
Get an item |
Get an item. |
Map a value |
Map a value to another value. |
Set an impact value |
Set an impact value. |
Update an item |
Update an item. |
Create a new item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
Item Type
itemTypeId | True | uuid |
The item type id |
name | True | string |
The name |
Short Name
shortName | string |
The short name |
description | string |
The description |
Period Type
periodType | True | string |
The period type |
Start Date
startDate | date-time |
The start date |
End Date
endDate | date-time |
The end date |
Custom Properties
customProperties | dynamic |
The custom properties as map from custom property id to value |
Find items by integration system.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
Integration System
integrationKey | True | string |
The integration system |
Get a roadmap.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
- Body
- Roadmap
Get a user.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
userId | True | uuid |
The user id |
- Body
- User
Get all item impacts
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Roadmap Id
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
Item Id
itemId | True | uuid |
The item id |
- response
- array of Impact
Get all item types.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
- response
- array of ItemType
Get all items.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
Get all roadmap impacts
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Roadmap Id
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
- response
- array of FactImpact
Get an item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
itemId | True | uuid |
The item id |
Map a value to another value.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
name | True | string |
The mapping name |
value | True | string |
The value to map |
from | string |
The value to map from |
to | string |
The value to map to |
def | string |
The default value that will be returned if no mapping matches |
Set an impact value.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Roadmap Id
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
Item Id
itemId | True | uuid |
The item id |
Attribute Id
attributeId | True | uuid |
The attribute id |
Dimension 1 Item Id
dimension01ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 1 item id |
Dimension 2 Item Id
dimension02ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 2 item id |
Dimension 3 Item Id
dimension03ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 3 item id |
Dimension 4 Item Id
dimension04ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 4 item id |
Dimension 5 Item Id
dimension05ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 5 item id |
partition | integer |
The partition |
Period Type
periodType | True | string |
The period type |
year | True | integer |
The year |
Value Type
valueType | True | string |
The value type |
amount | double |
The amount |
- Body
- ImpactValue
Update an item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
roadmapId | True | uuid |
The roadmap id |
itemId | True | uuid |
The item id |
parentId | uuid |
The parent id |
Item Type
itemTypeId | uuid |
The item type id |
name | string |
The name |
Short Name
shortName | string |
The short name |
description | string |
The description |
Period Type
periodType | string |
The period type |
Start Date
startDate | date-time |
The start date |
End Date
endDate | date-time |
The end date |
Custom Properties
customProperties | dynamic |
The custom properties as map from custom property id to value |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Impact Actual Values
actualValues | object |
The actual values of the impact |
Impact Attribute Id
attributeId | uuid |
The attribute id of the impact |
Impact Baseline Values
baselineValues | object |
The baseline values of the impact |
Impact Degree of Implenentation Id
degreeOfImplementationId | uuid |
The degree of implenentation id of the impact |
Impact Dimension 1 Item Id
dimension01ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 1 item id of the impact |
Impact Dimension 2 Item Id
dimension02ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 2 item id of the impact |
Impact Dimension 3 Item Id
dimension03ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 3 item id of the impact |
Impact Dimension 4 Item Id
dimension04ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 4 item id of the impact |
Impact Dimension 5 Item Id
dimension05ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 5 item id of the impact |
Impact Forecast Values
forecastValues | object |
The forecast values of the impact |
Impact Item Id
itemId | uuid |
The item id of the impact |
Impact Plan Values
planValues | object |
The plan values of the impact |
roadmapId | uuid | |
Impact Scenario Id
scenarioId | uuid |
The scenario id of the impact |
Impact Plan Values
targetValues | object |
The plan values of the impact |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Impact Actual Values
actualValues | object |
The actual values of the impact |
Impact Attribute Id
attributeId | uuid |
The attribute id of the impact |
Impact Baseline Values
baselineValues | object |
The baseline values of the impact |
Impact Dimension Splits
dimensionSplits | object |
The dimension splits of the impact |
Impact Forecast Values
forecastValues | object |
The forecast values of the impact |
Impact Id
impactId | uuid |
The impact id of the impact |
Impact type
impactType | string |
The impact type of the impact |
Impact Period Type
periodType | string |
The period type of the impact |
Impact Period Type Value
periodTypeValue | integer |
The period type value of the impact |
Impact Person Id
personId | uuid |
the person id of the impact |
Impact Plan Values
planValues | object |
The plan values of the impact |
Impact Target Values
targetValues | object |
The target values of the impact |
Impact Unit Id
unitId | uuid |
the unit id of the impact |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Impact Value Ammount
amount | double |
the amount of the impact value |
Impact Value Attribute Id
attributeId | uuid |
The attribute id of the impact value |
Impact Value Dimension 1 Item Id
dimension01ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 1 item id of the impact value |
Impact Value Dimension 2 Item Id
dimension02ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 2 item id of the impact value |
Impact Value Dimension 3 Item Id
dimension03ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 3 item id of the impact value |
Impact Value Dimension 4 Item Id
dimension04ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 4 item id of the impact value |
Impact Value Dimension 5 Item Id
dimension05ItemId | uuid |
The dimension 5 item id of the impact value |
Impact Value Impact Series Id
impactSeriesId | uuid |
The impact series id of the impact value |
Impact Value Item Id
itemId | uuid |
The item id of the impact value |
Impact Value Partition
partition | integer |
the partition of the impact value |
Impact Value Period Type
periodType | string |
the period type of the impact value |
Impact Value Persion Id
personId | uuid |
The persion id of the impact value |
Impact Value Unit Id
unitId | uuid |
the unit id of the impact value |
Impact Value Value Type
valueType | string |
the value type of the impact value |
Impact Value Year
year | integer |
the year of the impact value |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Item Type Description
description | string |
The description of the item type |
Item Type Id
itemTypeId | uuid |
The id of the item type |
Item Type Name
name | string |
The name of the item type |
Item Type Roadmap Id
roadmapId | uuid |
The roadmap id of the item type |
Item Type Short Name
shortName | string |
The unique short name of the item type |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Roadmap Description
description | string |
The description of the roadmap |
Roadmap Active Flag
isActive | boolean |
The flag determing if the roadmap is active |
Roadmap Last Edited By
lastEditedBy | uuid |
The id of the last user who edited the roadmap |
Roadmap Last Edited On
lastEditedOn | date-time |
The last date when the roadmap has been edited |
Roadmap Name
name | string |
The name of the roadmap |
Roadmap Responsible Id
responsibleId | uuid |
The id of the roadmap responsible |
Roadmap Id
roadmapId | uuid |
The roadmap id |
Roadmap Short Name
shortName | string |
The unique short name of the roadmap |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
User Display Name
displayName | string |
The display name of the user |
User Email
string |
The email of the user |
User Given Name
givenName | string |
The given name of the user |
User Surname
surname | string |
The surname of the user |
User Id
userId | uuid |
The user id |